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Everything posted by RoseofGilead.8907

  1. She didn't go out of bounds for me when I did it, but the playable area is definitely too small for the fight on the stairs.
  2. This is true. But's very easy to just say "I don't like it" without insulting the people who do like it.
  3. The final escort for the Fangs That Gnash meta is stuck around Mosyn's Repose POI.. Frode isn't moving, and the rest of the NPCs are stuck running back and forth in the same pattern.
  4. This is how I feel, as well. It should have been a reward tied to either map completion (like every other map Gift has been done) or bought with a large amount of the map currency, along with it being a reward for the lantern achievement.
  5. You create that how? Oh, yes, by combining the Gifts you get for completing each of the four PoF maps.
  6. They've never made it so you didn't get a Gift of Expansion Map from completing that map either, though.
  7. It does feel pretty gross to not get the same reward we got for the other maps. And not getting anything at all makes it even worse, imo.
  8. Like others said, you get different tasks based on which expansions you have. I'm sure a listing will show up soon. If you're on NA, I do have a character parked at that JP chest. You're free to message me in-game to party up to TP to me.
  9. 1. Which vendor are you at? 2. Is the item in an invisible bag?
  10. Do you have it equipped? If so, unequip it and put it in your inventory. The option should show up then.
  11. Like jason said, your jump power is the same regardless of how long you press the spacebar. How you approach the jump (jumping from standing still or with a running start) and movement speed boosts are what affects your jump distance.
  12. Successful completion of Auric Basin's meta event unlocks a ton of chests underneath the city. Dragon Stand has chests that spawn as the meta progresses. Really, pretty much any expansion or living world map will have some kind of loot phase/chest run after the main meta is done. And there are hidden chests all over the place in most maps.
  13. I don't know what's going on, but I wish you well regardless.
  14. I'm very sorry for your loss. ❤️
  15. They're talking about Spirit Vestible in Seitung Province. The big maze one. That one and Vasburg Armory are the only two Cantha ones that show up in the Wizard's Vault daily tasks.
  16. The achievements aren't even removed, though. You'll keep the achievement points and title. You're not required to do more of it if you don't want to do it.
  17. I've not noticed that with my necro. That shout always does break bar damage for me, without fail.
  18. That's the thing. They're not calling themselves you. They are their own guild, not impersonating you.
  19. You are right. Theremin is 100% what an Asura would build and create music with. A friend of mine studied physics and music in undergrad and then built a theremin for funsies during her grad studies. She may be a secret Asura.
  20. Before that 2013 update, MF was character-based and tied to equipment (especially runes/sigils). As for your account age, all I know of is typing /age in-game. It'll give you the number of hours your character and your account have played, but then you'll have to use that to figure out how many years. If you have your info on gw2efficiency, it'll show the exact date.
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