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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. I think that was the whole point, to get players to engage with the actual PvP environment and players rather than using custom arenas. No oversight there, IMO.
  2. That's your opinion, and that's fine. Not everyone wants that sort or level of challenge. Some find real world jobs plenty challenging and they use their rewards from those to purchase things in GW2. I'm glad that Anet has this type of thing so that players have multiple avenues to obtain the things that they want, especially things that in no way affect how one plays the game or one's ability to complete content.
  3. Perhaps. According to gw2efficiency, I was only at 962 about a year ago. I just didn't find anything appealing in the gem store so I hadn't converted over until around August 3 of this year when I purchased gems for equipment slots (which had gone on sale). At that point I had accumulated almost 1700 gold just by playing casually (very!) and completing dailies from time to time. Also, according to the site, my current gold stash is higher than 86% of the registered users there, so yeah you may have a point. 😉 Yeah, I try to stay over 1300 or 1000 if I can so that when something shows up in the store that I want, I don't have to worry too much about the conversion rate. I'd love to see gems back down in the 70g range again, though!!
  4. I mainly use my skyscale and jackal, so the choice for me was rather limited. I didn't want a free skin for a mount that I hardly use.
  5. Ranger main here, too. Swap between core and untamed (soulbeast and druid on rare occasion) and I certainly don't build for meta and have been able to complete most content with longbow and sword/dagger. I don't get into much instanced content (fractals, strikes, raids) where my build doesn't really matter. I dislike the hammer on untamed and on the new elemental e-spec -- personally, I find the hammer to be silly in those roles. Like Danikat says, you don't need to use the e-spec's weapon. Many don't.
  6. Many players talk about how great this item is, but IIRC someone did an analysis and found that you would have to do a TON of salvaging just to break even on it. So, yes, if you're going to sink hours into GW2, this might be worth the investment.
  7. That's understandable. It's a difference in priorities.
  8. Why is it, recently, that it seems everything that is questioned is considered to be deceitful or lying by Anet?
  9. Sure, if you're in a hurry and need to obtain it right now. What have you been spending your gold on up to this point? I'm not in-game rich by most comparisons, but I'm sitting well over 1300 now. I play the content I enjoy and have never had an issue with gold. What about materials? Do you have a lot stored in your bank that you can sell off? EDIT: Plus, if skins were rewarded in-game, there is no guarantee that it would be in your preferred content, so you would have to farm things anyway rather than playing what you want to play.
  10. Do quests, gain rewards, cash them in for gold, purchase mount skin. /shrug
  11. Not sure why anyone would have such an expectation just because the game was made available on Steam.
  12. As a very casual player, I have earned well enough gold to convert (when the conversion rates are more optimal). Everyone is able to earn mount skins through this process if they choose. Or, players can simply purchase gems with cash and oh, I don't know, maybe support the studio? There's no sub fee, so tossing $15-20 bucks to Anet once in a while would be helpful.
  13. What would a new mount add that isn't already covered by the existing ones?
  14. True, but again, if people used the search feature then others wouldn't have to report duplicate threads and mods wouldn't have to then merge them. /shrug
  15. If people used the forums search feature, you wouldn't have to.
  16. I have a hot key set up to stow my weapon because I don't like my toons running around with their weapon drawn. Seems to resolve this sluggishness that you perceive. /shrug
  17. They have answered. It's because of the personal story.
  18. There are several threads on this type of topic in the Professions forum. Have you read through those for further insights?
  19. This is patently false. I have "liked" many suggestions over the years. I just didn't post in those threads. Saying that I prefer resources to be spent elsewhere is my attempt to show the devs who might be reading the thread that there are players who do not prefer the suggestion to be implemented. Confused emotes used as downvotes may not get that point across.
  20. Simple search on "voice" https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/117688-ingame-voice-chat-communication/?do=findComment&comment=1702680 https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/51569-in-game-voice-chat/?do=findComment&comment=51568 https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/11437-voice-chatting/?do=findComment&comment=11436
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