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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. The point of various zone currencies is to make players visit those zones to acquire them. This solution would run counter to that design choice.
  2. Because Anet has already said that doing so breaks the game, so there's no solution other than to restart the coding from scratch.
  3. Which is probably why Anet moved to daily achievements from weekly or monthly ones. They want players logging in every day.
  4. I recommend reading old threads as whatever point one might make may already be made in which case neither bumping on existing thread nor creating a new thread with old points is necessary.
  5. Please see previous thread https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/105991-idea-being-able-to-write-our-own-backstories-in-game-journal/?do=findComment&comment=1534147 Forums serach ftw!
  6. OP requests adding un-obtainable armor skins and then suggests gate-keeping them behind guild armorer. Which would still make them un-obtainable to those who aren't in guilds or don't have high enough level guild armorer. Suggestion makes little to no sense.
  7. Lots of threads already on this request. Please use the forums search function.
  8. That's the idea. This is by design. It is to keep population up on maps.
  9. Giant Slayer, although you don't really get an achieve for it (but should, especially those of us who did it the hard way! 😡).
  10. Should be a different thread for that conversation IMO
  11. Needle and thread have nothing to do with the weaver elite spec. Your icon choice would only add to the confusion.
  12. From the first page of search results using the forums search function: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/97368-we-need-race-change/?tab=comments#comment-1392518 https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/96515-list-of-reasons-why-we-can-and-should-have-a-race-change-service/?do=findComment&comment=1379299 https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/96536-how-many-race-change-tokens-would-you-buy/?do=findComment&comment=1379629 https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/91420-race-change-contract/?do=findComment&comment=91419 https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/89603-will-we-ever-be-able-to-change-our-race/?do=findComment&comment=89602
  13. I think that this is by design. Elite specs need trade-offs so that they aren't better than core specs because they're not supposed to be better. Just different, as I said earlier. Now, it certainly seems that this is not the case as, in my experience, I don't see a lot of core specs running around.
  14. You may want to take a stroll through those individual professions' forums for further insights.
  15. Exotic gear is pretty much top end. You'll probably want ascended if you continue in to the fractal higher tiers and/or raids. After ascended, there really isn't any "better gear" since GW2 doesn't subscribe to any treadmill.
  16. You may be right. If I recall, though, it didn't take them long to shut down Lake Doric. This thread started back in September. I'd imagine Anet would have made a move in 4 months if it were an issue like Lake Doric. /shrug
  17. Agreed, but it isn't supposed to be that way. Elite specs were billed as being a different way to play a profession, not a better way. Doesn't seem to have panned out like that, though, as I'd wager there are very few core elementalists (or any profession, really), running around Tyria.
  18. If you're referring to the Lake Doric leather farming, it wasn't because of the AFKers as much as it made a major impact on the in-game economy -- enough for Anet to notice and put a stop to it. Since other "farms" don't appear to have such an impact may well be why Anet chooses to not spend time/resources in stopping them.
  19. So many people seem to know better than Anet how to make profits, it's a wonder that Anet hasn't implemented these suggestions yet.
  20. If Anet isn't bothered by it, then I don't see the problem. How much gold other players have doesn't affect me in the least. The in-game economy doesn't seem to care either.
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