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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. No, I've already used the report function to ask the mods to move it. No need to re-post 😉
  2. You may want to look in this forum as there are several other returning player threads which may address your points/concerns: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/forum/25-players-helping-players/
  3. But one doesn't need to buy all of the content at one time. Heck, one probably doesn't need to buy all of the content overall. What is missing from your proposal is how would an optional sub fee profit Anet? You would need evidence to show that it would be a sound, profitable business decision for them. Do you really think that they haven't considered this and crunched the numbers and found it to be less than favorable? If they could make more money, don't you think that they wouldn't have already implemented this type of solution?
  4. You can unlock them faster right now by swiping a credit card and they would have unlimited use. No subscription required.
  5. Then, as has been stated here and in countless other threads on this topic, go ahead and purchase gems monthly on your own. Make your own sub fee. Your proposal may not seem that it's forcing a subscription, but to gain the benefits as proposed many players would feel obligated to do so. There are already enough cries/whines about GW2 being P2W (which it isn't).
  6. Did we really need yet another thread on this topic that so many simply do not want? Please use the forums search function. OP, if you want a sub fee, then you can already do this all on your own! Just pay ANet $15-35 every month (your choice even!) and you'll get gems that you can use to purchase whatever you want from the gem store. There is no need to force a subscription model on everyone else.
  7. Your argument is invalid on its face. Why not just say that launching any MMO is the same as launching any other MMO? I mean, if you want to argue in extremes, I suppose we can do that.
  8. 😆 GW2 has been around for 10 years. There is hardly ever, if ever, a unique idea or proposal that hasn't already been brought up and discussed. Searching the forum is ridiculously easy. Most (many) posters are simply too lazy to even try it.
  9. It's a starter zone world boss. Too many mechanics may confuse new players. Save the additional mechanics for other world bosses. Still, I agree with these having too high HP.
  10. Disclaimer: I don't use ARC This, though, seems fine to me. Really cool, actually. I think that if a meter did this kind of thing, but only for the player using it, then it wouldn't get so much blow-back. It's the sharing of the data to other users that is often the sticking point as seen through the many, many previous threads on this topic.
  11. Try doing a search in the Professions forum for previous threads on this concept: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/search/?q=bard&quick=1&type=forums_topic&nodes=12&updated_after=any&sortby=relevancy&search_in=titles
  12. I think the appeal for new players would be converting MC into liquid gold for gem conversion since new players wouldn't have a lot of gold? Making legendary items isn't a short-term goal for newer players so they'd rather get the other QoL items from the gem store and play the game? Just my thoughts.
  13. Not trying to be snarky, but maybe GW2 is no longer appealing to you? Maybe find another game since you say that you have no reason to play GW2 anymore?
  14. To be fair, it is a starter zone world boss, so it probably shouldn't be too engaging/complex for new players. I do agree that his HP are too high.
  15. Be careful what you wish for. Anet is likely to implement your martial artist with boring weapon skills and 5 new skills on the left.
  16. Maybe Anet wants players to buy passes rather than give them an area like this for free?
  17. Ranger. Always. I play ranger main in just about every game, included table top games like D&D and such. Ranger has been in my blood since my first D&D character back in 1979.
  18. I will sometimes swap over to druid for OWPvE world boss events. Not like it's really needed, but it sometimes gives me something else to do during those events. /shrug
  19. Will say it again -- report and move on. Or, document with video evidence and submit to Customer Service / Support.
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