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Everything posted by Sonork.2916

  1. Good video, perfectly showcases how good teefs are basically untouchable by most of the classes in the game. Also the music was good. :3 You could call the roaming 1v1s shown "fights", but really, when your opponents have next to no windows to fight back, and pretty much never even touch you, is it really a fight? XD Debatable.
  2. Seems pretty run of the mill WB wise. I do like how this is supposed to be a WB OP ONE shot video, though i don't see anything OP or even a one shot in it. I do like there are a few clips where you're in a group with 5 thieves of various kinds lol. But it's WB right, it's the problem.
  3. Only thing you need to do is play your class better and you can beat them. it'd say focus on avoiding sword 5/4 and you'll do better. WB are not any better than good builds on other classes atm, that's why they haven't been nerfed.
  4. Someone has to have the worst downstate and that's guardian! Congrats! Enjoy usually losing to every other class if you go down at the same time. πŸ™‚
  5. I know all guardians ranged attacks outside of LB are designed to be kitten, but can we make it so Zealot's Embrace can hit moving targets? Can be done by increasing the chain's speed or width. Thanks. https://imgur.com/gqIwMNx
  6. Not saying WB isn't strong, it is. Just saying WB is not some unstoppable outlier that sits above all challengers, which you and others here make it out to be.
  7. Could say the same to you, maybe you haven't figured out how to play one of the many classes that can fight and beat WB? So instead whine on the forums, necro'ing the same thread over and over again in some vain attempt to nerf a class that isn't anymore OP than the other classes running around in wvw atm. Hmmm.
  8. Single big hits are simply hard to land these days. Pretty much every class has aegis or some kind of block/invuln at this point, and a single slow, heavily telegraphed attack are the easiest to avoid. It's good they're speeding up Hammer's attacks, another step to making it viable. Would still like to see glacial blow trait make it hammer 2 unblockable or something as well. But it's nice that Hammer 4 resets mighty blow, making a follow up mighty blow possible.
  9. When the same 3 people whine and necro a thread over and over, any thread can get to 10 pages. lol It's hard to tell if you and the others constantly posting here are intentionally misleading others on your crusade to nerf guardian, or just honestly haven't figured it out what the actual problem is. I'll say it again, though it may be pointless since you and the others don't actually care what's making WB strong. I'll write it a few times, Celestial stats are the problem. Celestial stats are the problem. Celestial stats are the problem. Lots of classes are way out of line with celestial stats for roaming and small scale. WB is one of them, but it's not WB elite spec that is the actual problem, it's the overkill of stats on celestial gear.
  10. It's just one poster on their crusade to nerf WB who keeps necro'ing this thread. They think WB is OP, when it's just cele stats that are OP. Dunno why they single out WB when other cele classes can be much more oppressive, and WB isn't a standout amongst any of them in terms of power. Guessing they just have a grudge against "blue class" and need an outlet. XD
  11. WB is no better or worse than all the other crazy cele builds currently running around in wvw roaming. Just one poster keeps necro'ing this topic over and over to continue their crusade and complain about WB specifically.
  12. You balance celestial by not allowing it to be so over the top in out-stat'ing every other combination of gear. That's it.
  13. That's a great idea. But then stealth would have some actual counter play, and anet would never allow that. XD
  14. Would the game be over all more fun without the thief class in it? From a pvp/wvw perspective I think so.
  15. Some WvW event ideas. Roller Beetle weekend event. Warclaws replaced with Roller beetles. That's it. Always revealed weekend. A weekend where everyone shows up on the map and one of the most toxic mechanics in the game is absent. Portal Peril! - Portals have randomly opened up across the wvw maps, the portals teleport players from one place on the map to another. Players find loot when they use them..? But they don't last long and only so many can go through one.
  16. This whine thread still getting necro'd... Literally every class has a spec that is just as good or better than WB 1v1 in WvW. Complaining about a class that has next to zero toxic mechanics fueling it... No constant barrier, no constant healing, no stealth, no CC. Without Judges Intervention, a core guard skill, WB has the same mobility many other classes have enjoyed since launch. Keep scraping the bottom of the wine barrel, Anet isn't going to nerf something that isn't broken.
  17. A better option is pick a class that just kittens out thousands of barrier through traits for free. No need to heal when you slathered in thousands of barrier at all times. These classes get a ton of barrier at all times for simply existing: Bladesworn Revenant Weaver Scrapper Scourge
  18. I'm talking about new maps, upgrading old maps, new events or some other content that isn't just alliances/rewards. When i say upgrading, I mean things like improved map graphics, new map adjustments, or another new borderland altogether. As far as events, things like a roller beetle week, maybe wiht the new expansion portals popping up that teleport you randomly around the map, or start a capture the flag mission or something could be fun. But really i'd love to see more stuff/events to do, or improvements/upgrades to the current maps.
  19. Pretty much every class has a strong cele roaming build. It's cele that's the problem, not so much the classes imo.
  20. Just gonna say it, pretty much every single class has a spec that can compete with a WB 1v1. Thread feels like a, "I lost, nerf plz" whine thread more than anything.
  21. Just have every member of a wvw guild run the aoe pull as their relic. Fun for all.... ... right? XD
  22. The design of stealth and any counter play to it has always been terrible in GW2. Devs don't care if it's a toxic unfun mechanic to fight against, cause they personally don't play pvp/wvw, so it doesn't effect them.
  23. Banish shouldn't have such a long cast time and could use a slight increase in range and possibly made un-blockable. It's basically just a neutered overcharged shot. (A an engineer weapon skill which is just better than banish in every single way.)
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