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Everything posted by Blocki.4931

  1. Never said you did. Never picked one up to try, to be honest. See? Learnt something new again, even after doing this mission a good dozen times. ;) Ohh yeah. I was reading it like "You need a CC chain to break the bar" and not "You need 4 cc skills in the last phase for the 4 enemies". My bad. Heh those bones ended up giving me a much more suspenseful experience. Seeing all the bones made me dread what sort of crazy breakbar I was going to have to deal with. As it turns out it wasn't anything worth concerning about.It's funny that they were scattered all around but playing the game has taught us to ignore those environmental weapons because who wouldn't want to trade his useful weapon skills for a one time use 200 damage hit
  2. Umm, why would I willingly do a story again that gave me grief the previous time? Well, I can't speak for you, but I do tend to play the story with all my characters. And the story missions' fight mechanics usually don't take that many attempts to grasp since, once you know what attacks to expect, you can counter them all. Also, "grief"? You fail, you learn, you do much better next time. :) That's how it goes with gaming challenges at least. ;) To be fair, and in defense of everyone complaining, that fight only goes fast if you know that you require (or happen to have equipped) skills that can provide four times CC in a quick chain. ;) Otherwise, it will take longer, naturally, as you wait for the skills' cooldown, because his Echos (or whatever those "illusions" were called) can only be dispersed by using a CC skil on them. Also, you only learn that the vents on the floor prevent you from receiving damage by those "scarab swarms" he casts after you stepped on them (or by carefully observing your environment and notice that none of them are to be seen on top of the vent grids). And that - to get back to my point - I learnt during the fight. You (not you, but the people complaining) can't expect to cheese every fight right away if you haven't tried it at least once to see what it's about. And that's part of the fun for many, but apparently not all players. I think what the latter are asking for is story content without skill challenge - but then it wouldn't be GW anymore, IMO. If you want story without challenges, you should read a good book instead - most gaming genres are about challenges.A cripple is enough to break his breakbar iirc. ALso the BONES that are scattered EVERYWHERE provide a stun that breaks it instantly. In fact, every single encounter had bones everywhere for people to pick up in case they don't have cc.
  3. You call THAT thing clutter? Come on.. I am one of the people constantly posting about wanting an option to hide UI elements, but that? Meh. I can see them adding it though, so here's to hoping you get what you want
  4. The ability to hide and prevent certain UI elements from coming back again and again on map change (story journal) despite turning it off. Hiding achievements/Reducing Event description clutter completely hijacking the right side of the screen.
  5. It's 10%. Another useless ripoff for the herald. It's my main character and playstyle and i am just mad at the incompetence of the guys that made the changes. Can't imagine unironically saying this.. it's much better than before.
  6. It's a good way to get people out of their comfort zone for a few days and try out new things, I like it.
  7. Waypoints work through leyline energy and it's basically like we're travelling through the stream I believe. The living story leading up to HoT has a chapter talking about this I believe
  8. I get a crash in LA, walked towards the crafting stations and can't log into that character anymore without immediately crashing.
  9. Honestly not true. Most fights have some mechanic you should at least pay attention to. Be it the one shot of the Deadeye dude or that you might have trouble damaging through the heal of the ooze if you miss the DPS check. The fact the enemies can be easily stunlocked makes them easy though.
  10. Í did it on my thief with unload spam and scorpion wire, throwing a smoke screen once too many came up and rolling back with Roll for Initiative to give me the last Unload lol Could have tweaked my build and used the trait for extra initiative, but that was boring to me. Did it later with all gambits on on a reaper with level 60 gear, corrosive cloud definitely did the trick. Pulled it close with Spectral Grasp, then GS 4 for the blind GS3 for burst, shroud burst then Gravedigger for the kill. Also dropped plaguelands under the thing. Around 60% I dropped the corrosive cloud to get the poison when it actually matters. Didn't have to move a single step lol
  11. You didn't dodge his throw attack. He stomps in the middle, then charges it and throws a projectile. If he hits you with it it flies back to him and superbuffs him with 25 stacks of might and quickness etc
  12. Just run in a circle, use dashes/leaps to get as far awayf rom him as possible. Dodge his throw attack after he jumps into the middle, then break his bar. Repeat twice, then he becomes exposed and takes a ton of damage. Easiest fight of my life
  13. Well, it does punish you for ress rushing multiple times. It can stay as it is right now lol too harmless to be annoying, too inconsequential to be punishing
  14. You can use TacO and have it be two intersecting lines that you will never be able to miss or use something like yolomouse, both of which are perfectly fine to use together with GW2 and don't run any risk of getting you banned as of now.
  15. I never noticed this before lol I've tried my other weapons and none of them played any sounds. It must be the combat animations that want to trigger or something. It's a very minor issue though if I haven't noticed in the few months I have the weapon now
  16. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/39093/customer-support-ticket-response-times-merged#latest People waiting up to 3 weeks. It's still the same issue with an evergrowing backlog of work and tickets & people not being happy and creating even more, then creating tickets about "why did you close my other ticket", at least I can imagine a ton of people doing that. But to answer your question: I'd assume the huge majority of their staff is speaking English, so speaking English might be smarter. I've send my last ticket around the end of May I believe and I wrote it in German. It took 8 days for a response and another 3 to fix my issue after I was asked to update with additional information.
  17. Yeah that will totally help It does because when another company gets involved, they take it more seriously. They try to get things resolved quicker so they don't have a bad PR then which is visible to everyone. OR it isn't going to change a single thing because they can't magically resolve all those tickets that just grow in numbers every single day and it will even get worse with additional pressure So you find this sort of response time acceptable from a company? I get faster response times from the government than this.No, but I don't believe they are doing it for fun. This 13 page thread exists because they know it's a big issue right now, but the problem only grows and doesn't just disappear overnight. I hope their new hires get into their job quickly to work through it.
  18. Yeah that will totally help It does because when another company gets involved, they take it more seriously. They try to get things resolved quicker so they don't have a bad PR then which is visible to everyone.OR it isn't going to change a single thing because they can't magically resolve all those tickets that just grow in numbers every single day and it will even get worse with additional pressure
  19. The game is fine as is. Sure, its age is showing, but it still holds up pretty well. PoF was a wallpaper machine, where every screenshot you take can make a nice background. And as somebody who doesn't suffer 5 FPS during intensive metas in Istan or WvW raids I can't complain on that front either. Using base models and lowering the model quality does the trick.
  20. Literally apply the mechanic the previous instances taught you and throw bloodstone at him, insta stun, burst. Just like the golem fight in episode 2 of season 4 this is one of the easiest fights once you stop ramming your head against a wall
  21. If you leave the playable area by such a large amount the game thinks you have 0 way of getting back in on time so it immediately kicks. Since the teleport is 3k range and that mechanic doesn't account for such ability it throws you out
  22. Server pride hasn't been a thing for a few years now... Good news is that guild pride will be more of a thing with this though So the logic is if something is wrong or broken or missing, accept it's broken and make it worse?Accept that you can't fix it and wait until somebody else does
  23. Server pride hasn't been a thing for a few years now... Good news is that guild pride will be more of a thing with this though
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