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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. Some of the best ideas I've seen on the forums in a long while with regards to the Dolyak being some kind of portable extra storage.
  2. I feel that the guild cape was Anet's compromise to players who might complain about having to spend gems for a cape. However, they couldn't make it as good as purchased capes as it could possibly affect sales. Why would people buy a cape if the "free" guild cape was just as good? /shrug
  3. Well, that shows how often I look in the LFG panel!
  4. Sorry, but it is already very easy to get the raptor mount. Just play the story. There is no need to make it any easier. I agree with the looking for guild suggestion. Would love to see advertisements moved out of map chat.
  5. Hey, this is starting to sound like the template/build out system.
  6. You might consider posting your request in the stickied QoL thread where is should get more attention from the devs: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/53097/suggestions-qol-quality-of-life-ideas-merged
  7. May I ask why?Scores of players looking like Macy's parade floats doesn't interest me. But, that's just one player's opinion. /shrug
  8. Ugh. Then we'd have to deal with teen-agers! That's okay, because if it dies we should be able to skin it. Maybe in competitive modes only.Would that I could skin my own teen-ager. Some days..... (sigh)
  9. Going back in time is a lazy, cop-out way of storytelling IMO. I hated when Star Trek did it, and hated when Shield did it. Boo writers!
  10. Depending on time of day/night, you're right. I recently leveled a toon and ran into VB for the hero points and never had trouble getting help when asked.
  11. One might think that from the description: Double-click to bring up the Portal Device interface. Allows the monitoring of major threats across Tyria, toggling of alerts, and portal travel to join threat response forces.— In-game description
  12. Pretty much any poll on the forum is invalid as none of them will ever come close to a proper population sample.
  13. I agree that interest would probably be low because of speed. The novelty of having it carry a second person could sell it more but as stated above there are likely technical limitations to that. I would love it for carting my kids around in game but I doubt the majority of our community game with young children. All that said, it feels wrong that there are dolyaks in Tyria and we can't simply jump on them and ride... Oooooo ambient mounts, there's a fun idea! I used to do this with my kid in Wizard101. She had a dual-person mount and would take us wherever she wanted/needed to go. Several complaints on their forums about the dual-person mount though where the rider often had motion sickness symptoms.
  14. I'm not sure how many people will want a slow mount.
  15. Only Anet knows. The perception of the scarcity of this item is what drives people to spend more money than they might otherwise spend. It's by design. If Anet advertised your preference while the current item is in the store, less people would be inclined to buy it now. Should this item return at some point, I recommend keeping an eye on this thread for an announcement: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/458/news-gemstore-items-new-returned-sales
  16. Early on in my GW2 days, I remember actually escorting Mona with a group of other players. Without even thinking about it, I was using my mount to bust up the attacking Centaurs and was killing most of them myself. Another player called me out on hogging all the kills and not letting other players get any. My initial reaction was very salty. As I thought about it though, I realized that player was right. It is a matter of common courtesy. Ever since then, I've been mindful of other players on the lower level core maps. So even if someone's initial reaction is testy, you may have a positive, long term effect, without ever even knowing it.Thanks for sharing that. I continue to ask politely. Sometimes it works, other times not so much.
  17. I don't think it's the same teams that handle both things though. Probably not, but that would be my preference if it were a viable option.
  18. Yes, it generally is. A skilled player playing casually is going to be far ahead of a casual player playing casually. Some will use casual to solely mean time spent, but you can still be hardcore while only playing an hour a week, and likewise, casual when playing 24/7. Casual/hardcore have multiple definitions based on context, but overall, it is a mindset. A casual player is just playing for fun, doesn't care about learning anything and thus plays poorly with a somewhat random setup while generally relying purely on vertical progression to get past obstacles. They're always going to choose the easiest difficulty when playing games. That is a broad generalization. I consider myself very casual by the first part of your definition, but the playing poorly part does not define me. Neither does the lack of wanting to learn. Your definition here almost offends me as a "casual player" because I'm not like that. As a community, I believe that we need to stop dissecting casual vs hardcore because the definitions are too vague. It makes for poor discussion and debate.
  19. I'd hope that they would postpone the next chapter in favor of fixing whatever the PoF/LS4 map lag problem is.
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