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Everything posted by Blocki.4931

  1. He wasny the strongest on his own accord. Its all about who holds magic. We might not see something "as powerful" but we will prob still see powerful villains that need beating. I expect that aurene will assume her role and go to sleep? She won't need to sleep because her whole purpose is to take magic and recycle it, not gobble it down and hoard it. The Elder Dragons would devour all of the magical energy, and overstuffed, they'd pass out like relatives at a Thanksgiving dinner. Aurene isn't doing the same thing. Also, there are three other elder dragons who are a threat. I mean, we dont know if they were going to sleep because they over stuffed themselves or not but going to sleep was a big par of the whole recycle deal.They eat magic, then when there is no magic they sleep. Their bodies constantly lose magic into the environment, once enough has leaked they wake.
  2. "Keeps are rarely taken" What? Maybe try leaving EBG for a while then
  3. Since somebody mentioned Serpent's Ire: In their event week announcement they've also said they were increasing rewards of PoF metas to be more worthwhile. So when that meta event week rolls around they will hopefully be worth doing. Also I don't think anybody should be upset that we only get low tier mats. It's the first attempt at an event like this and they are on the cautious side, given that no limit on something at all could cause a huge impact on economy. People organizing kills on multiple maps for example, while certainly intended since they get actual kills, could easily break something.
  4. The only issue I have with these ultra rare items (especially the minis) is that nobody knows if they can ACTUALLY still drop or if something broke them, as has happened before.
  5. I think many people forget that you get a guaranteed rare item with each box, which is essentially the same reward you get from killing a boss in the first place. It's not that bad on repeat, but eh. If you don't care about the rare items then no reason to do it.
  6. Why do you have an issue with people playing the game?
  7. Personally I love my additional wool and jute scrap box for every boss kill!
  8. I guess you hedged with the "not every event can appeal to all players", but I guess I don't understand the no daily cap one. It is really only a bonus for people who play 2+ hours a day and is a total non-existent bonus for anyone who doesn't play in huge chunks. Do you really want to encourage people to pull 24-hour straight playsessions to max out the uncapped rewards? Because some folks will, and that's not really a good thing. That's their own choice. Imagine having to actually play the game to gain something from participating somewhere. If you do even two of the same boss events you will have benefitted from this. Events SHOULD encourage people to play a lot. Nobody is FORCED to do it, but having the choice and being rewarded for a change is something extremely positive and should be encouraged. You talk as if those people have no say in it at all. I like WvW, I play it a lot. During this event week I played more than I have in months, yet only reached the last Diamond chest before i stopped again. I got my share of fun and tons of loot from all those level ups. Felt great. Wouldn't feel great if it wasn't that much faster. Doing a world boss and getting an extra chest that might contain one of the items I've been trying to acquire for years will also feel great. That's quite the overreaction and putting words in my mouth, so this response will likely be as effective as talking to the bathroom wall, but here goes. I never claimed anyone was forced to do anything, only that people would likely respond to an altered reward structure. And in my opinion, the proposed no daily cap bonus event has a reward structure that promotes unhealthy gameplay habits. Which, again, in my opinion, is not how these bonuses should work. They should enhance the time you spend in game, not promote something where you burn out and grind as hard as you possibly can while the bonus is active.Calling my measured response an overreaction, while you're the one saying that people are unable to control themselves because they need to play for those 24/7 rewards... Okay. Aside from this unrealistic scenario you've made up, saying that a normal player isn't going to benefit from this is plain wrong. They get bonus chests too and the people who do play a bit more will benefit more. That's fair and if you think that it encourages unhealthy behaviour then I don't know what to tell you. Sure, some people WILL pull 24h shifts to get as many chests as possible, but that IS their own decision. It's not encouraged, nor is it discouraged. It is to be expected that people can make their own decisions, no matter if wrong or right.Some people are hardcore or insane enough to pull that stuff. I can respect the hustle In reality most people will do one or two runs and then peace out. Or come back later. Even better. You can do a run, leave for multiple hours and come back later, STILL get rewards and be a happy person that is able to use their time efficiently with a chance of rare infusions and those darn invisible shoes.
