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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. You might have better success with your requests in the WvW forum: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/categories/wvw I had difficulty, too, getting my warclaw. I found it easier to follow zergs when people were doing their dailies. Yes, it was frustrating being left behind.
  2. Adding a tenth class would unbalance the professions. Revenant fixed that when it was introduced. I can't imagine Anet is likely to break that so soon.
  3. I always hear this, but from what I understand unless you do a LOT of salvaging, over time the investment in this tool isn't realized in returns.
  4. From what I understand from previous threads on this topic is that it is quite involved for the devs to change the name. The high price of the contract is to deter frequent name changes.
  5. I found PoF difficult to navigate in a support role if I were going solo.
  6. Anet had already said that it takes a lot more time/effort/resources to make armor sets. That is why we're seeing more outfits.
  7. My small, casual group hasn't gotten past level 7. However, it has been trial/error (and a little help from wiki) but we've enjoyed the content when we're in the mood to do Fractals. I don't see a need for them to be more intuitive.
  8. The point is not to use WPs but have a return device that doesn't charge currency. Plus it gives ANet another gemstore item to sell to support the game. The cost for waypoints is quite low, unless you are a new player account without much cash. I don't see the benefit of spending resources to make something that fits your request when the means already exist within the game. Remember, part of the purpose of waypoints is a gold-sink, so providing this free alternative could adversely affect the economy. Good luck, though.
  9. People seem to be arguing that Anet only uses one, specific set of data for their analytics. I'm sure that they gather a lot more than they could possibly use.
  10. That pet is a reward from GW1. You would need to get it there. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/List_of_pet_locations#Black_Widow_Spider
  11. Really, we who? I couldn't care less about spears whether they are implemented or not. I'm not rioting over something so minor.
  12. I can't even begin to imagine how much would break by changing this on an existing character. It would be far cheaper, and easier I think, to take Linken's suggestion with the character slot.
  13. I like that idea. I hope as and when we do move beyond the known areas, and beyond the elder dragon storyline this does get explored. I realise the real reason, as someone else said, is that they wanted to fit the story they were telling within the space they were using, but I'd like to see an in-universe explanation too. Maybe something which also explores where the elder dragons came from and if there are, or were, any other 'true' dragons in Tyria. (Other than the saltspray dragons in Cantha and other creatures which get called dragons but are quite different from the elder dragons.) As mentioned the nostalgia for GW1 dominates the storyline but I always wanted a group of butt-kicking heroes from the other side of the planet to show up with an army to stop the maniac who threw their magical society into chaos by killing three elder dragons. I like this idea too. :D We got a little bit of that in Elona with the ley infused creatures we had to hunt down for bounties, but it would be funny to get into a new area and find an equivalent group of heroes trying to deal with the same problems, but seeing us as part of the cause. Although I'm not sure how they'd know that someone in our part of the world killed the dragons, since I assume they have no more contact with us than we have with them. Oh, unless we tell them, and then get the reaction. :DCommander: "Dragons? Oh, yeah. Those. We killed a few of them. They were mucking about and seriously giving us grief."Other land hero: "Wait, what?"
  14. All of this is purely academic, really. None of us knows which analytics or how many Anet uses. It would be folly to assume that they are only looking at one set.
  15. Let's not derail this thread into another gambling one. We already have plenty of those.
  16. Probably the same reason I haven't played Chrono Trigger in over a decade. No matter how lovely you feel it is, you do eventually get tired. That's a different game entirely. Also, as I already said there are pieces of content in -this- game that are still played. HOT maps are played more than S3 maps, POF maps are played (?) more than most S4 maps. All maps are still played when there is a reward/meta available to them. Fractals and Raids are still being run to this day, including Fractals that were available for many years and Raids that have been available since way before S3.And when I say content that is being "played" I mean content that is alive and active compared to living world maps that are actually dead.I often visit S3 maps because of the lower population on them. It has nothing to do with the rewards or meta. It can be more immersive to me to explore without a fully-populated map.
  17. I understand the point. I've done it on multiple rangers, so I understand the grind. It's just my opinion.
  18. Sorry, no, I disagree. Pets shouldn't be this easy to obtain or unlock.
  19. Not everybody that have some kind of issues will put up a post here, so just because you don't see that many post that complains about lag, disconnect or other issues that might or might not be related doesn't mean that there isn't ongoing issues.Have you not been around the forums long? Any major outage generates multiple threads in multiple forums. These one-off issues would appear more likely to be on the client side; otherwise, yes, we would see a lot more complaints on the forums.
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