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Everything posted by sitarskee.5738

  1. I really hope we're going there alone and meet new characters. Or ressurect Tybalt.
  2. Server transfering should be removed from the gemstore and solved via support. No good reason to transfer = no transfer.
  3. Precursor is way too much, ascended gear would be cool though. Also daily dungeons is also a nice idea. People would have a reason to do them other than tokens for legendaries.
  4. 2v2 is fun and you're taking it too seriously. I don't get why people complain so much. Noone makes you play this mode. It's just a good tool to get extra tickets and have some fun doing so. Either stop being a tryhard without good build for 2v2 or play a class that does well in 2v2. On the other hand, I played around 60 games this miniseason and I had scourges maybe 6 times in those games. And never 2 at the same time. Mostly there were reapers and core necros. So you just salty because you lost.
  5. Condis aren't OP, they can be annoying AF to deal with though, especially when most of enemy players play condi and you can only have so many cleanses. You just gotta dodge the initial burst and then you win.
  6. Hard to tell since I jump between 4 chars and they all have similar hours in game and all have 100% map completion. For me it's thief, mesmer, guard, warrior.Thief because I always loved rogue characters in MMOs.Mesmer because I liked mesmer in GW1 and it's an interesting class for me. I like the aestethics also.Guardian because I liked the armor(esp shoulders) they show when you create your character.Warrior because I really like PvPing with this class and it just feels good and strong in general.
  7. Yeah, maybe. But at least making people aware of it has a chance to change behaviors. Maybe there aren't as many such people as I think there are, but that's not really the point. The point is that there are enough of them that you can ask players why they don't PvP and it isn't balance (That's for PvP players to worry about!) that tops their list, it's toxicity. I mean honestly, you can't even go into unranked without being told by PvP players to "Get off my lawn!"? I don't personally care for conquest gameplay, so I mostly just duel and roam to get my PvP in. But I would play more if people were a little more respectful of each other in this game mode. Am I expecting everyone to hold hands and sing together? Nope. But there might be a little bit of gray area between that and just not being a salty, toxic, kitten, right? I agree. This is a problem for every MMO game though. There are always going to be toxic and trolling people. I just can't help but feel sorry for those poor souls who can't control their emotions in game and will never achieve anything significant in their lives.
  8. It's like saying don't be sad when you have depression. People are going to be toxic because that's what they are. And no forum posts, no nothing is going to change that. Unfortunately. Fortunately, there's not as much such people as you'd think.
  9. Every year people re-discover same thing - gambling or loot boxes aren't profitable. (insert always have been meme)
  10. But the good news is apparently restoring Caladbolg means you get to talk to his spirit again and seems like he's at peace and content. Good for him, he's at peace and we're at peace too.
  11. But the good news is apparently restoring Caladbolg means you get to talk to his spirit again and seems like he's at peace and content. Good for him, he's at peace and we're at peace too.
  12. I wouldn't mind having arenas like in Crown Pavilion coming with the next expansion. On the other hand we have arena in HotM already so I don't know. I'd rather have them focus on something actually new.
  13. Have some respect for yourself and next time you get kicked without a reason, don't join back.
  14. You're able if your build proves to be useful to the team. But if it performs like crap and offers nothing for the team and the rest of the team has to carry you then no.After all you play with 9 other people and you should respect their time and patience. It'd be best if you found a guild that allows offmeta builds.
  15. I've sold 7 legendaries so far and none of them was on the TP for more than 24 hours so for me it was never a problem. I always put it up on price 1 gold lower than the actual lowest one. About farming though, there are quite some viable options, you just gotta search the internet. The best imo tho is farming AB events during shiny bauble drop week. At best I made around 80g per run.
  16. Yep, it's annoying almost as much as Battle Standard not always working on stairs and other elevated places etc.
  17. I can't agree with any points you've made but I am not going to post a wall of text because it's pointless at this point. I will just say this: You don't need to do achievements which seem too "grindy" or "hardcore". Noone makes you do them and they don't give any advantage.This game is already overcasual. And it's the opposite of what you said IMO - hardcore players are not being rewarded enough for their efforts.The ability to buy everything with gems is straight up retarded - sorry but that's true - no need to explain why.Everything except for raids and high tier cm fractals is rather casual content and requires little effort to be honest. Raids and high fracs are also not that hard, you just gotta learn some basics and then learn in practice.The "casual" excuse, oh man. It's so wrong on so many levels it boils my blood every time.It's just sickening that ANet could easily see this post and view this as players feedback for next patches while it's straight up bs.
  18. I enjoy 2v2 and I have yet to play 3v3. Something is better than nothing, you can't satisfy everyone.
  19. Funny you say that, I've been running a support warrior into 2v2 (menders and full shouts + axe WH) Sure you do tickle damage at times with the odd 4k crit with axe 3, however you'll be your team mates best friend both in keeping yourself alive and them too. (Blood bank necro's benefit heavily from this support spec giving them up to 12,000 barrier!) Its slow, its sluggish and its really not for everyone... but it does work. I said that yeah. But I decided to play more of a support too and it's doing quite well. I have won many games thanks to battle standard, it's op.
  20. Damage is way too high for current standards but lich is kinda slow which makes it not hard to avoid most of the damage. ANet won't change it anytime soon so you're better off just learning to evade it more efficiently.
  21. I was wondering if those snipers actually do anything because I keep seeing the thing when they're zooming at you but they never kill me.
  22. Instant revive skills are fine imho. There is a cast time so it can be interrupted. By taking it you sacrifice a choice of another useful skill, so yeah.
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