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Everything posted by Blocki.4931

  1. This is so wrong. I am consistently cleaning 200+ conditions per fight on my Supp Warrior, easily.
  2. I've been writing this when I'm able to. I can't even believe people are feeling that pets are OP. It's just absolutely bizarre considering how weak in reality they are. If those pets are nerfed, literally the only pet we have is smoke which aside from its utility - hits almost like a wet noodle now. At the same time I don't want to continue to be locked into one pet only. So 4k auto attacks from AI are perfectly fine while the actual player can do whatever they want? Cool.
  3. Take strength line. Unblockable attacks for days. Yeah, I've been taking Strength ever since Defense was nerfed and I stopped relying on it so much (the heal on stunbreak is still nice though, so if I need reflects for pressure I still run it) and it's so much fun dodging and damaging everything hahahaBonus for getting Vigor from Warhorn 5 on top and running defensive runes. Take the dodge food and stamina signet and skip the warhorn and just start dodging. GS and BC for extra evade frames. Either stance heal or shout heal and go to town.I have ascended and now I clear Camps by dodging and using my bursts on cooldown so I get more dodges.
  4. Take strength line. Unblockable attacks for days. Yeah, I've been taking Strength ever since Defense was nerfed and I stopped relying on it so much (the heal on stunbreak is still nice though, so if I need reflects for pressure I still run it) and it's so much fun dodging and damaging everything hahahaBonus for getting Vigor from Warhorn 5 on top and running defensive runes.
  5. I don't think Healing Signet has been good for many months now, the last nerf just made it pure garbage. Use the Shout or the Defiant Stance instead, maybe Mending because of the cleanses and low cooldown. Another fun thing to do is just running dodge food, Stamina Signet, Endurance Sigils and To the Limit. So many dodges, you can't even keep up with spamming the button. That's how I sustain through our zerg fights. Works pretty well.
  6. Warrior has CC and Fierce Blow is still very much capable of hitting up to 8k while providing cleanses and boon strip. Earth Shaker is one of the strongest skills the entire class has. What you're doing wrong is expecting to kill anything. You're a support after all. Do your job, provide mass CC, Shake it Off and Bubbles. Use the right runes and sigils to make you even stronger.
  7. It's just a title so that NPCs have something to address us with. It doesn't bear any meaning beyond that really. What else should they say? Make every instance of (voiced) dialogue awkward by intentionally avoiding referring to us?
  8. Just make sure you type in a small message along with whatever you're mailing. It's not an ideal solution, but I've found that the time it takes usually prevents me from getting blocked from mailing.
  9. Not more than usual. Rare, unfortunate encounters with people sometimes happen in a row and may leave that impression.I stopped bothering with this stuff when I realized that for any rando asshat there are sixty other people who are just fine.
  10. Why should they?...it's always the same drivel anyway : "nerf them and buff me" and "I only die because enemy uses OP class/spec pls nerf" Funny that you say that after your last thread(s) :P
  11. I will work on finishing my set of legendary trinkets and an armor set for every weight class, but I am not rushing it. This change, however, will definitely make me play more than just one class. Especially with trinkets.
  12. That’s meant for 5 people You can still solo it
  13. They're a big part of the game, I enjoy them but obviously in moderation.
  14. Again, why are you defining strike missions as boss fights? The first strike mission ever added had multiple pre-events that had you clear out frozen minions to rescue snowmen and then a boss fight. Nowhere is it written that Strike Missions have to be as long as a 10 minute timer on a boss fight and not longer. And even if that was the case, having one exception to the "rule" doesn't even change anything.
  15. It is. It gets the rewards like all the other strike missions, it's simply more than jsut a boss fight, but its rewards are increased as well. Nowhere is it said that strike missions are only bosses, even the snowman one was longer than that and it was the prototype.
  16. How were stuns okay before when they still also took down half your hp bar?
  17. Oh I wonder why a squad would ever defend their commander. What could they possibly gain from him being alive? If you ever want to see a squad scatter and fail, you kill their commander if you can tell who it is. Why wouldn't you? No more coordinated heals on him, no more pushes on him. Of course you would.
  18. Seriously your idea of what diversity of classes means is so skewed you probably wouldn't even complain if some were removed entirely. Everything is played and used. Some are just inherently better than others. Firebrand is a wonderful stab and heal support, but it needs other classes to make it shine. That means you have at least 2, potentially 3 characters per group that are focused on being a supporter with their OWN strength, together. That is a huge improvement.
  19. You're not perhaps using a color like Shadow XXX as your black? In which case the underlying parts that are not black might shine through the different texture layers on the armor.
  20. Character height is not always consistent. I think there was a post about Logan some years ago too, he shrunk as well. Not sure what causes it, maybe his model gets changed and they don't pay enough attention to the height?
  21. 10 million Scourges, Revs, Engineers, Warriors, Guards.. Thieves and Rangers. All classes are represented in WvW, idk what you are talking about. Also.. PvE being dominated by DH, Scourges..? what? Seriously everything is played everywhere. Maybe you don't see core classes much but that is because specs just add a layer of convenience that core can never offer.
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