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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. For privacy reasons, Anet will never disclose whether action is taken or not against a reported player. Just report and move on.
  2. People begged and pleaded for Cantha and we got it. There were a lot of calls for dwarves, even though lore would suggest that they're not feasible. But -- anything is possible.
  3. Don't worry. After tomorrow's patch, when the turtle egg can be obtained via vendor, there will be far fewer players attempting this meta.
  4. I don't think that the concern is rushing the content. It's having to repeat the content nine times, once for each profession, from start to finish.
  5. I thought that with enough level in Chef, one could craft bait? If so, then your suggestion would seem to run counter to design.
  6. No, thank you. Dungeons are a specific type of content. I would prefer Anet to spend their resources elsewhere rather than re-vitalize dungeons for one-person stories.
  7. Why does it matter? How does another player's method of obtaining something affect your ability to play the game and complete content?
  8. None of these examples are required to complete content. They are optional. To me, this does not define grind.
  9. How many accounts linked to GW2E have even attempted the meta? How many have progressed the story to that point? I know that I haven't, so is my account included in your argument? This is why people really need to stop using GW2E as a basis for making their points. GW2E is not a valid sample.
  10. Proof is in the pudding, as they say. What content is Anet focused on producing? If strikes were so popular, we would probably have a lot more of them. Instead, we get more OW content. I trust that Anet has the metrics to know where the majority of the population is spending their time/attention/money.
  11. I would think it would be more healthy for a game to allow players to play in ways that they like/prefer rather than nudging or pushing players into content that they don't which might cause them to quit playing.
  12. Hard no. There already exists a mode for PvP. No need to inject that into open world PvE. Please use the forums search feature to find the previous PvP in OW threads to understand the push-back against this concept. 😉
  13. SW:ToR also cut into the solo play-ability with their latest "expansion". The forums there look just like the ones here when it was released. Many threads by players who were there at launch (allegedly) and years-long veterans that cursed the studio and cancelled their subscriptions. Why are game studios trying to force certain play styles in their games? Are they that out of touch with their player bases? What is it that is indicating to them that these changes are the way to go? Is there more profitability in this model?
  14. Ah. Gotcha. Thanks. I ran a few alts through the story (to a point) and cleared the first 2 maps on them which added up points rather quickly ... at least for the pace that I play.
  15. Every story step I've done thus far awards mastery. There are plenty of other mastery points in the maps. Not sure what you're looking for?
  16. kharmin.7683


    What makes this request "formal" as opposed to simply a request?
  17. I don't find it respectable when the game forces players to engage in content like this. There already exists modes for more challenging content and those who want it may opt-in to it (strikes/raids). Putting this type of content in open world, and then gate-keeping a major selling point of the expansion, is not what I call respecting the players. I hardly think that this particular meta event in EoD is "inviting" players to rise to the challenge -- not when it is made mandatory.
  18. Hardee's is hardly second rate around here. I've never heard of G Fuel. I don't think that your marketing data is reflective of reality, at least not where I live. Maybe they did approach Taco Bell and maybe Taco Bell wanted a bigger cut? At any rate, this discussion is a non-starter.
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