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Everything posted by Blocki.4931

  1. I want Thief with axe(s) and a spec that is focused on staying in combat for a long time, some kind of ramp up mechanic, with some defense focus to make up for how squishy you are without relying on perma evades like DD
  2. It probably won't help anybody here, but I found another cause of lag recently and that is the Windows 10 Feature of having multiple desktops. Windows + Tab, check the top left corner if you only have 1 window showing up there. I must have accidentally created another one at some point and it caused my severe FPS issues until a couple weeks ago where I discovered it.
  3. What's there to care about? People unaware that they can reduce the flashing effects? Or the fact they already did reduce visual noise? They still have a few steps to go in that regard, but it's way better than before now. You can't reduce it, checking that box or not in a zerg fight it's still one massive flash of a blur @Sylent.3165 said: What's there to care about? People unaware that they can reduce the flashing effects? Or the fact they already did reduce visual noise? They still have a few steps to go in that regard, but it's way better than before now. You can't reduce it, checking that box or not in a zerg fight it's still one massive flash of a blurIncrease your FoV. I don't have a problem with seeing things outside of cramped areas where the camera can't zoom out anyway
  4. What's there to care about? People unaware that they can reduce the flashing effects? Or the fact they already did reduce visual noise? They still have a few steps to go in that regard, but it's way better than before now.
  5. They literally said it is FAR AWAY, it's your own damn fault if you expect it next week or next month. They really shouldn't have said anything. Your assumptions are as worthless as anybody elses, but going around claiming stuff like this doesn't help anybody.
  6. Would have been great if we didn't fight him multiple times & if there was any feeling of tension. Dying on the Balthazar fight wasn't as punishing as it should have been tbh
  7. Yes. I was also not very good at the game. Getting hit by that very last rock </3 Good memories.
  8. I remember spending around 9 hours total on killing ol' Mordy first time. I hated him, I hated my thief and I especially hated myself, but the victory was sweet. And so was the challenge mode.
  9. It's to avoid making every enemy a veteran or higher. Upscaling only happens when tons of people are around anyway and a good way to tune down the insta zerg kill everything
  10. Why are you still waiting for a request you made 2 years ago that was denied? They can't really change these names without breaking your account, they're not going to do that
  11. I don't know when either was released, but if it's not an oversight or simply the new one replacing the old, the reason for this is simply so you could stack them if you want.
  12. This thread makes me angry. That entitlement.. idk guys. We just came from a time where people spammed so many tickets they had to hire new people and it still took up to 3 or 4 weeks for a response, now you wait a couple of days and you're done with it? I wouldn't even complain before a full week passes. Sure, it's annoying and I can see why you'd push the "this shouldn't happen" angle, but this is far from needing an outrage
  13. Yeah, for the couple of minutes to smoke them out.. or refusing to do it and suffering even more. People really aren't smart
  14. Tell your warriors to run "On my Mark" it has multiple charges and if they Shadow Meld to remove the reveal you can simply use it again until they run out. Most of these issues could be prevented if people were a bit smarter about what they are doing. Thieves that hide can often make use of things like line of sight, a concept 5 levels above what the average WvW player could ever grasp
  15. cause representing has 0 to do with being part of it. doing events, dungeons, fractals, raids and guildquest together is beeing a part of a guild.help guildmebers with achivements, knowlege and so on is beeing a part of it.have a nice evening in chat, voicechat or meet with them in real live is beeing part of it. and all this is not coverd by a clantac Sure. But nobody ever talks in a guild chat they don't also represent. Name is also greyed out. Also why wouldn't you just represent them AS YOU DO SAID THING. If you spend time with specific people and you're in the same guild you represent the same guild. Idk why that is something you have to explain, it's like an unspoken rule throughout any game community online
  16. Why be in a guild when you don't want to be part of it by representing is the better question imo
  17. I just did it and it works perfectly fine for me. I had to repeat multiple times because I was missing a few jumps at the end and I wanted the achievement. Quit your story chapter and activate it again. You're in the minority of people who still have an issue with it and I somewhat doubt it. Saw you complain in another thread 30 min ago
  18. The patch earlier should have fixed it. in the meantime just walk around it and go either left or right to skip the deadly parts.
  19. I don't remember how many times I accidentally deleted chat tabs... This definitely needs to happen. Also If one chat window happens to push the other ones to the side because of the name being too long or something there is no way to ever read that tab until you change the names around again. Not very fun to use
  20. The only issue I had with the instance was having to redo all of it just because I got hit by a rock even though it missed me by a mile at the very last glider phase
  21. I don't think it needs any changes. You can do your very own niche job of pinpoint sniping and you're the very best at it.
  22. Most likely because it will be at the very end of the season, similar to Aurora That would be pretty disappointing but I guess it makes sense. You better finish your Golem backpiece collection because if The Wayfarer's Henge has taught me anything it is that it might also be a requirement at the end to get the legendary You're under the impression I haven't already :pVery good! I seriously hope the Banner won't be part of it as well... because I haven't started that one yet haha
  23. Most likely because it will be at the very end of the season, similar to Aurora That would be pretty disappointing but I guess it makes sense. You better finish your Golem backpiece collection because if The Wayfarer's Henge has taught me anything it is that it might also be a requirement at the end to get the legendary
  24. Most likely because it will be at the very end of the season, similar to Aurora
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