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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. Polls around here are like Whose Line is it Anyway. The polls are made up and the responses don't matter.
  2. I'll just take a free legendary set of my choice. That would make me feel some equality.
  3. You do realize that the forums represent a very small sampling of the player base so any poll here is inherently flawed and useless?
  4. Why not? Maybe Anet knows exactly how much profit they make on these and they would like to maintain the revenue stream. Why would they make this suggested change which may well reduce their income?
  5. Anet has already said that they will not support additional languages.
  6. Those other MMOs.... what is their business model? Are they also B2P or do they have a sub?
  7. Why? How would doing so benefit the game/community/Anet in ways that are better than the current model?
  8. Didn't say that it was. Only that it "almost sounded" like one.
  9. Almost sounds like a veiled request for OWPvP. If so, then no thank you.
  10. SWTOR (and all of the rest you cited I believe) is a subscription based game so they're getting their money anyway. Anet need people to buy transmutation charges to help support the studio. How much do you pay per month for SWTOR? Just pay Anet the same amount and get gems every month that you can then use to purchase transmutation charges.
  11. Exactly my point. Anet gets only $10. If both A and B purchase gems with RL cash, then Anet would get more money.
  12. Yes, I know that. And by doing so, Anet does NOT receive any additional money. That's the point.
  13. Except not everyone who purchases these tools or inventory slots is using RL cash to do so. Sure, in your example, it may cost over $50, but I didn't pay a cent for my tools or slots. Anet needs to make up the difference somehow for players like me who spend very little RL cash.
  14. Why? What could adding more races actually add to the game?
  15. My first level 80 was in QD following the champ train. Ah, memories.
  16. You assume that bringing back LWS1 was a minimum of effort?
  17. I remember when I thought that it was unreasonably priced at 70g! Now I long for those days.
  18. But would that matter to a new player who hasn't played GW2 in those ten years? The poster mentioned unique races as being a draw for new players. With the three unique races that already exist, why would a new player choose not to play just because tengu don't exist as a playable race? That's the point I was making.
  19. From a business perspective, it might be that any new project that becomes lucrative would be granted the most dev support over a 10 year old game which might be time to put on ice. /shrug
  20. Silvari, Charr and Asura aren't unique enough?
  21. Agreed. It's sometimes strange to me that I often find myself with much in common with you based on your posts. 🙂
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