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Everything posted by Torzini.1523

  1. Still broken. 8) Been checking back repeatedly on different days, no movement. Would be awfully nice to be able to get past this barrier holding up my Chuka and Champawat collection.
  2. I changed my mind, I love this meta. It's the perfect time to take an AFK break from the computer for 10 minutes to go to the bathroom, rest your eyes, make some coffee, etc. Then just come back at the last minute and tag a mob or two to get credit (or do that at the beginning, then leave). It's not like anything changes at all if you actually put in more work.
  3. But Boneskinner being bugged isn't something that's past tense, he still likes to take vacations at the tops of tall trees from time to time. I find this pretty entertaining, especially as it scares the crap out of anybody who happens to be AFKing on skyscales at that level, but still. It should probably be looked at lol.
  4. Despite some unignorable setbacks (see especially: the build template and monetization fiasco), I'm having more fun on GW2 than ever. Doing any open world content is very fun with mounts, especially the pseudo-flying ones, griffon and skyscale. Story quality has risen noticeably since the earliest LW seasons, and it remains fun to explore each new zone as it is released. I still keep myself entertained with making legendaries and playing with buddies, as well. In the end, 'worth it' is subjective from user to user, but there is no denying that there is a lot of new content since the old days that is worth at least a look. :)
  5. This is such a ridiculous thing to focus on. Who cares about the UI having a list of dailies to do? This is a terrible change, one that will have me visiting those maps much less than I did before. Don't punish people for wanting to do specific content or for starting content later. Removing rewards like this unnecessarily is never a good thing. As someone that tags and spends a lot of time in those maps, I don't have the desire to go there now. This is a bad move. I disagree, to me the ever-growing list of dailies was getting so long it was a bit ridiculous and it was only getting worse with each new map released. This change may actually give me incentive to jump into an old map once in awhile, without going 'where do I even start on this unwieldy list', and it will help to focus dwindling populations as the old maps grow less popular. It's a tradeoff for sure, and I sympathise, but ultimately one that I think was necessary imo.
  6. The racials is just fluff abilities. If they became stronger, they would lead to people rolling only that race or having it demanded by raids. Anet have been quick to nerf racials if they became too good. Seems good to me then they could actually make all races good in different ways.Yeah.... problem with that is that there will still always be something that is 'best' for a particular situation. I'd rather not have an ESO situation where you have little choice but to be X or Y race as a certain build if you want to actually be competitive. Anet purposely keeps racial skills weak for a reason, and that's so that all races will always, no matter what, be equally good. Agree with it or not, that's their reasoning. And personally, I prefer it that way even if sure, stronger racial toys would be fun. We don't need 'human DHs only' or whatever similar thing would arise. There is already too much of an emphasis on meta already with some people, and this would make it worse.
  7. Hum... I have the strong suspicion that the two qualities are connected. ;) Releases that are a bit slimmer in content, but at the same time quicker to get churned out, if the relatively short time between the prologue and Whispers In The Dark is any indication to go by. And honestly, if this is the case, I am totally okay with it. Personally I think it's worse to twiddle my thumbs for long months where nothing happens at all. We can all see that the Bjora Marches map is physically only half finished. I get the feeling we'll be getting the other half before we know it.
  8. That has happened twice to me today now (once just shortly before this post) on the EU server. The first time I was in a squad, the second time I was not. Both times seemed to be roughly halfway through the 10 minute timer. No warning, just a sudden kick to the login screen.
  9. Compared to the four metas in Grothmar Valley, which all have engaging, fun, and unique/dynamic mechanics, the Bjora Marches meta is just a 10-minute slog with a similarly mindless zerg at the end. And like others have mentioned, there are no actual stakes. You can just sit there and eat popcorn while every single bomb goes off, and every portal will still be sitting at full health by the end. It's brain-numbing, and the length doesn't help. I'mt not sure what happened between this and Grothmar, to be honest, to account for the stark difference in quality (purely talking about the metas, not the maps themselves).
  10. Good lord, people like to complain about everything. Using the Raven shrines to get rid of the effect isn't hard. There's like one literally every ten feet in the area of the meta.
  11. I was DCed a few minutes after I finally made it back into the game. Doesn't appear that the newest build fixed things, at least for me. Hopefully the issue is sorted out soon!
  12. Same situation as the OP, I relogged because of heavy chat delay and the TP not working. Now I haven't been able to log into the game again for the past 20- 30 minutes now. Sad times
  13. Had issues with this all last night, but like others, today it seems to be working normally again. :) The 'redeem' and language options are back.
  14. My partner also had this same issue earlier tonight. We tried to redeem his code on both our accounts and PCs, but nada. The 'Redeem Code' button is greyed out and unable to be activated, and also the 'Select a language' dropdown does nothing. He has submitted a support ticket but hopefully this can be resolved soon.
  15. Allo there, I was just wondering what days of the week you raid, and at what times. Also if you only do raid training, or have regular raid runs as well. o/
  16. The problem with this is I'd stay in the old Lion's Arch all day and never come back to the new one, lol. :dizzy: A general suggestion: more outfits that will look even halfway decent on charr. There is a serious lack of those.
  17. This is clearly the only rational explanation.
  18. It's not, 3 and 5 actually do a fair bit of damage and 4 is a very useful breakbar contribution especially when you have stability. (Also 5 is great for mobility). It's the weapon used in the meta PVE holosmith raid build right now. You don't stay there and camp it of course but it does get used.
