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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. Keep an eye on this thread for announcements.
  2. Hey, don't get me wrong. I'd be all for a pet AI fix if it were split. I just don't see Anet wanting to put in the time/effort. EDIT: also, IIRC, the pet nerf was done well before Anet started splitting?
  3. Seems like a solution in search of a problem.
  4. Apparently, we can't have that because of the complaints from the WvW/PvP crowd.
  5. I would prefer resources be spent elsewhere.
  6. Then, why do you make this point in your thread title? It's nothing more than sensationalism at this point.
  7. Certainly. And if they want to WvW, they can go right ahead and do so. Anet doesn't need to push players into content. They'll gravitate toward it if the interest is there.
  8. Maybe change the title of the thread to remove the "fake" accusation?
  9. I think that pushing players into WvW stopped being useful 8+ years ago.
  10. Just one. With a character for each profession. Not a huge fan of sylvari, charr and asura races, so I don't need a bunch of additional slots.
  11. Agreed. As a very casual player, most of my toons are norn and I would probably use transforms on some of them if it weren't for the ridiculous (my opinion) cool down. The skills are mostly nerfed already. Why have such an extended CD?
  12. Hopefully Anet does, since that seems to be a significant majority of the player base.
  13. To be fair, there were quite a few threads (and posts within) from players in this very forum practically begging for hammer bunny-thumper spec. Anet obliged but only in the way that Anet does. Players should be careful what they wish for.
  14. I disagree with regards to legendaries in GW2. They are not required to complete any content. Nothing in the game forces any player to chase legendary items.
  15. Strangely enough, I was running the svarnir boss at the north end of Wayfarer Foothills only yesterday when another player transmuted into a norn wolf and fought the battle that way. Granted, not the most difficult champion, but at least one player enjoys using a racial skill.
  16. Have you seen how bullets travel through water when shot from above? Not how Hollywood shows it, but how they actually travel?
  17. Maybe. Seemed like a lot of new players that entered with the EoD expansion used their level 80 boost and went straight on from there. Heck, Anet even put in a training ground area in EoD, probably in anticipation of this.
  18. Maybe you should re-title your thread to reflect this? Your seemingly main complaint has little to nothing to do with the Steam release; rather, it seems more of a complaint about quickness/alacrity.
  19. Well, of course they have to "update" LW1 because the entire thing was something that could only be gone through once. If a player didn't keep up with it, then they missed out on content. This goes against pretty much all PvE that came after. I wonder, then, will Anet "update" Kessex Hills? How will that work out for players after they progress through LW1? How would it impact players who don't engage with LW1 or skip it entirely?
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