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Everything posted by Blocki.4931

  1. It's not like they closed their eyes and ears to what's been happening. They won't suddenly turn on us like that for no reason. Their goals shifted over time as well.
  2. Sure, the top tier rewards of the chest are super low, but the rewards you always get are worthwhile this time around, esp with the number of boxes. If crafting materials don't interest you then I recommend you never salvage something ;)
  3. That's how I felt with the rented ones. Since I have my own I rarely ever stick on something and if I do I feel like I deserve it for being lazy and flying closely above the ground, sticking to some dead tree lol
  4. The camera angle matters. If you have it centered you won't lose much. If you look slightly up or down you lose a lot more juice.
  5. It looks like you participated in a meta that's not eligible for this event. What meta was it? Choya Pinata (I was collecting coins + participated at the kill) got nothing yesterdayForged Hounds (I now know that this wasn't eligible, but didn't at the time of the previous post). Many people do this event expecting to get one, was a bit of a let down!And the Doppelganger fight after the Augury Rock meta didn't give me anything either. Today I did Serpent's Ire multiple times and received rewards. Pinata also gave me boxes. I guess it didn't count my participation towards the event for some reason yesterday, but it seems to have resolved itself.
  6. I've participated in over 15 full metas and I received exactly nothing. What am I doing wrong? Where are my stupid boxes.
  7. You need to calibrate all the mirrors and stand at the top of it, below the Vista.
  8. Exactly, it's the fact that they can land said burst through a mount because of the range unlike other builds. No, that's not what I said but thanks for putting your own words into my mouth. You ignored everything else that was said in the entire thread just to harp on that single point that yes, it is annoying, but not the problem itself. You pretend as if you're correct because if the burst will be addressed that had to be because of the mount... that's silly.
  9. People have complained about 20k+ burst since it exists (and it shouldn't on a single skill). Soulbeast just happens to have the highest range, unblockable and some stupidly overtuned synergies on top of it. Mounts have nothing to do with this. You can just look for other threads. They existed before the mount. It's just additional stuff on top.
  10. The game was not built to have true flying in it and thank god it isn't. Flying would make every other mount 100% useless and exploring becomes boring as hell. They'd have to introduce even more invisible barriers or mechanics that stop you from just flying into areas you're not supposed to get into. Which is another point: WoW is enormous open areas, GW2 has many instanced maps that aren't connected without a loading screen. You can't just have one gigantic load zone around maps either.
  11. You also get 5 times the Kralkatite Ore just from a single heart. The only thing not in line is the rose quartz, but I wouldn't call it an issue.
  12. Make sure it#s not sitting in an invisible bag slot!
  13. There is a huge difference and that is raids being kind of exclusive and not something you can work towards very casually. Even if you have 0 interest in PvE and collection releases, you are still capable of doing collections in PvE. It's not difficult, nobody is excluded from participating. No barrier of entry. So no, they shouldn't add anything like this.
  14. So what you're saying is you don't remember how long Bloodstone Fen gathering took. How annoying Draconis Mons was Ember Bay? Most of the time gathering from their respective resource nodes didn't even get you a single one. It was ALL events and hearts. It's perfectly acceptable the way it is now. Play the game. There is too much stuff given to us for 0 effort already.
  15. If we could click on ourselves we'd see the purple and spiky border around our character portrait. We are a Legendary Creature and thus cannot be killed by mere physics.
  16. We're going to eat Aurene next episode and dealing with the indigestion will be season 5. Mark my words.
  17. None at all because friendly mesmers exist that also play at ungodly hours <3 I even did the Coddler's Cove all by myself! The rest I simply skipped using mounts.
  18. There are some great performance guides around that might help you. Other than that I firmly believe it must be something with your hardware and/or settings for them because even though while not extremely optimized it shouldn't be this bad.
  19. She's very busy because of work and life for the past month(s) and will return eventually!
  20. Only argument in favor of it imo is that you can drop in and KNOW something will be up there, though even that is rather weak. 8 out of 10 times I enter DS it's empty and I have to use LFG anyway. On the new map every time I enter it, it appears to be completely empty, when in fact it's full of people simply running between camps without a commander tag around. It's quite deceiving.
  21. Except no one is doing that. Seen it echoed multiple times now. First the Beetle, now this one too.
  22. Ah yes, that part of the instance. Jumping forward like 6 times.
  23. If you fly sideways or backwards you don't lose flight juice at all, allowing you to hover at any height that isn't above where you started. That's pretty neat. That combined with the jump mastery will make getting up somewhere nice and easy. The fact it gains a lot of height with just flapping and holding space makes it nice to have. People need to get over themselves and stop expecting each mount to completely make the previous ones obsolete. none of the mounts have done this, which goes to show that Anet is able to create well rounded mounts that will continue to have their own unique situations where they excel.
  24. How can aggro range be a problem to so many and be not even noticed by players like me? I've stumbled into two situations where I was slightly annoyed by it on the new map and that was mostly because I was an idiot. There are so many corners, so many rocks you can jump behind. Maybe it would do good for many if they learned to LoS.
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