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Everything posted by Nihil.9817

  1. no they are op, its because they are op and not because i dont understand the class or why they have the tools they have and how to deal with them, obviously the people who say otherwise are trolls and they are effectively trying to undermine our experience as casual players, i play spvp for the legendary back piece and thats it 😞
  2. giga casuals throw down disgusting gw2 game because didnt spoon feed animesque band of friends arch to you first thing, need to know more cannot infer. the fact that this stuff is spoon fed to you is a genuine criticism but the way the characters are introduced, to me a sweaty nerd who likes rpg's thought the character reintroductions were serviceable at best, i could see what these characters were about visually and i could just listen to what they had to say; if you want to play a game with a good story i recommend morrowind kotor 2 or deus ex , these have exceptionally great stories and you are oh wait they all have characters that your character has an established relationship with and they do the same thing this game did thats crazy, its almost as if its an established thing writers do, thats crazy how does that even work i guess ill just stop playing those games or, pretend i never played them at all, thats a healthy thing adults do right? i dunno i think mmos are like the interaction or the systems put in place that make them good, this game is unfortunately directed towards mr i didnt get to be introduced to my anime friends now i dont want to play the game, and this game probably has the best combat system (feel wise) ive encountered in any game ever and ive played alot of games because im a sweaty nerd, why does this game with the combat it has have to be directed towards people like him, its dejecting, like people who dont play mythics in wow are casuals or like they havent broke past 1900 are casuals but like this games bar of casual is like, "i dont even play the game and im angry about the story" what even
  3. as a longbow main i like these changes, clicking my buttons definitely feels bad when i cant see the thief and that dang shield is up making me not hit them, not to mention when they get behind me and i have to turn and attack them, i hate it when i click my buttons and it doesnt hit them because they are behind me XD
  4. im not sure about the blood magic trait changes but the lesser enfeeble and wurm changes are really bizarre, lesser enfeeble is rarely used in the context that youre going to aggressively use it, its more like "get off me" the wurm utility is picked because it is a port, the cooldown of the port isnt the issue its the stunbreaks are all dog kitten compared to the distance created from wurm, the lich form nerf is deserved but i dunno if its an entirely sound thing to be at .7 maybe 1 or .988 also if it was long enough to get 2 fears off that would be dope, i never used bm because its un-interactive and doesn't give any solid utility outside of the downstate interactions when ressing people (but who even resses people) and unholy martyr, that trait is really really good, im glad you didnt nerf it. i like the nerfs despite me being a necro main but i dunno limiting peoples options isnt good, if other things were good it might open up the choices and build diversity, nerfing this now makes sense but down the road when someone wants to make a dagger sustain build its now less attractive than the axe focus or scepter dagger standard build because of these changes, like think about the utility or the stuff provided from plauge and now its plagulands a thing you put on the ground and you just kinda stand in a circle for 10 seconds or 9 however long it is. im glad the nerfs arent as bad as they possibly could be, please remove trapper rune from the game
  5. why not perma swiftness and superspeed? hello?
  6. bots, wintrading, people only playing pvp for rewards, people intentionally throwing, afk's, lack of build diversity, talents/utilities being outshined or too dogshit to take, people being toxic for no discernable reason, people not communicating in game or expressing what needs to be done to win a game, players being full of themselves to a degree where it is infectious to other players, keyboard turning, lack of updates, reworks. guys, its time to take the bot pill. only way you win in pvp is by botting.
  7. really are doing gods work, thank you bob
  8. does it stack? ive tested it and got something like hit by 444 torment then after going into shroud then leaving shroud with eternal life (prot 3 seconds), dark defiance (mitigate 20% condition damage with prot), and spiteful spirit(resoluion (33% condition damage reduction) 3 seconds per target) i get 230 but if you subtract 33% and then 20% it would give you 237.9 is that right? if it stacked instead of one calculating before the other it would give 235 but instead the game is telling me 230 is the damage accurate? did i math wrong?
  9. i think it would be a good idea to have specific abilities be on specific settings regarding the targeting, certain utilities/weapon skills have ground targeting set to fast with indicator and others be set to instant. for example id rather have my staff marks be on fast with range indicator but have spectral ring and wurm be instant
  10. play anything outside of scrapper and ele im pretty sure you can farm necros if you give them enough pressure, this is a non issue, anet please remove necros from the game thank you
  11. just kick the bad players i dont understand the issue, or leave, you make it toxic by reacting to it, just dont tolerate it gg ez
  12. we need more self sustain guys, imagine if no one died during a match, that would be really fun and cool because more builds, because unranked doesnt need that balance, they should have 2 different ques with completely different balance, that would be really cool for when you want to practice in unranked and have 2 metas going, or just a complete mess of what to expect, completely negating the reason why you would que for unranked in the first place. bring back the amuletES anet rn >:( if they keep doing this they will have no more amulets i heard a streamer once and he said something and im just regurgitating it in a slightly less coherent manner, amuletes. the solution to this issue is to narrow down things in each kit and hack away at it until its unusable then slowly give back numbers to see when its at a good spot, but it takes a long time, by the time that would happen the expiation would probably drop and be reverted back because it has toxic interactions with the elite specs, the reasoning is solid enough, who wants to fight on a side node for the entire game and have it be a stalemate that isnt fun, who would use those besides the self healing builds that refuse to die. its annoying to rotate into a node and find out that you cannot kill that thing, not because of them out playing you or because they counter you, just because they are wearing an amulet designed around the idea that youre going to heal other people and they are self healing instead, and they heal all of the damage you deal, thats fun and engaging gameplay, i love dealing damage to a static target that refuses to die, thats why i que for UNRANKED instead of joining a raid group, is to kill a raid boss that deals no damage and dosent really have any mechanics besides the fact that it doesnt die (kinda like raid training in general eh?). i would like for the game to not be balanced at all because competitive games arent fun, like who wants balance anyways so overrated, i think anet should just cave in and listen to the forums or reddit or whatever and see how bad the game gets before it is in an unplayable state, its not like pvp would take a hit i think the core combat is fun enough, like in the balance patches we could rp as if we were unwilling passengers on a wild ride that never ends.
