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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. This is by design. Basic appearances for free. Better looking ones for gems. Studio has to make money.
  2. I don't own any of those passes. Again, I don't see new players porting all over maps they haven't even unlocked yet. By the time they unlock maps and/or play some storyline, they should begin to acquire enough funds to manage the few portals they can access. How many new players are going to be porting from EoD to Tyria and back?
  3. This has been noted in the Bugs forum. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/search/?&q=disconnect&type=forums_topic&page=2&nodes=9&search_and_or=or&search_in=titles&sortby=relevancy
  4. Completely agree. Sounds like my kind of group! Might dip my toe in a strike someday, then.
  5. This is why I don't do strikes or raids. I just cannot commit to this kind of time sink. This is also why I thought that the DE meta should have been instanced content and the reward not placed behind it. /shrug
  6. The game has gotten along quite well for 10 years without world-wide map chat. It's not needed.
  7. Disagree about making waypoints free for anyone. It seems to me to be a substantial gold sink and healthy for the in-game economy. New players can already waypoint to starter zones for free. They won't need to be waypoint-ing all over the place early on, so by the time that they need to move around with waypoints, they should have a sufficient amount of coin to do so. /shrug
  8. ANet is on US west coast time. Maybe they're going to do something today, but they're not yet in the office?
  9. I agree. I was just countering the point that no other MMO allows skipping.
  10. In OWPvE, as a LB ranger main, I selectively use knockback (LB4) to get things off of me and let my pet re-acquire the target so for me, saying that I'd never want to knock an enemy away isn't true. I will agree about not using LB4 in groups so that the melee fighters can do their thing -- which is to keep the enemy occupied while I continue my attacks at range.
  11. In SW:ToR you can hit the space bar and skip through the story cutscenes.
  12. I find myself yelling at other rangers who do this even while I'm on my ranger main. "Stupid ranger! Stop with the knockback already!"
  13. 😢 Not all of us rangers are so inconsiderate. Some of us actually know how/when to use LB4!
  14. If not gold, then how much currency and what minimum level?
  15. A little late to the party, no? We had a whole section dedicated to this at one point.
  16. I won't argue that opinion. For someone with such invested interest in that content, I can appreciate your sentiment about Fractals. For me, it isn't necessarily unreasonable -- at least considering your point of view -- but rather does it make good business sense for Anet to put resources into that format if (that's IF) their data shows a much larger population doing other instanced content in lieu of Fractals. Evidence suggests that this is so. Good luck with your continuing crusade, though.
  17. We all know your agenda with regards to Fractals. Statements that you make as fact, which clearly are not, do not help your argument. And Anet has released a lot of new content lately, so I really don't know what you're on about there. Unless you're talking only about Fractals which, again, don't appear to be as popular in Anet's vision due to the resources being spent on LS, raids and strikes. Sarcasm doesn't help your argument either.
  18. They will probably return at some point. ANet doesn't announce when. You may want to subscribe to this thread to watch for it: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/90-news-gemstore-items-newreturnedsales/?do=getNewComment
  19. That is nowhere near a fact. What data or evidence do you have that fractals would indeed be more popular? I'm guessing Anet knows more about what is popular which is why their resources are targeted to other areas.
  20. Please don't paint all of us casuals with such a broad brush. 😉
  21. IIRC the rewards were fine until Istan and then everyone went there until Istan was nerfed. Then, players came back to HoT. But, I could be mis-remembering the order of events. I agree that the HoT maps are fantastic in design. I also hate them and almost never travel there. I'm willing to give credit where it is due for the design, but am not so convinced that the design is the sole reason for the popularity of those zones.
  22. Map design is not the reason. Rewards are. No need to be snarky.
  23. No. And I think that Anet got that message loud and clear during HoT release when so many players quit.
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