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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. I deleted quite a few early on, not knowing about birthday gifts. Whoops.
  2. While mounts in GW2 are quite revolutionary and can dramatically change the way the game is played, they still weren't necessary. But I will agree that Anet really hit it out of the park, there. However, other things like ... fishing ... have received a mixed reaction. For me, I would much rather have had Anet spend their development time/resources in fixing balance and the many other known bugs than implementing fishing. I feel the same way about housing and fervently hope that Anet never spends any resources toward that.
  3. No, there is no plan for whatever it is you're asking. Dungeons have been replaced by fractals, strikes and raids. Development on dungeons stopped years ago. Not sure what time(s) you're playing or which region (US/EU)? I often see many people on core maps. Population is lower now due to the Wintersday festival. Don't understand the rest of your post.
  4. Agreed. I am a ranger main in that it is my preferred toon and the one I'm most familiar/comfortable with. I'll use my ranger to open up new maps and zones, but once she's been through them I'll play a variety of other professions depending on my mood and what content I want to play.
  5. How would you handle the different levels of the maps if you were to merge them? How would the mega-server handle map populations? I'd imagine long, large, ranging maps with not many players on them due to the resource load.
  6. Possible. Perhaps. Like I often tell my kid, there's a big difference between possible and probable. I'm not sure that this idea is probable. It might take too much effort from Anet for not enough gain. /shrug
  7. Could be interesting, but I'd imagine it would take a complete re-work of the character/toon to allow for a separate dye channel.
  8. You might need to visit the Steam forums. Anet staff will not have access to your Steam account or ID.
  9. Reminds me of Jurassic Park. People thinking so much about what they can do that they don't stop to think if they should. I'd expect this suggestion to end about the same way.
  10. Yeah. For malpractice attorneys. "Have you or a loved one been injured by medical malpractice...?"
  11. People wanted harder OW content. Don't understand these complaints now.
  12. I disagree. If you played it enough, then it was quite predictable. I guess your mileage varies.
  13. The game's name is only due to the franchise. It really has nothing to do with guilds, per se.
  14. This is all over Tyria. 10+ years in the game, and just this week I passed by a town crier in Divinity's Reach who said to no one in particular as he was strolling: "I like .... pie." That was it. He just kept on walking. I had never seen him/heard him before. 10+ years. Still finding little things like this.
  15. Personally, I think that ship has sailed especially since Anet isn't really focusing on raids anymore. It feels to me that those who enjoy raiding will play it regardless of the rewards. If players aren't into raids now, I don't know what level of reward would be enough incentive for them to do raiding on a consistent basis and not just as one-offs for the rewards. /shrug
  16. I understand this point; however, as GW2 is F2P/B2P, you're really not risking too much investment in getting on board. With no sub fee, you can decide how much time to dedicate to playing GW2 and not worry about wasting money and if you end up taking some time away, everything you've built up will still be relevant when you return. /shrug
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