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Everything posted by Kayberz.5346

  1. Its just a meditation guardian with worse damage and more sustain Git gud
  2. No doubt guardian fits the bill But i find guardian mains to be a lot less dishonest about how good or difficult their class is in general Is dps numbers the only thing you look at when appraising a classes place in the meta?
  3. Thats more telling of the state of necro balance in general
  4. I'd consider one being ranged while the other is melee a significant enough difference between the two to not need some arbitrary "tradeoff" in shroud decay speed.
  5. Yeah, but you're complaining about having downtime in damage between fighting mobs in open world, you're wasting all your good fillers on the first pack you see instead of spacing them out from one pack to the next, You can do bursts first pack, weapin skills the next pack and have bursts for the 3rd and so on. Theres very few situations where you're being constantly put into combat against mobs to the point where u have no attacks off cooldown left to use, and any other class would usually run into the same issue in that situation and they probably would take longer to kill each individual pack
  6. Ok, so basically you're just using your cooldowns ineffectively You're deliberately choosing to waste all your high damage fillers before using your bursts, those are the skills you could be using during that "downtime" you're complaining about
  7. You will likely kill EVERY target around you, the cooldowns aren't even that long. Realistically if you kill a pack of mobs using this method you're gonna mount up and move on, by the time you actually have to fight again its probably ready to do again, and if not you will still have your high damage skills like axe 4 and 5 up because you probably didn't even need to use them because everything died to greatsword burst. Same with dragon trigger and pistol 5 if you use that setup If you're actually using your abilities effectively you rarely encounter any real downtime between big damage attacks
  8. What do you mean? Seems more like you just aren't using your abilities properly and just spamming 1-5 On berserker you can open up any fight in open world with a headbut and instantly enter berserker mode, greatsword burst, heal, greatsword burst will kill like 99% of trash mob packs in open world including veterans and elites instantly, and thats without even using any axe skills yet which will clean up anything left with ease On bladesworn axe 2 into flow stabilizer will get ypu enough flow for a full dragon trigger in like 3 seconds, and at that point u can kill just about anything extremely quickly. The downtime between these things is rarely relevant in most open world activities. By the time you move on to the next fight your cooldowns are back or very close to it. Few can kill huge packs of enemies as quick as a berserker or bladesworn
  9. Tell me dont play warrior without telling me you don't play warrior. Bladesword and berserker are some of the best open world specs in the game
  10. A lot of people dont understand that certain builds are or aren't considered meta purely based on what else is considered meta and being played most often. There are TONS of strong builds that can destroy meta builds and perform decently well against most things, but they are potentially weak to another build that is played often or the role that they play is considered "inferior" to another popular build based on the assumption of what you are likely to end up fighting against more often With matchmaking being a complete diceroll you can sometimes hard carry a game with hipster builds just because the enemy team doesn't have one of the builds that makes your build a liability in more competitive play For example, Something like quickness mortar scrapper is solid build that can 1v1 tons of strong builds and totally carry a teamfight with insane cleave and support, but if the enemy has a lot of projectile hate like say......scourge or guardian, well you're hard carry build just became a lot weaker
  11. You can tell by his complaint that he likely ONLY plays guardian with 11k base hp
  12. The shadow of a colossal god is still pretty big
  13. Masked racer F aka lord Faren is Canon as far as im aware
  14. As if they dont already have the location of the 4th expansion set in stone. Thats not how this works, they wouldn't be confirming a 4th expansion if it wasn't already decided what it will be
  15. So there is an achievement in EoD called "the six" that is to collect 6 jade statuettes of the human gods. An interesting detail about these statuettes is that they are all titled as "ancient statuette of <insert god here>" except for one....Lyssa. Hers is simply called "statuette of Lyssa". All the other statuettes have flavor text that give a description such as "this statuette is unnaturally cold" for grenth or warm in the case of Balthazar ect. However Lyssa's statuette has the flavor text "this statuette is in pristine condition, surely it was carved very recently." Now i have no idea how exactly or why this would be relevant or connected to the story but it is yet another time that anet has deliberately made a point of singling Lyssa out from the other human gods for whatever reason. Just something odd i found and thought I'd bring up in case anyone has any insight on this.
