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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. This was my take as well. As a very casual, OWPvE player I found this elite to be worthless for me. I get it, though. Not every spec should be competing to be the best spec for certain content; however, I felt that for open world play the spectre offered virtually no relevance. I can build shroud "energy", but then have no real use for it.
  2. Isn't a poll premature? I mean, it's the first look from a beta test. The spec may be significantly different on the official release date which may render these poll results moot.
  3. DC in Wayfarer, Queensdale and Dredgehaunt. Didn't get to other maps as I grew tired of the DCs.
  4. But to what end? What is the need for summoning something? We already have a rune set that does this and hardly anyone uses it.
  5. You're not missing much. Client continually DCs every few minutes.
  6. Agreed. I use this send/return frequently on my core ranger and soulbeast (when not merged). This elite loses this ability.
  7. Yeah, and F5 seems to force the hammer as the weapon. At least with SB you can use practically any weapon and with druid you can still gain CA juice with other weapons (just not as fast) and use the CA. Seems to me that there aren't much options outside of hammer to make this build "work" and even then it's marginal. In my opinion.
  8. Nice to have all pet skills available (F1-F3). Still, the build seems lackluster and not very dynamic when compared to the other ranger builds. I won't shelve my main for this, but will probably not use this elite much if at all.
  9. Mech doesn't stay "stowed" on dismount or travel across maps or through same map waypoint.
  10. I don't like the DCs either, but quarantining the beta characters to one, low level zone won't help bring in the data Anet is probably looking for.
  11. Yeah, this is probably due to the beta. Getting dc'd quite a lot.
  12. The skyscale is already full grown. That happened at acquisition.
  13. Again, very casual player here, maining core Ranger with Sw/D and tiger pet Send in Tiger (I have side button on mouse programmed to F1). Leap with Sw2. F2 tiger. Evade with D4. Use Sw2 flip. Sw3 evade and recharge Sw2. Leap with Sw2 ... Somewhere in there, use Sic 'em or drop a spike or flame trap. Repeat. F2 cd on Tiger is quite short, too.
  14. Well, it isn't really a PvE mount. It was originally for WvW but was offered for PvE to keep the complainers quiet.
  15. And you know that this cost that you propose will satisfy Anet's financial responsibilities?
  16. Ok, let me try again. GW2 new player who decides to shell out all of the up-front cost but doesn't have a character who is of level to play the content has paid for content that is "gated" or unavailable at the time of purchase. Over time, the player will level and as they progress through the content (for which they already paid, up front) they will eventually realize the return on the initial investment. They will have been able to play all of the content that they had purchased, up front, over the span of ... however long it takes to complete all of the content. A new player in a monthly sub-based MMO isn't able to access all of the end-game content (yet!) because they won't have a character who is of sufficient level. Over time (again, however long it takes and with monthly payments), they will be able to access that content. The cost may well be almost the same -- over time -- in either scenario. What's nice about GW2, is that new players do not have to purchase all of the available content up front. They can purchase/unlock it as they progress whereas sub-based MMOs hook players in for monthly fees whether they can access all of the content or not and over time, those monthly fees will add up. I will not argue about the marketing angle. I agree that Anet could be more clear about it.
  17. But you would have no issue paying a monthly subscription fee even if you don't have a character that can (yet) access story content? Just curious.
  18. I'm a very casual player and I main core ranger with sword/dagger and longbow. I didn't like the changes at first, but after a lot of use I find it works just fine for me. I also use sword/dagger with my druid build, mainly because I am a lot more familiar with it now. EDIT: I also use the tiger pet, whose F2 skill enhances my melee combat abilities when using Sw/D
  19. It's a good thing that elite builds are simply different ways to play a class and not necessarily better ways to play a class. Can't figure out single-target healing? Then use a different build.
  20. This has been suggested a lot (see forums search "updraft") and discounted as it would invalidate gliders.
  21. We clearly have a different mindset. When I'm new to another game, and check out their forum for information, I actually use the search function. I find that I can get my information quicker than posting and the waiting for responses. /shrug.
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