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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. Imagine after this implementation, the majority of the player base leaves the game. Because that's what's been proposed before and many have said that the current F2P/B2P model is the reason why they stay with GW2. I'm one of them.
  2. Anet probably won't give an official response here in the forum.
  3. If he gets an Asuran pet, then I want a DarcShriek pet!
  4. TP2F is perfectly valid. Just because you don't like a particular option does not make it invalid.
  5. Understood, but my point was that if GW2 were built on the GW1 engine, as we've been told, then it would have taken Anet a lot longer to create GW2 from scratch. This might have been part of the influence on that decision.
  6. Which might be why Anet decided to build GW2 on top of GW1's engine. Hindsight, now, shows the limitations of that decision.
  7. Unattended game play is exactly whatever Anet says that it is and performs actions against accounts for. Any other definition is irrelevant.
  8. Isn't this already a thing with the griffon ?
  9. Pet not selected because I have already clicked on something else (different target or gathering node) or even just moving in a different direction with nothing else selected.
  10. What's in it for Anet? I see a decrease in sales as players won't spend for the skyscale if they can just cheese with someone else on theirs. If you want Anet to consider your proposal, you need to show how it will positively benefit them, most likely in terms of cash.
  11. Also, as a ranger I often F1 and send my pet after a target while I deal with something else (different target, gathering, etc). I've recently noticed that after I've sent my pet off, and my toon starts heading in whatever direction, she turns her head to watch her pet as if she's checking on it while she's moving. Hadn't seen that before.
  12. The water droplets on the screen when your character emerges from underwater.
  13. This has been requested more than once. There is already a thread merge on it. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/139202-begging-for-an-offical-controller-support-merged/?do=findComment&comment=2014638
  14. Please use the forums search as this has been requested many times https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/search/?q=tome&quick=1&type=forums_topic&nodes=11&updated_after=any&sortby=relevancy&search_in=titles
  15. Well, if diminishing returns drops the loot rate to almost zero, they are still getting something for doing nothing (in the case of true AFKers). A million pennies adds up over time.
  16. AH, but that RNG is what gaming companies use to keep players logged in and (hopefully) spending money.
  17. So, then, everyone who plays the game should have the same, equal result? They were complaining that some people are lucky but not them. How would you escape this in-game?
  18. One doesn't even need to get gold participation for the event to count toward the daily. Just tag a few and move on to the next event. As long as you stay in the zone, you'll get credit when the event ends.
  19. If they are truly AFKers, then it probably wouldn't really matter in the long run. They would, I presume, be in it for the long haul what with diminishing returns and all. /shrug
  20. Unless one doesn't do raids or fractals. /shrug Not all rangers. As a ranger main, I hate this weapon set. /shrug again
  21. I'm not advocating for either the pre or post WV era. The point was that the complaint of players zerging the low level zones to complete 10 activities has been an issue prior to the WV so I didn't understand why it was being brought up as an issue now.
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