  16. I haven't seen anyone mention this anywhere but there is an event and location in old kaineng ruins that im like 90% sure is hinting at future story I was just wandering around and stumbled into this event towards the end so i dont know the full context but basically there was some ministry security with detective aimi fighting unchained near an obelisk titled "orrian corruption" but then they are wondering what it is and one of them talks about hearing stories about old relics washing up after the zhaitan disaster. Just then some human npc named "Janin" comes (noticeably not undead, or risen-esque in appearance) and starts saying some ominous stuff. "I am the end. My blood boils beneath the earth" "Foolish children, naive and ignorant. Die at my hand, feed the nest." You kill her and thats pretty much it. Now, in the area where all this takes place , which is just southeast of the vista there are these wierd "plants" everywhere that look like some eldritch horror stuff, all black/grey and almost flesh like, with vines that appear to be coursing with blue ley line energy, they have these wierd pods, some of which are open to reveal a pink glow inside, kinda lke some black octovine mordrem flower but....different. This doesn't seem to be directly related to zhaitan or the dragonvoid, but of orr itself maybe?, I strongly suspect that this event is a hint of a future story plot point and antagonist. Has anyone else seen something similar anywhere else? Am i missing something here?
  17. Funny how everyone was claiming that vindicator sucked during the betas and herald was still going to be the meta spec. I literally called this within an hour of the first vindicator beta. From the very first beta i put together the exact same build everyone is playing right now within 20 mins of experimenting and within like 3 games i came to the exact same conclusion, that the barrier dodge and the gs 5 skill were way overtuned and if left in that state would make this spec not only meta, but oppressive I was 1vxing people with ease and pumping out like 300k+ damage AND healing minimum each game. But people kept arguing that it was bad....
  18. If ypu do daily fractals you already are doing the most profitable content in the game. God forbid you only be rich instead of uber rich
  19. Anytime anet does anything this community throws a temper tantrum If all anet ever did was add more and more sources for things and only buffed things the inflation would become insane. This is how you have to do things in a game with horizontal progression. This change is going to increase the supply of mystic coins accros the player population and will decrease their price in the long term, the amount of players that actually did CMs daily is so small in the grand scheme The only people this "negatively" effects is like the very top 1% of players that do daily fractal CMs and hoard stacks of mystic coins. These kind of players are already generating more wealth and resources than 99% of players. I find it hard to believe that the daily fractal CM community is going to have any issue clearing these new strikes just as quickly for their MCs. This is just the rich crying about losing pennies in the short term. God forbid anet makes MCs more accessible to the average player. Boo hoo mr full legendary in all slots cant get a handful of extra MCs every day for doing the same thing they have been doing for years.
  20. I think people are getting a little carried away with just how advanced they think Canthas technology is. Ive seen multiple times now that people imply that their technology surpasses our modern day technology which is pretty disingenuous. Technology isn't some linear path with a fixed progression. Especially in the guild wars universe that incorporates magic. There are definitely things that dragonjade seems to be capable of that we aren't capable of doing just yet in real life, like fully autonomous robots, full functioning prosthetic limb replacement, and stuff like that but thats because they can just hardwave the complications related to that technology with "magic". Cantha doesn't have satellites, it doesn't have intercontinental ballistic missiles, it doesn't have the internet, or anything like that. They didn't just get super smart and invent nuclear power on a whim. They found a miracle resource that is capable of doing amazing things and they are adapting their existing technology to incorporate this miracle magic resource and with it are capable of doing things we might consider "futuristic" if it were being done in the real world with our own understanding of technology. But this isn't real life, its Tyria, and in Tyria magic exists, and that magic subverts the natural laws of physics as we know it, because its all fantasy
  21. Imagine spending pretty much every single day browsing forums to post negative opinions. You would think if these people were so pessimistic about the game they would do something else with their time. Its unfortunate that some of the most active users on the forums are also the most perpetually negative ones. Its not a good look. What a sad way to live
  22. These people have been complaining about pretty much every single thing that has been shown about the expansion They made their mind up a long time ago that they didn't want to like the expansion for whatever reason. Anything Anet would have shown would have been met with the same inconsistent hate regardless of what it looked like These people do literally nothing but post negative feedback and complain about things on the forums, zero point in trying to have a discussion in good faith with them. If you point out inconsistencies in their arguments they'll just backtrack into subjective opinion based arguments and stand their ground that way.
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