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Everything posted by Blocki.4931

  1. You can try a fresh reinstallation or a repait of the client. To do that you have to create a shortcut of the game and add -repair at the end of the path, right after the "...Gw2-64.exe" in that shortcut. Just google it if something is unclear! Another thing you can do is clear the gw2cache, which you will find in your temp folder, look for folders including "gw2cache" followed by a string of numbers and delete all of them.
  2. It's not the content. Seriously, for the vast majority of players, it's not the content that turns them off. It's the constant lecturing about how their build is inferior, or they're not playing the way their brother's sister's cousin plays, so they must be doing it wrong. I know I won't stay in that kind of group, even if the "advice" isn't being offered to me. I'm too old for that kind of thing, and I've seen way too much of it over the years to think, or believe "but it doesn't happen here". I saw the thread where they wanted to be able to view people's gear before entering a raid, so they could kick 'em before it started. The thing is that these "bad apples" have a really good point. Weaker, maybe not as familiar groups, will struggle way too much. If one of them isn't pulling their own weight, it will cost everybody. Asking for top DPS is ridiculous and not needed, but some strong builds and a faint idea of how to play them simply are requirements and there is no way around it. People NEED to show this much interest in finishing it, it's the least anybody could ask for. Which is all the more surprising to me, because people ARE willing to run strong builds and classes when they are needed in strikes. I know for a fact many of these people never raided, so the interest to "play well" is definitely there. Edit:To be fair though, most of that is the fact strikes don't take 30 minutes to set up. Raids have a couple attempts, then the first guy has to "go" and be online for another 5 hours doing meta events and you are back to waiting, then another guy forgot his pizza and now his house is on fire etc. The necessary time investment is the biggest hurdle and it is true, strikes will not change that one bit.
  3. So many people I've talked to and played with are the complete opposite. Many of them told me "strikes aren't so bad" and were really surprised when they had a lot of fun beating the encounters. Don't worry, you'll stay in the majority because people will forever stay scared of group content in this game, but I am very glad that at least some will try to get into content they've been avoiding before.
  4. i actually think the legendary armory will give greater value to have legendaries. it doesn't take away the value from them. Look at it this way, the armory makes it so when you make a gs you will never need anoter greatsword because the armory will take care of the statswapping for all your characters, therefor any other greatsword has the value of a skin to you but with the same pricepoint. It makes any legendaries past the first of a type way less lucrative so why i think a gen 3 would be overall less desired by most ppl.But skins were always the main draw to legendaries. Stat swapping is such a minor thing for most of the items. Usually you just need 1 or 2 stats for these weapons either since they aren't so varied. A Berserker GS will do the job most of the time for example, maybe you want Marauder or something. That's neat, but the skins matter a lot more to most.
  5. Whisper can be pretty tough, especially the last 25% where many people panic and it all falls apart. Boneskinner is heal spam and walking circles around him. I've seen those 250+ LI groups too, but none of that is required. What is required is the will to improve and learn an encounter, something which a large part of the community has been sorely lacking. Just one friend who grabs somebody by the hand and explains stuff, takes them through, can make the difference. Ignore idiots, they can't dictate how others play the game - unless they just let them do it through their own inaction.
  6. Can confirm I tried many times without 4 CMs, immediately got it when they were active.
  7. It's tournament MATCH wins and you only need them for the visual effect, not the legendary itself
  8. You use them for spirit shards at level 80 which are used to make legendary/ascended stuff, material promotion, but we just get flooded with them. 3 spirit shards a day for dailies, plus some as a login bonus if you paid for the game. I think I'm somewhere north of 2k shards. Get to it! The return of investment is really high. It's tedious busy work, but it's how I and many others make ALL of our gold! :PI can understand wanting an easier, more instant way of doing that though. Would probably destroy the economy if it was easily available though, the need to click hundreds of times through the forge kind of keeps the market alive in that regard.
  9. Yeah, I really wish they gave us an option to do that. Honestly it is absolutely unacceptable Arenanet has never thought of doing that. Unbelievable. (I get it)
  10. Ty for the fast response! , Btw if I update my ticket does it get delayed? It's been 3 days since I sent it. Unless the information is crucial it is not recommended to update/bump a ticket. It gets sent to the back of the line usually.
  11. I'd like to finally see the source of this claim, because I keep seeing this thing repeated over and over again and the only answer I had was something along the lines of "it doesn't make sense otherwise!". Sure it doesn't, but sadly it also doesn't mean it's a placeholder. So can someone show me where anet said it's a placeholder or anything similar? I can't find you a source because that would require more effort than I'd like to put into a reply at this time ;) But it's pretty obvious. They've also done this thing in the past where a trait was made so awful that you stop taking it because they have work planned for it. Most notably they did this to one of the mesmer GM traits. Switching numbers is very easy to do, so when they don't have time to change functionality they make a ridiculous number change on it instead. This way people can adjust ahead of time, learn to use something else.
  12. Email addresses for both accounts, the key for the expansion (you got it per email) the time of transaction. Character names and last time of login (just log in right before writing the support) also help with verification
  13. I'd be okay with FC getting damage back, 2-3k on a crit only though. I would buff it together with the CC skills that lost their damage honestly. Give it some base damage, but make them NEVER crit.
  14. The passive stances are just placeholders for reworked traits, they're getting changed eventually. Full Counter is fine as is. It's actually extremely useful as a long daze. In WvW it is extremely powerful through Sigil of Draining especially. Just hitting it heals you for up to 9k health, removes and steals boons with another sigil. A defensive tool should never also be strong offensively. It used to deal 10k damage easily.. that's nuts.
  15. What are you talking about? They didn't take anything away, they merely restored the original function. What do dyes have to do with this?
  16. Well technically 5? But half of them are very situational
  17. It is yeah. I rolled my eyes at first, but the dialogue between them two is really well done. Hopefully they pop up again once or twice in the future Their dialogue is amusing, and honestly the idea of someone in-universe writing fanfic is hilarious, even more so when it's a charr dude. Especially since at least one is the classic self-insertion fic, written in second person with a generic main character (probably poorly defined so any reader can imagine it's them) who the hero falls madly in love with for no particular reason except they exist. Having read more than my fair share of fanfic (and yes, written some, which I sincerely hope was never that bad) that tells me all I need to know about his writing. Even better is Koss over the other side of the room admitting to owning several copies of Koss on Koss: Uncensored. I just wish the Commander of Your Heart was a readable book too. Well, maybe. Or... I'm not sure anymore... :D Collecting it actually makes an excerpt readable on the bookshelf :) When I did this with 2 other friends we found out.
  18. They're not currently in their office, as posted on the main GW2 website. They're working remotely, who knows how long this will continue. It shouldn't slow it down too hard, they still have a lot of time.
  19. That's how it works right now. Basically you have to change the skin on a character that can wear it before you can use it on a different race. Bit annoying, but transmutation charges are a small price to pay tbh
  20. Yeah, same here. Did it many times and got it. Maybe it is required YOU participate in every single of the events? Which is practically impossible during some moments. You basically have to rush to be the sniper 100% of the time or what
  21. You don't have to use the templates across different characters, that's what you will continue to have that other people do not have with this new feature. Legendary armor has always been absolute luxury and convenience, making multiples has never been of any advantage to you other than not having to swap between chars - exactly the same as after this change.
  22. Everything was nerfed and SB with it's large multipliers was mostly untouched. This was coming for a long time. Doesn't have to be OP by the definition of most people, the fact you can stack high multipliers on top of high scaling when everything in this game got nerfed is stupid.
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