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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. Minis don't interest me that much. Neither do legendary items. I guess I'm just too casual. ;)
  2. I also think that the Istan gold farm had a lot to do with the price of gems going up. Gold was so liquid at that time that gems almost doubled in price from around 70g/400 to 140g/400 iirc. It hasn't really come back down since, not that I've seen.
  3. Me, too, although not since release. I'm very casual and am sitting on close to 9m. It's a game now to see how long it will take me to get to 10m.
  4. For me, there are no aspects of GW1 that I would want to see in GW2. To me, these are two, separate games and I believe that they should remain so. Emotes aren't a thing with me so I would rather see development resources spent on other aspects of GW2 that would benefit a larger portion of the player base.
  5. Looks like another veiled attempt at a AFK farming thread/complaint.
  6. Anet never listens to the forum ... https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/119348/game-update-notes-december-1-2020 Added a checkbox to the General Options tab of the Options panel to disable the Compact button in the Inventory panel.
  7. So far, your side has not come up with any serious explanation at all. We know they suddenly stopped with raids, not bothering to tell us. Then started with the development of Strike Missions, which were designed to introduce players into raids - knowing that there would be no further wings. Now they stopped with the Strike Missions, heading to DRM. There is obviously a drastic drop in difficulty, skill and coordination requirement with every step. Making the instanced content easier to access for players which a lesser focus on high performance gameplay. The current step even moved away from the group-requirement. Now I am eager to listen to the truth, from a raider perspective. What is the true reason behind this development? Why did they stop with raids? Why did they stop with Strike Missions? Should start a new thread for that topic rather than hijack this one. ;)
  8. I think it would be great for the devs to fix the current ranger pets before adding new ones with the same issues.
  9. I don't think so. I tried to gift it from my second account to my main account but the button wasn't there. (My free account didn't even have the item available.) Mine showed "Account Bound on Acquire"
  10. I think your answer can very clearly and simply make it clear to what extent a player who uses autoattack can be considered afk or not. [...] As a general policy, any form of unattended gameplay is prohibited in Guild Wars 2. This includes: the use of auto-casting abilities to farm while not at your computer or not actively playing the game. [...] [...] Note that this does not mean that you cannot be away from your computer (AFK) while you are online. Idling in a city or even in the open world is not prohibited, though your character should not perform actions, participate in content, or otherwise engage with the world while you are away from your computer. [...] So if you want to do laundry or cook or watch Netflix, please avoid farming, even using in-game the autoattack. I agree. This is why players should simply report suspected AFK and let Anet sort it out.
  11. Not seeing the problem here? Just type it in?
  12. Players may want to read and understand the official policy on this topic which can be found here: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/65548/policy-unattended-gameplay
  13. .... until I kept using it and getting more familiar with how it moves/flies/etc. I now understand the hype and use mine almost to the exclusion of other mounts. I guess I'm saying that I was in your proverbial shoes with regards to the skyscale, but after giving it a legitimate chance and using it often, I found it to be pretty much up to the hype. Good luck!
  14. Lol but you have to pay 2000 gems to change the look of your mount. The look of a mount does not gate progression in the game. Mastery points can. Take PoF for example: you cannot (easily) get to the Springer without having the necessary mastery for the Raptor for canyon jumping. Getting to elevated areas without the Springer's extra high jump mastery is significantly more difficult than without it. There are areas you cannot access with the Skimmer without the requisite mastery that allows it to increase its height. Likewise, one cannot use sand portals without training one's Jackal to use them. Mount skins are purely cosmetic. Sorry, but your comparison here is flawed.
  15. You might try the forums search function or look in the professions sub-forum for Ranger as this topic has been addressed
  16. We can discussed if weekly new content is good (remember LS1 with two weekly new content), but it just seems that they did screw up already with new content coming only when we reach tier 5, but making it unable to reach tier 5 now. (I assume that this is happening right now.) Personally I would find it okay if they slowly increase the release. Maybe one more story, one mastery and two DRM (yes, I know that many got tired of them already), maybe a few more achievements and most would be okay with it. I don't believe the Devs 'promised' weekly updates.This does not mean 'weekly':In the weeks between releases, each chapter will continue to evolve with new content and ways to play. 'Weeks' means any time between releases, i.e. sometime in the weeks between the release in November and the release in January.We've rarely, if ever, received any kind of update less than two weeks apart. Things like this is, IMO, one of the reasons why they don't engage with us on the forums. "Promises" taken out of context and self-made expectations not being met and then being blasted for it. /shrug Well it could mean every week every other week or third week. They could have been crystal clear and said when champions part 1 released that 2 weeks from now we will have to second content drop and end of this episode.I agree, but with the track record if they actually made a statement like that and then failed to hit the mark, the backlash would have been brutal. As it usually is.
  17. I'm probably the minority, but, personally, I don't find any vanity items in the cash shop particularly interesting/attractive, game's gear, even level 1 gear, is pretty cool looking, and the HoM gear being free to transmute, including dyes... I can make my character look the way I want. Also, the base mounts look amazing, with the possibility to also dye for free.I did buy most of the Episodes from Season 2 and Season 3, since I wasn't so active back then, only had a couple of them unlocked, and that was the only time I bought anything from the game since I started playing from the beta.Never felt the need to spend money besides that. I'm gonna buy some QoL stuff, that's the only thing I feel like I need. I'm just saying, this game is much bigger and complex than GW1, but still has the GW1 philosophy, by not asking you to pay for anything besides the game, however, even in GW1 you had to pay for a pack of 4 bonus missions, explaining past events of each game, which was fine, the missions were nice and they gave you some cool weapon skins.GW2 is massive, in every sense of the word, yet, it doesn't ask you too much to experience everything. The base game is free, and it's by far the best 1-80 experience out there in the market... for free. Again, this is my point of view. Black Desert has a very predatory cash shop, and the game still asks you to pay like 5/8€ just to play it. Sure, it's great to get up to a friend and say all the good stuff from the game has to offer without asking too much from you, but, I personally don't think they need to go to such lengths. Asking for up to 50 gems per episode during the release window doesn't seem that crazy.You don't have to buy anything in the gem store. Just buy gems. That's enough to help support the studio. Asking to pay for episodes during the release window goes against precedent. However, you are more than able to buy 50 gems each time a new episode is released. I guess I'm not sure what your agenda is here. It seems like you want to enforce some kind of subscription or mandatory payment model which is opposed by the game's F2P concept from inception?
  18. If you damage enough armor, you'll be running around in your undergarments.
  19. I have the ascended long bow and have started working on the greatsword. I do have exotic versions of the longbow, greatsword and sword.
  20. QoL suggestions should go in the stickied thread above: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/53097/suggestions-qol-quality-of-life-ideas-merged#latest
  21. We can discussed if weekly new content is good (remember LS1 with two weekly new content), but it just seems that they did screw up already with new content coming only when we reach tier 5, but making it unable to reach tier 5 now. (I assume that this is happening right now.) Personally I would find it okay if they slowly increase the release. Maybe one more story, one mastery and two DRM (yes, I know that many got tired of them already), maybe a few more achievements and most would be okay with it. I don't believe the Devs 'promised' weekly updates.This does not mean 'weekly':In the weeks between releases, each chapter will continue to evolve with new content and ways to play. 'Weeks' means any time between releases, i.e. sometime in the weeks between the release in November and the release in January.We've rarely, if ever, received any kind of update less than two weeks apart. Things like this is, IMO, one of the reasons why they don't engage with us on the forums. "Promises" taken out of context and self-made expectations not being met and then being blasted for it. /shrug
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