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Red Haired Savage.5430

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Everything posted by Red Haired Savage.5430

  1. I also wonder if this upcoming mini balance that they'll keep their word and give us the changes early and tell us what their intentions are with the changes.
  2. They haven't nerfed my lazy build, and I don't really run anything meta in WvW so that's fine. Only thing that's going to suck for me is RAIDS so I guess I'll have to figure that out.
  3. I love cupcakes too they're awesome, chocolate with frosting ones are pretty yummy. Muffins are pretty awesome too.
  4. Not sure if this is a bug or not, but ran into a slight issue with bounties and bladesworn if the bounty has the signaler ability it blinded you before you can get a full DS charge it seemed. I could have maybe been .5sec too late from not being blinded but that's what it felt like. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Signaler
  5. It'll already be a huge dps loss because if we have to have 100% boons I'm not sure if we can hit 100% crit which for a power warrior isn't a good thing.
  6. Yes but if it works on picking up banners and putting them back down you're not hitting things and even as a boon support you're still expected to hit things.
  7. Because they think they'll fool us with the 2 seconds of quickness each banner gives when you deploy it.
  8. Now we wait for another 6 months for Anet to disappoint us when they "fix" us again.
  9. Yeah, at first I was expecting diviners ren dps, now I'm not even sure we'd hit that.
  10. Well yeah, they still have to buff those BsW numbers. I mean only 1/3 of the warriors out there are using the new shiny spec. FYI for those that like to say that 1/3 of the warriors out there are running BsW so it's not a failed spec 2 out of 6 is also 1/3, so if the denominator is also a small number it's easy to get 1/3.
  11. That would be a good one, the other profession mechanics get to start a fight being able to use theirs (I know they won't do that though).
  12. If you want some decent stats on what professions are played Wingman is always a good one, the fractals page doesn't look very good for the warrior in general. But overall in high end PvE content, it looks like BsW is barely played. It's also a lot of data points, definitely some overperforming and underperforming classes in there. https://gw2wingman.nevermindcreations.de/popularity Edit: They also break it up based on timeframe which is very nice compared to Efficiency (I haven't really found a place to see playtime based on date there).
  13. Yeah, some of those were old, I think I saw the fall damage trait on you in the SMC fight. 😂
  14. I'm waiting to see what the changes are before casting judgment but saw this and couldn't resist.
  15. Well as it sits today, martial cadence competes with PS so we won't be sharing as much might as we could.
  16. They probably didn't like it pointed out how warhorn is the only weapon in game that didn't do any damage to the enemy. So now they can say it's the only weapon in game that gives quickness? Edit: Just checked other weapons give quickness to allies.
  17. If I could change one thing about warrior, I'd make it Anet's favorite child. 😜
  18. I think it'll be a race of if they get wvw alliances before they actually do something to fix warrior's flaws.
  19. I have a feeling that warrior banners post patch will do about the same damage as diviners alacrigade. I hope I'm wrong, but have a feeling I'm not.
  20. I've often thought that, or if the bolas hits a moving target they are knocked down.
  21. I'm gonna laugh/cry when we get to the end of June when the only changes are that they're just cast once and pulses boons or cast to place then a flip over skill to do boons, removing all their previous effects (talking banners and spirits). Everything else will just be bug fixes. Because "that's enough changes for one profession for a balance patch." And they'll completely forget that these changes will destroy the professions because high end content they rely on these unique buffs to stay competitive (mainly talking warrior here since I don't know ranger well enough).
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