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Everything posted by illuminati.8453

  1. The types do, which is why they may have at first not put the essences in the storage. The count, however, should not be a factor.
  2. OP, you've put more thought into this than ANet ever will. Just the reality of things, sadly.
  3. Yeah, it's pretty hard to defend ANet. They truly are their own worst enemy. Common sense says if you are going to release a product perceived as less than previous expansions due to its staggered release, you compensate in ways to elevate the value, such as through customer interaction. They had a great opportunity to make changes to the dev/player feedback loop and couldn't muster the enthuisiasm. It perfectly conveys the state of the company. On the plus side, as others have said, we got the +1 added to the daily list, so I guess they listened but you have to remember this is ANet - Where Problems Linger and Solutions Vanish.
  4. I'm not sure I agree, the new maps are pretty quick and easy to navigate once you have map complete and masteries done. That being said, I agree that making things as simple as possible for players is a much better experience. TD was awesome to explore, but trains are the only way to get things done nowadays for alts.
  5. They could have done so much more. Even from a financial standpoint, why don't they allow us to outfit our skiff with gear that makes it easier to fish? Could have easily sold some things on the gem store. I honestly don't know what they are doing at this point, they just abandon stuff left and right.
  6. It would be a mistake for ANet to do this from a financial standpoint. The need to extend content, not make it easier to obtain. I said it in another thread, but if they want to monetize it they should put it in BL chests.
  7. What they should do, is put a very tiny chance of a legendary piece in BL chests. /ka-ching I'm not in favor of this, it is just what I would suggest to the higher ups to monetize the game further.
  8. And....? Why did you post this? Let me put this another way. "Hey there, fellow gamers! I hope this message finds you in a state of blissful apathy, just like us here at ANet. We're thrilled to announce that we've got an update coming your way! Or so I'm told. What's in the update, you ask? Well, we've thrown together a bunch of random balance changes that may or may not improve your gaming experience. Who knows. So, keep gaming with ANet, where mediocrity meets indifference. Stay unenthusiastic and game on... or not. Whatever floats your boat."
  9. Echovald Wilds. If you just need 1 for a daily, exit Arborstone and take a hard left and go around the back, there is an Elite Kirin there. Also, I find crowdsourcing the Choya farmers in Kourna to do the Veteran kills in about 60 seconds to be helpful. I also do the Daily Heart there too for a few T6 mats plus super fast quest progress.
  10. It's all about generating FOMO. But, more than that, I bet there is coding limitations for these events. The event is in phase 2 and it can't handle more than 1 phase at a time.
  11. This is key. I'm fine if it takes 3-6 months per set, but I hate that it involves doing a very narrow (read : 1) range of activities. Although, hats off to them for coming up with a fun way to use the griffon.
  12. Naw, 4090 and I still get massive frame drops if I look certain ways from certain views. No other place in the game does this to me. /shrug
  13. I'm going to have to disagree, I don't think there will be a GW3. Furthermore, it is not in their financial interest to allow us to transfer anything from GW2 to a new title. Their goal is to have more than one title making the studio money, so even if the next game is in the same universe it would not cannibalize the income from GW2.
  14. @Rubi Bayer.8493 Can we get an update on this one please? It is blocking several of us. Thank you! 🙂 Edit : I was finally able to see the swirlies again and finished this one. I'm not sure if there is some kind of timeout, but after 2 days I was able to try again. Worth mentioning, when I tried it the first time there were other people trying it, including someone that was on the 1st cart with me and we both started nearly at the same time. After that 1st attempt the swirlies wouldn't show up for 2 days. When I was able to finally finish it there were no other people trying it and no issues occurred (despite having to try it 3x before successfully completing it).
  15. Sorry, your right, I should have mentioned that the 2hr is with every reward track bonus available. I WvW a lot, so I'm always running those. But, I have definitely found it faster than it was before the latest xpac (with same bonuses).
  16. I get that people want options, but with the latest changes, I can tell you it only takes about 2 hours to get a GoB. It is easier than ever.
  17. They either don't know, don't respect us enough to share, or have completely forgot about people that make legendary runes after the legendary relic is released.
  18. It is not required, as others have said, it is just more efficient. Just join LFG running with the trains and you won't have to spend anything (it will just take a bit longer).
  19. Spot on, dude. Couldn't have said it better myself. Honestly though, to me, it's okay if the game has gone into maintenance mode (I have spent thousands so I'm invested). This allows them to make a new game, which might be pretty good. /fingers crossed What I don't like, is that they spin it as if nothing has changed. It is obvious to everyone that things *have* changed. It would seem more genuine to me if they talked to us like we were fans of the studio and game and not someone they need to deceive to keep playing. This latest xpac is full of promises, which is a huge red flag. Why not say something closer to the truth, "Hey guys, we are deep into a new title which is taking a lot of our resources. We really hope to share something with you soon. In the meantime, here is the latest content for GW2, which we hope you all will enjoy. Also, don't be alarmed we forgot about legendary runes, we are going to make good for all those that spent great effort getting them. We are confident the reward will exceed your expectations." 🙂 Okay, that last part might be wishful thinking, but I hope they don't disappoint on that front.
  20. Please ignore, it is on a schedule because, you know, video game NPCs need time off too. 😉
  21. Same, was there the very first time I flew to the cart and then never showed up again. Unable to proceed.
  22. There is probably too much to do in this game to be honest. You could open your Hero panel, look under the achievements and pick something that interests you.
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