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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. That would defeat the entire purpose. Map currencies are most likely the main driver in bringing players back to maps to keep them from being so empty.
  2. Yep. Forums search feature would help find those discussions. 😉
  3. More festivals? Then what, change the game to Festival Wars?
  4. S'ok. Your thread isn't the same as the other ones.
  5. And oft times it is nothing new. But I get your point.
  6. I can't imagine why it would be so hilarious. The forums represent such a small fraction of the player base as to make any such poll meaningless.
  7. Keep an eye on this thread: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/90-news-gemstore-items-newreturnedsales/?do=getNewComment
  8. I did go back for Oakheart's Reach when I started Dragonfall. Granted, I was most of the way toward that mastery already.
  9. But players can do this right now. Players can choose to supply Anet with RL cash for gems and then use gems to purchase everything you mention here. They can already support the game. As for discount on gems, I don't know that Anet would want to. /shrug
  10. I have said this so many times in so many threads that I should have it set as a macro. If you want a subscription model, you can do that now. At the beginning of each month, pay Anet $15 or $20 or whatever. You will get gems which you can then use in the store. There is no need for GW2 to implement any subscription model. Why would Anet decide to move to any form of subscription for a hypothetical GW3?
  11. So, if others aren't having the issue, perhaps the problem isn't with Anet but with different internet service providers (ISPs)? Instead of blaming Anet, those with issues should start troubleshooting from their own location and trace it back to Anet. The fault may lie elsewhere.
  12. How, exactly, could that possibly work? "Everything awesome in both games" is highly subjective. Points that you would like, others may not.
  13. Duplicate threads run counter to the CoC
  14. That's a subjective point of view. The system works well ... enough. Comparing the functionality to Arc isn't a fair comparison. The desired end product is different in either case. Anet didn't appear to want to duplicate Arc's functionality (maybe doing so would have resulted in some legal action?); rather, they seemed to want a system that works pretty much as what was implemented. The current template system is working as intended. Whether it is vastly inferior to Arc is another matter, which Anet seems to disagree. EDIT: In my opinion, it was foolish of Anet to allow Arc in the first place.
  15. No, apparently it's not a big enough issue to Anet. If it were, then they would have done something about it well before now.
  16. Why didn't you just say that instead of bringing Trump and his followers into it?
  17. I might have had an issue with story bosses if I cared to do any story line past Claw Island. Once I lost engagement with the story, those bosses no longer mattered.
  18. Thread already exists on the first page even. It was merged with the suggestion page, which is where the devs actually look for these types of things. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/96299-suggestionsqol-quality-of-life-ideas-merged/
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