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Everything posted by solzuul.6294

  1. Despite being someone who enjoys all the stupefied looks, I do think it negatively impacts the discourse. It's very discouraging to new forum posters or people who are presenting unconventional / unrefined ideas that COULD turn into something great. You don't want everyone who sticks around to be someone who enjoys being a contrarian or enjoys being antagonized. Like me.
  2. Grinding rifts for that pretty griffin skin and any other potential shiny they have in the wizard's vault. But not the full rift, or the full vault. Those will come later. :')
  3. I don't think it's an unfair request to not require PVP or WVW mats in order to craft open world legendaries seeing as those game modes never see any updates anyways. Roll them into the wizard's vault.
  4. In it's defense, I think that's the point. The wizard's griffin is its pretty counterpart.
  5. Maybe Anet wanna clarify if regular "unlock at the purchase of any expansion" applies to SotO because I don't think that it does. namely raptor and revenant class
  6. To add to this, game systems will kitten all over your planning. You build up your fishing stacks, line them up with the right time of the day/night cycle, only to have the map close before you can truly utilize your stacks. Truly marvelous. edit: i suppose the new zephryte fishing food is a solution to this problem 😅
  7. "Q: Do smaller expansions mean that there are fewer developers working on Guild Wars 2? Nope, quite the contrary. In fact, thanks to the growth that Guild Wars 2 saw in 2022, we’re increasing the size of the Guild Wars 2 development team—largely in content and systems design. We’ve already hired a bunch of new folks since January, and we’ll be opening additional roles throughout the year." Source: Spring 2023 Update.
  8. Don't know if it's been asked for before, but a photo mode/screenshot mode would be great? Very hard to get good camera angles on to your character or characters around you. When I first heard about jade bots prior to EoD release I thought this would be a core feature jade bots would be centered around. We added jade bot terminals into towns but can't zoom camera in fully into first person through them. Even then, it would be nice to enable photo mode / screen shot mode in story instances or open world or places like the omphalos chamber.
  9. I'd love to see more synergy in the mobs. Put some healers in there pumping quick, might, alac, and stab. Get some longbow rangers and staff elementalists raining hell. Some dashing vindicator and willbender action. Also that downed mechanic with the toxic knights was really fun as well. Bring that back.
  10. We can't even work to up the challenge on CM's and you want it to be upped in the open world. When I seek difficulty, I choose a different game.
  11. "I'd rather resources be spent elsewhere." 😂 Better to work on a new zone and a new story than to try and fix that mess. We could do a better zhaitan fight though, in the form of a strike mission or a fractal.
  12. Really i do feel that the weapon unlock for especs should have come later, with the new weapon releases coming at launch. But hey, im not a marketing buff or anything.
  13. Season 3 and 4 had six maps each. IBS had four maps + champions. Make of that what you will.
  14. True, wizard's vault will be accessible through launch. BUT....... Rewards will be added weekly, monthly, and with each quarterly update. 😄 So one can imagine how stripped down the launch version is. Good thing about this one though is that some of this will be available for core players, and some exclusive stuffs for SotO players.
  15. We pay for the promise of more frequent yearly expacs. But here's hoping we don't remove more legendary functionality for the next one. 🥲
  16. The next 5 mini expacs (including SotO) theoretically would have more maps than the first 3 major expacs in less than half the time. edit: i forget to include living worlds in my calculations. Perhaps this isn't so accurate. 😭
  17. There is some ambiguity in their posts as to which quarterly update brings certain content. Not all masteries and relics are coming on launch. Fractal release, CM strike release, and legendary relic release are unspecified. IIRC new weapon choices, 3rd map, and legendary armor are coming on the 2nd quarterly update which puts it in 2024. On launch you get 2 maps + hub, 3 core relics, 2 masteries, 2 strike missions, and weapon master training unlocking elite spec weapons for your base class. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
  18. instant cast and instant target makes high level pvp just a battle of gameplay settings
  19. All the best parts of gw2 are callbacks to gw1. Without lore enthusiasts to set the scene for us casual players we'd have very little substance and I hate to say my expectations are not high.
  20. Best we can do is a flare on survey gear. But really is a good idea and consistently requested. Could be integrated into the mentorship mastery and allow mentorship to work as party leader, perhaps.
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