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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. Circular logic? People don't play the modes because they've been neglected. Anet doesn't put a lot of effort into the modes because people don't play them. Repeat.
  2. I expect to see more of these in the starter zones and home cities (including LA). At least, that's my hope.
  3. Which, I guess, is why Anet won't do this. They probably don't want characters running around with fully armored torsos and bikini bottoms. /shrug
  4. This feels like another one of those Hey Anet give us mounts for free because I don't want to do the work for them kind of threads. 🙄
  5. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Physical_appearance Seems a lot more than three.
  6. You're welcome. I think that there may be more in the Instanced Content forum. You may want to try the forums search function for those and other relevant threads.
  7. They made new hair styles when PoF was released, so to say they haven't ever done so is a tad disingenuous. They have also said it takes about 9 months to make an armor set, so 1-2 sets a year isn't unreasonable, nor unproductive.
  8. If you did a simple forums search, you would have found plenty of threads already on this topic with the same answer: Report and move on. Those topics are locked for a reason... there is no other discussion necessary. Report and move on.
  9. How is it possible? Well, it is possible that this is a design decision made by Anet to keep the races aesthetically separate and give them unique, visual characteristics. You don't appear to agree with that decision, and that's fine. Good luck.
  10. Have you checked these threads? https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/114435-low-intensity-leveling-and-engame/?do=findComment&comment=1651048 https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/114958-lack-of-good-low-intensity-leveling-guides/?do=findComment&comment=1659606
  11. No thank you. For those who don't want/need to check the daily every time they log in, then they would have to do the extra click to remove this proposed splash screen. I've seen this in other MMOs (BnS specifically), and it's not something that I like.
  12. Many around here either fail or refuse to understand this point in so many QoL request threads.
  13. Sure because yet another thread on this topic will change Anet's mind this time. (sigh)
  14. This is too subjective. I enjoy ranger. Have been ranger main in pretty much every MMO I've tried that has a ranger-type class. Been playing ranger since basic edition D&D. Is it in a good place? The ranger sub-forum would say no, probably quite vehemently. But I enjoy it for the content that I engage with.
  15. No surprise. After 10 years, I can imagine so many variations of Legolas and Strider have already been taken. 🙄
  16. No, there shouldn't be any cleaning. Imagine taking some time off from GW2 due to RL circumstances and then coming back to find your character name is gone. Be more creative. You can come up with unique names easily.
  17. If you don't want to encourage this practice, then stop responding to the thread and it will fall off of the first page of the forum and into obscurity.
  18. I find quite a few players around in Siren's Landing not just farming.
  19. Mine were asking for clarification on certain actions taken so that I might better understand why they were done. Crickets.
  20. Would they, though? Sadly, we don't know how much effort it would take to make this happen and if enough players would actually buy it (at what cost, too? 1600 like the jade bot skin?) to make or break even. Unless there is tangible profit, I don't really see Anet doing this. But I've been wrong before. Once. 😆
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