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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. Thanks for the considerate and well thought-out post. ;)
  2. That was just an example. I play rifle deadeye in WvW and I can't stand that sometimes I have to wait for my Mark to reacharge because people can run away (zerg). It would be good to switch targets if your current is still alive.Isn't there a utility skill that will do this?
  3. I wouldn't think so. You can already buy both for $30 https://buy.guildwars2.com/store/gw2/en_US/html/pbPage.pathoffire/themeID.4785548100 which is a steal for two full expansions.
  4. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/112864/trading-post-issue
  5. For GW2, however, you are more than welcome to subscribe to it. Just buy $10-$20USD in gems every months and I'm sure that you'll be able to afford any cosmetic item in the gem shop that you would want. There is nothing preventing players from subscribing on their own in this manner. Paying 10 € per Month in a non sub based game does Not offer the Same experience like a sub based Game.This argument, no matter hoW often it is braught up makes no Sense. Those 2 different models have very different design philosphies. Some good, Some Bad. Not judging what model you prefer, But please consider your pov on this.Really? How is it different? GW2 is free to play. You get all of the core content for free. Spending some amount each month (like a subscription) would allow players to unlock DLC (heck, log in to the already free game on content release and you even get the additional content for free). It would also allow for the purchase of items from the gem store, which incidentally aren't required to play the game. Yes, the design philosophies, as you put it, are inherently different; however, the end result is pretty much the same. If you want content outside of core/basic content, then you'll pay for it either via subscription or voluntary monthly payment for gems. What many of us don't want is for GW2 to change to a subscription (plus microtransaction) model like practically every other MMO. Some of us don't play other MMOs specifically for this reason. GW2 already offers a lot of content and value for next to nothing. It is up to the players to decide if they want something from the gem store badly enough to pay for it, and even then they can play the game (which, by the way, is still free) to earn gold to convert to gems. What other free to play games offer such a deal? The gemshop is one of (if not the one) the most lucrative ways for the studio to make money so that they can continue to create content. A subscription model is not needed when there already exists a way for players to emulate a monthly sub fee should they desire to do so.
  6. Don't know if it is related to the login error issue, but they are aware of the TP issuehttps://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/112864/trading-post-issue
  7. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/112864/trading-post-issue
  8. Maybe players in ascended gear could focus more on playing in zones that present challenges more in line with a character so equipped?
  9. For GW2, however, you are more than welcome to subscribe to it. Just buy $10-$20USD in gems every months and I'm sure that you'll be able to afford any cosmetic item in the gem shop that you would want. There is nothing preventing players from subscribing on their own in this manner.
  10. With the sub model you are being asked to pay for every. single. possible. thing....including those that you do not want. And there is a paywall on all of the coolest stuff, all of the least cool stuff, and everything in between. Also, with GW2 micro-transactions being pretty much cosmetic only, you needn't spend any money at all!
  11. That CAN be abused? The entire premise of the item is based on screwing other players. It CAN be abused. Full stop not question mark.We all know that it WOULD be abused.
  12. That CAN be abused? The entire premise of the item is based on screwing other players.
  13. I have my mounts keybound to Shift+Num (Shift+1, Shift+2, etc). Not terribly taxing and it isn't like I'm able to mount or swap mounts while in combat anyway.
  14. Practice! I'm still not 100% accurate, but I do hit my AoE target a lot more consistently now than I used to.
  15. Never seen Facet take an hour when using LFG. Maybe it's the time that you're on?
  16. That's part of exploration! However, check the wiki -- it usually details how many mastery points are on a map and where to find them.
  17. Most of the mount skins (by vast majority) are quintessentially just retextured models with nothing new or interesting. I think I'd be upset if I went to a pizzeria for a $20 pizza labeled as 'gourmet' only to see it come out looking like something bought from the wal-mart freezer section. That is an entirely subjective opinion.
  18. I wonder what issues with the current game the OP is trying to solve with this suggestion? How will this bring more income to Anet?
  19. What, then, would you change to make up for the loss of revenue generated from the current system?
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