  13. 4 reaper spin weeeeeee : )i love this free mmr anet has been giving me
  14. the reason why i dont raid is because my inability to raid, ive raided in other games and it took awhile to not be complete dogshit, i dont want to join a raid and deal less damage than everyone else and have them have to carry me, knowing my class/spec isnt particularly good or what they need, i dont want to join knowing i will probably cause a wipe, i dont want to raid because knowing that even when you do git gud, you'll consistently run into groups where they just give up after the third go, or running into people who arent eager to learn and just want a free carry. the design is fine, amazing actually. also; story content > raidingcheckmate raiders, raiders are in shambles, how will they ever recover?
  15. the game should be designed around my inability to play it, not someone else's ability to play around the game, i dont want to learn rotations or mechanics i want to get loot > : (
  16. lich, i love lich spamming 1 and /sitting on freshly squeezed bots is refreshing and part of a complete and balanced breakfast
  17. undead, its sad to see them gone, but honestly the aesthetics and lore, undead, they have bugs, creatures, very atmospheric soundtrack, probably my favorite unit would be the banshee because of their curse and possess abilities taking key units out of a fight immediately. a close runner up is zerg but, you cant beat their playstyle/theme.
  18. id just take a break and play something else or stare at paint dry, i seriously recommend taking a different approach when it comes to teammates, i still kinda have this mentality that my team is trying to actively sabotage the game and throw. its either me standing were i need to be and having them feed into 3v1 or some similar situation (me throwing); having chat never show is great too, it actively disincentives me from saying something horrible to some unsuspecting bot or keyboard turner they are too precious and cant handle it. the absolute most important part about queuing is queuing with the intention on winning, and not fixating on the outcome but how you as a player can improve, the mental energy that goes into you trying to figure out what your teammates could do better could be used to try and understand what you did wrong and how you could improve, and sometimes you play your best but you end up having a shit team, lets be honest more often then not its someone thinking theyre john rambo and having the worst possible comp and your entire team is made of paper and they spend 90% of the game feeding into a pre occupied node, but thats out of your control, what is under your control is 1. your ability to improve, 2. your attitude.
  19. i agree, they should have zero endurance and have no ports, the clones are hard because it makes it hard to aim for the right one, when i turn to hit them they port behind me so i have to turn around again :(
  20. absolutely, anet are you taking notes?
  21. "lazy mode" "you should copy other devs"
  22. thank you for these changes, playing against menders scourge was annoying and unfun to play against, the only real counter was to just not fight them and rotate somewhere else
  23. they just need to take ele and ranger out behind the shed already
  24. no absolutely not, the forums are a haven for serious discussion and real conversations that are meaningful and impactful as you know the devs do care about pvp as a whole and they know there are alot of issues with pvp in terms of balance, the mere idea of me being facetious or sarcastic is something i couldnt live with as a person; we all know that the amount of viable builds and class disproportions isnt really a problem because you just que for pvp for the free legendries as the devs intended,we all know maps are a big influencer on how many people que for pvp just look at fortnite that game is dying because theres only one map, people still play classic shooters because of the amount of maps. in all honesty though, dagger main hand on necro kinda feels bad to use because of the lack of engage/utility who wants to stand ontop of someone who can just get away, cc you into oblivion, or retaliate with whatever please dont be ontop of me is baked into their kit (guardians, revs), it kinda sucks having really really good utilities that outshine the rest of your utilities, like in what world would you take the non cc break signets outside of that meme build that takes the insta res. you can take a memey melee only build that uses shouts as a secondary form of "please dont run away from me" and life force generation, it is opressive and fun to play but at the same time you are neutering your damage and utility just to be melee only and to sometimes deal damage when the enemy cant peel out, taking gs for nightfall/grasping darkness and dagger/warhorn for some serious cc and life force generation, essentially giving you perma shroud if they dont burst you down or simply port away. if dagger main hand had something else then the succ, maybe a interaction with boons instead something prioritizing swiftness, or something that interacts with condi swaps so a dagger offhand only type condi build could work. see what i mean though, which is more engaging, the fake conversation about how most map mechanics suck or the suggestions to weapons that are already balanced as is, my suggestions are horrible and if the devs were to actually read whatever terrible suggestions people make and implement it into the game how would you feel. i like the broad strokes and off hand approach they have because in other games sometimes the balance team has absolutely no idea what they are doing and mess up the game consistently, to what is fun design, but terrible balance, the game isnt in a horrible state, its playable, semi fun, extremely frustrating when you run into the occasional menders scourge or whatever the flavor of the month is, in terms of whatever should be changed or could be changed, why should they change stuff that will probably have to change when the new elite specs come out. also the bots are precious they are to be cherished, anet should implement a chao garden or something for us to like raise the bots and watch them in games with eachother and see which ones win, that would be pretty neat, we could change their stats and build, maybe if we feed them enough food they get better scripts, i dunno im throwing stuff at the wall to see what sticks but i think it would probably give pvp a much needed resurgence in players, you dont need to be mechanically inclined or have alot of game knowledge, you could probably gamble ectos or gold or something, theres alot of potential with the bots and i hope in this next expac the story addresses the true heros of the mists.
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