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Everything posted by Blocki.4931

  1. I think the fact it's a harpoon and that we get taught how the skill works right at the start of the mission should have made it very obvious.
  2. I'm guessing it was about Sneargle Goldclaw and he (mostly his assistant tbh) is just hilarious.
  3. It's probably harder to turn off a feature that is baked into the game than it is to simply remove the variable for the cost if I had to guess.
  4. Don't care what anybody says, I want Mainhand Shield and live out my Door Fantasy
  5. The way the story is framed IMO would indicate that Ryland dies. Showing that he refused to kill Almorra and even go to the length of giving her a proper burial indicates that he isn't 100% on board with Bangar's insanity.
  6. Tip for people playing that first instance/soloing it:Look at the boss healthbar and watch for the vent timer. You can basically afk and kill an enemy every 20 seconds if you like, focus the portals and kill a couple more enemies to get ammo. The second you hear or read the word vent in a text bubble you run to the tank, press 3 3 3 3 3 3 and then hold down 1. Rinse, repeat.
  7. I kind of wished we would re-experience the attack on Lion's Arch. That was what cemented the cast in my mind. I have to agree that it seemed kind of sudden, with zero introduction or any dialogue, but we have to remember: THIS is exactly what Season 1 story instances were. In order to re-capture the feeling of it we would have to visit instances maps with dozens of other players at once - or 5 to 10 man instances where we play through slimmed down versions of the meta events that happened back then. Those had the NPC dialogue and flavor, not the village with 10 generic NPCs in them adding a tiny bit of flavor by having 2 voiced lines.
  8. How do you break the break bar completely? When I played it solo, I was only able to reduce the break bar to around 30% with spamming the tank-skill-3 (harpoon) before the skill went into cool down. And without a fully broken break bar, it takes way too long for my taste (so I left after the boss had 70%, because I proved to myself that it was solo-able and because I had already finished it before in a public mission). You must be missing one pull then, the bar is tuned in a way that requires 100% of your hits with the harpoon ability to break it and it runs out pratically the moment the bar breaks. I just spammed 3 once the bar was up.
  9. Thanks for spoiling this to me and others! What did he spoil ?????? She died in the past already.People even wanted to build her an altar or a statue. He basically ruined the whole point of this part of the story for anyone who hasn't done it yet. Some people come to forums when a patch hits instead of rushing through the content.What? A dead character dying is a spoiler? What world do we live in? It's been over a month.
  10. Many legendaries need it and Shards can be purchased from the TP.
  11. I legitimately don't understand this negativity today. Anet could do anything to please them, yet I feel like 90% of the players here would still only complain. Give them credit when it's earned, for saint's sake. To be honest, this is recycled content played by other characters then people created.I can see why this Saga isn't well recieved. People created RPG characters to experience epic adventures. They didn't sign up to play military missions with other characters????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Seriously there is no adequate response to your post. You keep your own skills.You can solo the mission if you like, easily. You're literally playing a story mission like you would a Fractal, but you can solo it or with up to 10 players. "didn't sign up to play military missions" you hecking what? By that logic anything the Commander does is bs because we didn't have a choice.
  12. I know that part. ;) Ahh, he needs to get hit by a disarmed mine? :o Logic? You tamper with it, not disarm it :P That's truly difficult, because he always blocks my Mine skill 5 (the push skill). Advice? I did it a couple times, I just spammed it pretty much and then just tried to line it up. It's annoying, because he wants to explode all mines right after taking damage. I THINK you can cancel him out of that.
  13. You can comfortably solo this. Just kill the enemies from the portals, repair whenever scrap drops and the tank is damaged to 50%, pick up every single ammo drop you can and just hold down 1 in the tank after you got rid of the armor through the harpoon.
  14. You use the item Kiel gives you, in his room you press 1, look at the icon above the mines and then use your skills to "tamper" with whatever mine you saw, then bait him to run over them. Repeatedly. After each hit he resets them. Edit: Actually you want to prepare multiple bomb mines in a row, then his your 5 skill to push him through as many as possible for most damage.
  15. It definitely wasn't that big. Maybe something weird happened and it's downloading the full game for you again, like it couldn't find the game folder where it usually is and created a different one.
  16. Why? What exactly makes you think this is NOT okay? Why is a PvE collection (most of them are btw, no idea why you had to put emphasis on this) not fine to require to you play this type of content? This reads like textbook entitlement to me and I'll need to you to explain this one to me because I can't figure anything else out from this. Which achievements are there in particular that you struggle with? From a cursory glance I've not seen any that seemed too difficult? Just a lot of grinding maybe. I think they thought a lot about their playerbase when they figured it would be nice to give us another cape to earn. Keyword: Earn. This is a game. It shouldn't be "available to everyone", in a sense it already is. Nobody has a guy standing in front of them saying "No, you cannot do that" when they try to load into the map or look up a guide. Price will surely drop as more weapons are available. Are they really at fault for wanting people to play what they create? Play it more than once? I dare say no, not at all. This is the first time after... Cooking 500? Skyscale? Was introduced that something required a bit of your gold and again it is too much, unfair etc. Looking at that, the gemstones are the only thing with a real price attached to them and they've been available to us to farm every day for how many years now? It's about time they got another sink that wasn't legendary weapons. Granted, these are fair points. Especially the chest one is stupid. Disclaimer: I don't doubt some of these WILL be made easier, because Anet is known for doing this. Maybe the particular dev(s) behind some steps thought it was fine, similar to the Skyscale timegate. I don't want to silence you in any way, it's great that you're making yourself heard so that they can adjust things are necessary. I just don't agree with what was said, so don't view this as an attack. Ty.
  17. Keep in mind the latest release is filler. Actually quite impressive to think about imo
  18. If I had to assume it's only the one that's rotating in that will have the public version? It would make some sense at least. Hope they can resolve some of this confusion.
  19. Oh, so this wasn't just me? Great. Still had a lot of fun soloing it in the other instance.
  20. Loved soloing the first mission. Will have to take a look at the rest later. Entering a public mission just to spawn in the camp with 0 events, no timers, no way to do anything was awkward though. Must have been bugged?
  21. It wouldn't make any sense for them to just visit this new place and enter through a mechanic we technically are just now learning about.This isn't about new players, this is about giving something back to current players. Episodes are free and unlocked, if they started playing now. Season 1 wouldn't concern them at all until after core, at which point it's reasonable to buy an expansion if they want to continue, so they are not locked out of anything.
  22. Avoid burst? Block main damage? You'll be able to cancel it out at least now so it's less of a self stun.
  23. It will most likely be the same effect, but now you can combine it even further.
  24. Dev Matthew Medina is behind this. He loves being barefoot and upon request to get a check for foot armor that was declined these boots were added. They're valuable because they are rare, pretty much. I want to have them, but I wouldn't want them to be any less rare. That would just take away from the novelty of it at this point. Issue is that you only have 1 chance per Treasure Mushroom a day, so on top of being low drop rate they are extra extra rare because of how limited the chances at them are. I think they were added to some festival boxes as well though.
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