  9. I guess you hedged with the "not every event can appeal to all players", but I guess I don't understand the no daily cap one. It is really only a bonus for people who play 2+ hours a day and is a total non-existent bonus for anyone who doesn't play in huge chunks. Do you really want to encourage people to pull 24-hour straight playsessions to max out the uncapped rewards? Because some folks will, and that's not really a good thing. That's their own choice. Imagine having to actually play the game to gain something from participating somewhere. If you do even two of the same boss events you will have benefitted from this. Events SHOULD encourage people to play a lot. Nobody is FORCED to do it, but having the choice and being rewarded for a change is something extremely positive and should be encouraged. You talk as if those people have no say in it at all. I like WvW, I play it a lot. During this event week I played more than I have in months, yet only reached the last Diamond chest before i stopped again. I got my share of fun and tons of loot from all those level ups. Felt great. Wouldn't feel great if it wasn't that much faster. Doing a world boss and getting an extra chest that might contain one of the items I've been trying to acquire for years will also feel great.
  10. I'd like a bit more regular events, but not so much that we have one every other week(end). I'd like it maybe once a month, otherwise it might get old really fast.
  11. How did I not see this before? That's amazing! We will definitely see the Amalgamated Gemstone price drop pretty harshly :) And the promise of making the PoF metas more worthwhile sounds awesome as well! Having multiple metas to farm instead of doing one over and over is definitely how it should be. My suggestion: Add a "Weekly" Achievement for an event, where you are supposed to do X different events all over Tyria, kind of like a quest chain or collection. For example doing a couple specific, maybe even rare events and a world boss at the end or something like that. Maybe bring back some type of invasion that's not just Awakened or Branded now. In a perfect world I'd imagine temporary content like Season 1 cycling through every now and then.
  12. If I had to change Berserker I would give them a permanently full adrenaline bar, but once it's activated we lose adrenaline per second even while in combat. Berserk stays active as long as we have adrenaline, using a burst skill gives a flat increase in duration because it would otherwise turn it off. MMakes sense, right? As long as we have "rage" we go berserk. So we stay in combat
  13. Berserker was awful, so they change it to make it more interesting. You can't tell if it's any good or not until we get some numbers and people start playing it to try.
  14. All I want to know is how "long range" decapitate really is! I'm expecting 600, which depending on the speed might be hilarious. Slightly worried about hit detection though. If Sword 2 is anything to go by then walking towards it might just cause it to miss.
  15. uwotm8 It's probably easy to F1 F1 F1 F1 with Adrenaline Signet, that 10s cooldown stunbreak skill for adrenaline generation, the 33% adrenaline refund and a critical hit, assuming the bar is still 10 and not 30 once in berserk mode lol
  16. don't need shield for bubblebubble "destroys projectiles" now its changed to "block projctiles" shield has nothing to do with it, and even if it did..how would that even work?shield trait affects only shield skill bubble is a channeled skill, means you can't use a weaponskill while channeling so you can't use shield skills Nope, shield trait makes block skills reflecting projectiles (works with Sword or Mace block too). But i wonder if projectile block is affected by that too.I think that was the intent behind the change. Probably just rephrased it to emphasize that unblockables will indeed go through projectile destruction instead of that not being 100% obvious unless you're doing it yourself
  17. They should add 4 towers and the team holding 2 or more gets a buff. You should only be able to attack gates, so you can't just keep cata/trebbing from places you already own.
  18. 3 Traits:Cleansing Ire, Adrenal Health and Berserkers Power. Chose your game mode :-) It's funny how I regularly use all of them but when I want to talk about it neither of them came to mind :joy: Gonna love me my axe burst resets though. My favorite weapon already!
  19. I think it's okay considering the frequency at which we will be able to use our primal bursts once we are in Berserker mode. Also it counts as activating a level 3 burst, which means full stacks of that one trait, right?
  20. Nike mentioned this on Twitter and I must agree. Still dumb that we can't get the most out of the Berserker update because we are forced to take Physical Skills for Peak Performance and obviously the CC anyway. Though I guess a pure condi variant might not have that problem. Either way, this is exciting and I am liking the theme of trading defense for offense. That should be a thing in more aspects of the game and might give some additional tools to balance things out.
  21. People don't like new things. Would "kill the game" if they ever add new stuff. Ask them
  22. Edit: Honestly, no. This isn't worth my time. Feel free to delete my post mods. This is actually insane.
  23. Shouldn't compelling content do that? It does, but having materials be worth more than 5 silver also helps a lot with long time interest :)
  24. Getting the Warclaw basically takes 0 effort except owning PoF so I don't see much of an issue. Of course you should be incentivized to buy the latest expansion. You need it for all other content as well and users who don't even participate in what they are doing aren't customers.
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