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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. That is exactly the reason. Anet would lose sales on expansions and lounge passes.
  2. That's what I tried to argue, but there were a few who discounted this point.
  3. Dead maps give players more opportunity to solo on them. /shrug
  4. They must be getting used somewhere for Anet to take notice and have enough data to support making adjustments. /shrug
  5. That's not what's being said. If someone deletes characters they can still have actively played for 10 years.
  6. I have no argument with these kinds of examples. They just don't fit within my own opinion, and that's fair. Main hand mace/club, sure, but dual handed? No thank you. I would have just preferred an off-hand shield instead. I, also, don't adhere to the "ranger must be ranged only" points that have been made. As a ranger main, especially when I'm playing core, I almost exclusively camp in melee to get the most benefit from my pet. Usually, I will take down as many as I can at range while my pet is engaged, and then weapon swap and move in to finish things off. That's the playstyle that I often prefer and enjoy. I just don't see me using dual maces. /shrug
  7. Ok, well, then there is no use having a discussion with you since you are so closed-minded about it. Good luck with your endeavor and good luck carrying this ideology in life.
  8. How? How is it that a customer who starts paying TODAY should have access and availability for EVERYTHING that customers who paid 10 years ago have? Are you going to start arguing that you should have full legendary gear, too? Because veterans who have played for years have worked and acquired theirs. Shouldn't you also be entitled to have yours?
  9. I'm arguing your premise that it is discriminatory. Your thread really sounds like an entitlement problem to me -- veteran players having more things than new players and somehow new players should have exactly what veteran players have.
  10. Sorry, I mis-read. I have not purchased any Gold Find from the WV.
  11. I've already purchased all of the gold that I can from the WV, at least for the limited option. There really isn't much in the Vault that I want. How does this address your point?
  12. No need to be snarky. I did read it. You didn't specifically state how it is different. The mechanic in place is the same for every player, new or old. Unless you have some other factual evidence to the contrary?
  13. Yeah, always check that other subforum for things like this 😉
  14. Not me. I protested maces because I didn't find them thematic enough for me. I would have loved an off-hand shield!
  15. Explain, specifically, how? The mechanic is the same for all players.
  16. But new players are being treated fairly. They are getting exactly what they are paying for, just like the veteran players did when they purchased the game.
  17. That's your opinion. It's not a fact. Let's see some supporting statistics and/or math to back up your claim before you start spouting it as factual.
  18. What bias? Also, IRL telling someone to leave a public forum discussion isn't how public forums work.
  19. Why stop at 12? If we had 20 or even 30 options, we'd cover a lot more players' preferences. Let's make it 100 options!
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