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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. Being that it was released with the Cantha expansion, it makes some senes that it would be more "oriental" in design. Not sure Anet will release a galleon skin. /shrug
  2. Those are paid expansions. LW maps were additional content not included with the paid expansions.
  3. I don't think that Anet would put daily events on LW maps because not every player would have access to them?
  4. All those saying that the jackal is useless haven't really given it a chance, IMO. For me, it is easier to control and works better over varied terrains whereas the raptor doesn't seem to manage inclines as well. I find the jackal easier to turn mid-dash than the raptor which makes it more maneuverable for me. That's just my experience.
  5. I thought the same thing back during the initial skyscale release. I finally took the time/effort to slowly work towards it -- I fortunately had stacks of most of the required materials. Still, tit took me months of casual playing to obtain mine. It definitely has a learning curve to it and when tricked out with full masteries is much better than the loaner. I would recommend still going for it, just don't make it your priority if the journey isn't entertaining for you.
  6. That sounds like it would be a very poor business decision on Anet's part.
  7. I just keep a pad of paper nearby. Old school, perhaps, but it serves the purpose. /shrug
  8. I'm not sure that I understand the purpose of this poll. What data are you attempting to gather from it?
  9. Adding another post to the thread asking this question only serves to bump the thread back to the top. If people stopped posting to it, it would fall back to page 2 and beyond. Aw, kitten......
  10. I thought that was what the latest sword changes were supposed to bring. More offense/DPS
  11. It could be if that is all that is being released. I'd prefer actual content.
  12. So, slaying dragons with swords and having magic in abundance defines the medieval genre? Holy smokes.
  13. Should Anet, then, also implement wheelchairs? Both the manual and motorized ones? It's not that I'm unsympathetic to those who have particular issues or disabilities; I just don't think it necessary for the studio to cater to every one of them.
  14. Because where does it end? If the devs do something for one group then another will want the devs' attention to their wants. And then another group. And so on. I'd rather the devs spend their time/resources on things like ... fixing bugs, for example. Something that will be beneficial for the entire player base rather than a very small subset.
  15. Does GW2 have to represent each and every type of person on the planet?
  16. To add to @Inculpatus cedo.9234 list of links: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Skyscale Since you were asking about acquisition and cost.
  17. No, it's just that some posters when offering a suggestion will say something like "it should be easy to do" which is what prompted my point.
  18. So many professional game coders on the forums these days. Anet should hire some of them. Apparently, changes and requests are really simple to implement.
  19. This is precisely my point. No one knows and for you to unequivocally state that Anet does nothing is a statement that you cannot support with any evidence. So you shouldn't go around making such blanket, unfounded statements.
  20. You can enjoy playing GW2 without doing the dailies. There are many other things that you can do.
  21. I honestly can't tell if you're being real here. This entire back and forth came about from your claim that Anet doesn't do anything to which I replied that you had no evidence to support that claim. How this got all twisted up to where it is now is baffling. Let's review. Again, you cannot know if Anet bans real afk farmers or not because they do not publicly announce it. That's all I'm saying. Your claim has no merit and it almost makes it sound like Anet doesn't take action, which is a bad look for the company. It's almost libelous, really, for you to say as much as such statements have the potential to affect their sales. GW2 has enough problems with publicity without anonymous posters on their official forum making unsubstantiated claims.
  22. Yes, for many, this is perhaps true. I was only positing a possible reason.
  23. Are you intentionally being obtuse? If I see players that, to me appear to be AFK farming, then I report them and move on. I never said anything about whether or not another player id "doing anything bad" so don't put words in my mouth. The point is that no other player can know for sure if a player is AFK farming or not. Anet's policy/stance is to report them and let Anet sort it out. Complaining about them on the forums always gets the thread closed/locked with that exact point being made from the mods. I'm not sure what's so hard to understand here or why you continue to be contrary on this.
  24. You'll have to ask those who complain about it. Me, I simply report them and move on and let Anet sort it out. It doesn't really bother me and doesn't really prevent me from playing the game or completing content. /shrug
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