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Everything posted by NanoEliteSixSixSix.8935

  1. Jormug. I like it. Need an in-game one too, though, so I can finally chug beer along to all my favorite Alestorm songs whenever I see fit.
  2. Mine are all Super Cobras and a Hind D, thank you very much. Apaches aren't the only cool choppers out there, you know. For real though, if you wanted to get technical about it the only mounts that a known sex/gender could be assigned to would be the very first raptor, beetle, and skyscale you get. Because you only unlock them once for your account, any copies of those mounts your other characters use can be whatever you want. Of course, you can also headcanon the known ones however you want as well and nobody can stop you.
  3. Why use the skyscale? Because it's a dragon, and dragons are cool.
  4. No, you can't. Just throw it on the pile with all the other things that chop off our horns for no good reason.
  5. Dragon’s Stand, Dragonfall,... Dragon’s Depths? Dragon’s Demise? Nah, after Dragon Stand and Dragonfall next we'd logically have Dragon Lie On The Ground For A Bit.
  6. Good ol' Warmaster Efut. Possibly the dumbest asura ever to have lived. "Boo-boo-matic wheeze calculator" indeed...
  7. I typically run three clicks out from the closest distance, minus first-person view. Occasionally I'll go in another click if I'm not playing charr.
  8. cough cough Not disagreeing with you, just thought I'd mention your qualifications have already been met :+1: That's not flying! That's falling! With style!
  9. A Dungeons-based event like the ones we've had for World Bosses and Metas? Yeah, I can get behind that idea.
  10. You could always transmute your sword into a different skin so it doesn't give off footprints. sure. spend thousends of gold and lot of time and then transmute it into something boring.I mean, that's what I did. It's not my fault that they released other hammer skins I like more than Juggernaut after I had already crafted it. It's also great for riling up map chat on occasion as they try and figure out why I would do such a thing. All I need is to get the metallic armor effect as an always-on thing...
  11. Nah, you'll just get people telling you that you should have posted in one of the existing threads on the subject instead of making a new one. Which if you didbthat, then you'd have peiole wondering why you necroed an old thread instead of just making a fresh one. And thus the cycle will repeat ad nauseum.
  12. Oh is it time for one of these again? Hold on, let me go get my popcorn...
  13. Despite not usually being that big a fan of lever-action rifles, I will say that this is definitely one of the nicer rifles in the game.
  14. Speaking of the Iron Legion MGs, do those things even fire? I've sat around waiting by them to see if the NPCs in the area actually do anything with them, but all the seem to do is sit around and look pretty until the Flame Legion wrecks them up.
  15. Don't talk about it or you'll jinx it! If anything bad happens this time around, I'm blaming you...
  16. The only truly horrible thing I remember from doing this mission was doing it with friends who had been through before me and having an instance exit spot right smack dab in the middle of the arena for Mordy's fight. It's been a few years since I last did it, so I don't know if that's been dealt with since then, but beware of playing with a buddy OP...
  17. Nah, clawless charr feet just don't look right. There's just something inherently wrong about them...
  18. Come on now, that's not even devious. That's just awful...
  19. This request has left me with a mental image of a beefy, muscular choya pinata, and I kind of think that should be a thing now...
  20. What a deviously awful idea. Perhaps if it was limited to only working on other people who had bought it, there might be some good shenanigans to be had. Yes, shenanigans...
  21. It's okay, it looks like charr don't get to keep our horns either. Let us mourn our collective status as the unfavorite together.
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