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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. You might check the Ranger profession sub forum for ideas https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/categories/ranger
  2. OP might be interested in this discussion? https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/104756/bring-the-game-to-the-new-consoles
  3. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Event_timers
  4. Thanks! Will take a look and pass that info around my group. :)
  5. The content shouldn't dictate the profession one needs to play. All professions should be able to manage through it, perhaps some easier than others. Yes, content can (and arguably should?) make a player change their build or concept of their character to have an easier time, but it shouldn't be merciful to one or two professions at the cost of the others.
  6. You may want to review the previous threads on this topic. There have been some tips and helpful insights in them: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/3523/eater-of-souls-the-departed https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/3981/eater-of-souls-fight-is-too-difficult
  7. Why even bother playing the game if you do not want to learn its mechanics? How is the game going to make you learn gameplay if you can indefinitely avoid it? Obviously it does not have to be a per character thing, can just be once per account thing that you can repeat as needed.If I were to struggle with content, then I would be forced to learn on my own. Having something in place that forces that on me when the game decides to is not something that I would prefer.
  8. IIRC, going in with another person changes the other person to a wisp with some, small abilities that might help but, IMO, don't really impact the overall fight. I did it both pre and post nerf and didn't have too much trouble once I understood the attacks and patterns. /shrug
  9. The only Mount that requires completion of the Path of Fire story is the Griffon. Which is an optional mount and not required for any PoF content.
  10. I just like the thread title. Kudos for creativity!
  11. Yeah, I did not perceive the Griffon or Skyscale collection as a grind, either (except for the time-gated feeding part in the latter, but that was corrected after two weeks). I actually enjoy traveling across Tyria, seeking out spots etc. Yeah, same. I loved both mount collections!I felt that the skyscale collection was a bit longer than it needed to be, but not to the point that I would like it to be adjusted. If anything, each step could have had a few less things to claim. /shrug
  12. Not a necro main, so please excuse the ignorance. Some of you are saying that there are better utilities to take as a reaper, but don't really elaborate. What do you suggest or can you link your build? I'm mainly OWPvE, but asking for others as well in my small circle. TIA!
  13. There is a large segment of the populace (large, not majority..) that likes to be able to stand still in the game in the middle of areas with enemy creatures without dying while they [fill in blank with alt-tab, message friends, check map etc] People attach a large significant to dying in game. Because of course reasons. There are complaints about the aggro range in PoF maps.... It truly seems as if people only want to auto attack and not worry about mechanics or focus. They just want to move on to the next area. PoF aggro range is a bit of pet peeve of mine. It's not at all about difficulty. It's that you can never get out of combat in PoF. There's always another stupid sand eel or forged sniper 2000 units away that for some reason decided it wants to come after you. I don't want things "easier", but I also don't want to be forced to fight 20 mobs due to chain aggro every time I stop to harvest a node! I mean I get it. But being an old school RPG player I am conditioned to go to a town or outpost if I want a break..Even as an old school RPG player, I never had a constant, continual string of fighting without even a small break. I'm not talking about sorting through the loot and such. Just one fight after another fight after another fight after another fight after..... Not in my RPG experience.
  14. I would think that the data set would require a lot more than just 1,000 entries to even begin drawing conclusions.
  15. IMO, this is what helps GW2 stand out from the rest of the genre: the decisions to not be like every other MMORPG. who cares.. what you think the game needs more players.and actually one of the critics this games gets often is it has ugly races.Who cares? I care. I thought that this forum was for discussion. I stated my opinion and you answer with "who cares?" Maybe in your circles the critique mentions ugly races. I do not find them to be so. Where is the data to support your claim that this is a criticism that occurs "often"?
  16. IMO, this is what helps GW2 stand out from the rest of the genre: the decisions to not be like every other MMORPG.
  17. But that's kinda the point some of us are making. With all of the apparent, rampant AFK farming going on, why hasn't it affected the market? Maybe because it doesn't?
  18. The scarcity is to encourage players to log in and check every day. It is a marketing tactic and is by design. They will return when Anet decides to return them. I suggest you keep an eye on the stickied thread above for announcements.
  19. People would want to start them at level one and use them in current core Tyria maps.
  20. Or, maybe dismounting will allow it to remain in the world for a set period, like a banner or food tray, unless you mount up on it again?
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