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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. I think that a large portion of the player base burned through EoD maps and, after finding them not so rewarding, have moved back to previous maps. /shrug
  2. What content requires the skyscale? I can't think of any. It was meant to be a legendary type of mount so the grind is appropriate. You can complete content without it.
  3. If they have purchased PoF, then they have access to a raptor. They need only do the first story step.
  4. Or maybe the Super Mario enjoyers should just play Super Mario. 🙄
  5. Give it a rest. The only way this will happen is if it is in Anet's best business interest. Selling expansions for mounts makes profits. Giving away mounts, even "starter" mounts, may well affect that margin. Only Anet knows and since this has been requested numerous times (yeah, use the forums search function and you can find the threads) and not yet implemented should tell us that Anet doesn't see the profit in implementing this type of suggestion. Good luck anyway.
  6. Which is it? NEED or WANT? Those are two different things. Even my 3 year old knows that. She might want a cookie, but she certainly doesn't need one.
  7. That's irrelevant. It's something new players won't have and will see other players do have, so they should just have it. That's the crux of the argument.
  8. Let also add vanillafree legendary gear for new players. Why should they need to work for those, either?
  9. Yes, to the first paragraph. No, to the second paragraph.
  10. To be fair, there had been a template system that was a third-party add-on that many used.
  11. Hey, guess what? You don't need any of these things to play the game and complete content!
  12. Hey, guess what? You can do your own subscription in GW2! Just buy $20 worth of gems every month and then use those gems to buy the convenience items (or LS chapters!) that you want.
  13. Success through harder content should be it's own reward.
  14. You've been around here long enough to know that this isn't the case.
  15. With unlimited resources, sure. Still, accommodating "as many as possible" will still leave some players unhappy. How do you propose to satisfy them?
  16. Not sure what GW2 you're playing, but I see low level maps populated pretty much all of the time. However, there is a good reason to not encourage high level characters to come to low level maps. There are many complaints here in the forum about how high level players kill everything before the new players can get in a shot. And yet, starter maps like Queensdale and Wayfarer have high level events already (bandits, legendary executioner, Joko minion attacks), so what more do you advocate?
  17. My thoughts on fishing after weeks? I still think it was a waste of resources to implement. But that's me.
  18. Perhaps that is by design to discourage idling?
  19. Ok, so you've complained. How about some constructive suggestions that you feel would better help the new player experience? How do you think that you could make it better?
  20. You might want to keep an eye on this thread:
  21. I was in the same position. Just set smaller goals to achieve it one step at a time. No need to rush for it -- it'll be there when you get there. It took me about a half a year.
  22. Please use the forums search feature. This has been proposed many times and the majority of posters here on the forums don't want it. Besides, there already exists a format for PvP. There is no need to add it to PvE.
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