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Everything posted by Blocki.4931

  1. I'll finish the trinkets for sure. Armor I only have 1 heavy and 1 light so far, so nothing really changes for me.
  2. Sorry but what are you even talking about? This sounds like a copy paste of the topics we had when mounts were no in the game yet and everybody had wild theories about how the game would die now. In reality almost nothing of it became true and most of the stuff that did has long been patched out. A person on a mount is not a target. They're worthless. If they afk to get a stomp out then that means it is 1 less person participating in a fight. Zergs dont mount up before attacking, they're never mounting when they can see each other, because this way they can actually power themselves up before pushing. Nobody has an "unfair speed advantage" when it comes to this either anymore. Your entire argument seems to be that small groups now absolutely have no chance beating a larger group because of a movement ability that does nothing in combat. My guild still regularly beats groups larger than us, mounts haven't changed it. It's because we are actually coordinated and have everybody on discord and a commander that isn't useless.
  3. This literally makes no sense to do. "I'm going to do one boss out of the raid so I can do it in the raid." Are you unable to think just one step further? What stops them from learning one encounter after the other? Why shouldn't they be able to learn all easy ones? Should they not be able to learn one of the bosses that come later into a raid? I said it blows having to rely on somebody opening it up for you instead of being able to just open it yourself at any time. Some encounters can be bigger roadblocks than others, in case that wasn't completely obvious to you.
  4. IMO what people would need it a fast way to train any encounter without relying on somebody opening that particular one for them. If there were "boss training" strikes that were basically just instanced raid bosses people MIGHT just be up to learning them. They should be far less rewarding than the real deal and probably be in their entirely own category to normal strikes though.
  5. It's extremely painful to level up, doesn't offer a lot of convenience to an inexperienced player. The playstyle is a little unorthodox in my opinion, it doesn't naturally flow like a Warrior or even Thief would. My first character was a Thief, I stuck with him for almost 7 years now. You have strong ranged options in the Shortbow, which is very useful tagging and clearing out groups of enemies. Then you have Dagger, which is the usual melee Thief type of deal. They don't have cooldowns, only a resource you have to manage, it's self explanatory.
  6. CC is now CC in competitive modes. Not also mobility, damage, evades and more all at once. I'm also almost fully convinced we will get some base damages back on several of these skills. For now we're probably just testing the waters, there is still a lot of work that needs to be done.
  7. Lower map caps, change server population accordingly. Make more people switch to smaller servers, open up another tier for the additional people. Everybody wins.
  8. That person has ONE infusion and it's not even that visually annoying. Effects are not included in the character model settings and many people have wanted something like that already. Nothing to see here.
  9. .......you aren't by chance related to Shad Brooks, are you? But what about the DRAGONS?
  10. You only get the bonus for wood, it's one extra pip for just finishing that. Rest stays the same, only goes up if you are leading a squad of more than 5 people I think and through WvW levels.
  11. Still free dodges and no, you can't just run faster than it.
  12. Stomping exists and so do a couple finishing attacks. Usually classes only have 1 CC in downstate, so if somebody tries to ress use a CC?
  13. Idk, add it to map specific objectives? I don't think adding it to classes would do the game any good, would have to be very limited in use.
  14. They are pretty nice keeping up yyour participation late at night and you absolutely don't feel like actually fighting anybody :)
  15. Please turn Baubles into a currency, it is extremely annoying having to store them in my bank.
  16. Isn't that just the reveal effect you get after a malicious attack?
  17. I don't really remember what it was, but did you partake in the correct event? I think there are two of those and only one is awarding credit for this.
  18. Definitely challenging, but I remember doing them as I reached their required levels back on release and players have only gotten stronger since then. You even get better gear just from level up rewards now, back then it was getting really lucky or spending coin for some rare gear.
  19. You can just tell them the game and its mechanics get better with the expansions and living world. That's pretty much what I did, butmany of my friends stopped playing because they simply don't have the time for an MMO and thus lack the investment to get into it nowadays.
  20. Probably? I wouldn't mind having strikes and fractals even re-use the same bosses honestly if that means they can be developed further. At the same time I hope we get more strikes that are like Forging Steel and a bit longer and not just a boss fight.
  21. We should have some more new and different buffs that aren't boons. Stuff not everybody can have up all the time or that would be added elsewhere after the fact.
  22. Last 25% is also rough because you can't see a kitten thing through the visual noise. During part of it my whole screen is just white. Yeah, I always turn off post processing and just make sure to look from above as much as possible. Stacking and just heal spamming probably is my only saving grace, because I have NO idea where to be during that bullet hell garbage. On that note, I also feel like this fight bugs out far too often at this stage. Many attempts simply died because the boss despawned/turned invisible when he gets CC'd right as he hits 25% hp or the wonderful "every effect and attack is doubled" bug.
  23. It's fine, because ideal DPS are a pipe dream most of the time. Some can do it more easily and on basically all bosses, others only have certain times where they can hit their peak DPS due to movement or phases and what have you. Not every class does the exact same thing, hence these rather large differences. There are times where you really want those insane spike DPS and there are many where just a consistent DPS is far better.
  24. Thanks so much for the offer but luckily I can max the new Masteries with open world achievements (I'm slowly catching up after a long break). :+1: Well, the offer still stands! If you are so inclined at any point, just add me and send me a message.
  25. It really isn't all that difficult. Chains and his past 25% phase are the most dangerous things. Good healers and paying a lot of attention will carry you through it guaranteed. Are you on EU? If you are I'll gladly take you through the fight when I do it with my guild.
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