  19. I will accede that point. I've recently come back from a rather long break from Guild Wars and won't pretend to remember everything about its lore, charr lore included. Now that you mention it, I seem to remember a charr NPC (don't remember which one, again, hazy memory) proudly recalling his Searing-era ancestor who was an Axe Fiend,. Yeah, wholesale slaughter of innocents is bad. There's no way the Searing can be painted as morally good and I'm in no way arguing that position, but from a realistic standpoint, there was no other way for charr to reclaim the land that the humans had originally stolen from them in the first place. So in that sense alone I'd argue that it wasn't completely unjustified. That's neither here nor there though. On the whole, that's one of the great things about how Anet has handled the charr vs. human conflict - it's far from a black and white issue, as wars often are in MMOs, but is instead quite nuanced with both sides having committed rights and wrongs.
  20. This is me not believing you because nothing you have ever said actually indicates this, if anything you act like you favor humans with how caught up you are over their gods. If anything Konig is one of the most knowledgeable lore masters in this game; i think i know alot of tidbits but Konig knows FAR more about stuff that most people dont even think about that its crazy. while the Flame legion burned all of Ascalon, it was King Adelbern who decided to completely end humanity's claim to Ascalon(sure he turned them into eternal ghosts), by destroying his entire kingdom. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/The_Wrecking_Yard The Charr have started recycling old equipment, machines, and weapons for re use which will benefit the environment quite a bit, and while the map hasnt changed to show anything it wouldnt surprise me if they had finally got around to smelting tose massive gears down because that is a ton of iron/steel sitting around it would be far more useful elsewhere. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Contain_the_growth_of_the_Dragonbrand I find it highly unlikely that Humans alone would be able to contain the brand as well as the Charr have, and while they didnt make the brand, they are for sure trying to clean it up, as much as possible. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Join_the_Iron_Legion_in_tearing_down_the_Ascalonian_wall Tearing down the wall left by the Ascalon, or trying to. While it may seem odd, the Charr have allowed Ascalon to return to even more of a natural state than Humanity ever did. By destroying all the Cities, walls, and other means that Humanity tries to harness nature and have one big city and mostly tent camps, Ascalon has rejuvenated itself. Eventually yes i could see the Plains of Ashford becoming one big massive Iron Legion settlement, but i dont see them doing that to the other maps as it would bring issues to their food supply, tree supply(Which from what ive seen on the maps the Charr are already doing something weve only started doing and thats planting trees for the sole purpose of cutting them down after a few years.), and their water supply which they do try pretty hard to keep pure. Another large thing is that while "cleaning up after their evil faction" may seem small, its leaps ahead of what other races are currently doing, on top of that, cleaning up after the flame legion is probably one of the largest clean up operations in the world, after the searing, even though its been 250 years(Ascalon wouldnt have started to regrow until after the flame legion was pushed back to where they are, and even now they have a large presence) Ascalon wouldnt be able to start healing itself to the point it has without a lot of aid, and a massive replanting operation. I get that nature is great at healing itself, but when you completely eliminate all the plants which is what the searing did, would take a long time to heal without help, ive seen it often enough IRL when it comes to fields that have been retired from farming use.Good points, especially the one about how the charr trying to tear down the wall of Ascalon is actually allowing the land to start healing itself. I hadn't thought of that. Is it just me, or do humans have a habit of massively overreacting and committing mass harakiri when the charr attack them? Adelbern's response to the Foefire, the Cataclysm of Orr. Pretty sure both kingdoms would've been much better off just accepting the charr as their supreme overlords. ¯\(ツ)/¯
  21. Only it isn't.The story choices in GW2 present the "illusion" of choice and impact on the game world.I can choose a distinct order to join and get a few different missions but at the end of the day, my mentor dies in Claw Island the exact same way, no matter who they are. That gate closes behind Sieran, Forgal and Tybalt is the exact same way at the exact same time. At the climax of the personal story, it's always the exact same mission, done the exact same way, with the same group of hangers-on from Destiny's Edge "helping" me.And after Zhaitan dies there is absolutely no functional difference in the story no matter what I say or do. It is very much an on-rails delivery.GW2 is years behind Star Wars The Old Republic, in terms of impact from choices in dialog or action. It is equally distant from The Secret World in terms of writing and delivery. The story, it's writing and delivery remain GW2's weakest area, and while the storytelling has drastically improved over the past 3 years, it has little do do with the tale being told getting better. It's gotten better at delivering it's below average narrative, to the point where we can actually look past some of the weaknesses.It is,however, most definitely very far behind many other games in the genre. Yeah, I can get behind much of that. That's why I said there is absolute loads of potential in what they could do, yet haven't done. While I agree with your assessment of SWTOR, I'd have to disagree with The Secret World because, while TSW's writing is indeed phenomenal, they don't ever give you even the illusion of choice as far as I recall (aside from initial faction choice). That's the one particular aspect that I think GW2 deserves a little credit for; most MMO storylines don't give you any semblance of choice at all, every single character has the exact same storyline full stop. While there's lots of room for improvement, I think 'definitely very far behind many other games in the genre' is a pretty big overexaggeration.
  22. The RPG-lover part of me really wants this, although I recognise that it is probably just not going to happen due to being too much added work. In terms of character customisation, GW2 is ahead of most other MMOs due to having personal story choices etc, so I very much appreciate what we have already. But you're right, there is the potential for so much more.
  23. Yeah I'm talking about the tar, Joko is technically human, or at least originally was though. Which is the point I'm making. It's far far more pollution than in Ascalon, a lot of which only comes from flame legion sabotage. Tar elementals etc, we see the charr set up water treatment machines to clean up pollution, which is better than we did post industrial revolution. The charr already working on cleaner industry shows that their progress will be much smoother environmentally. There is plenty if magical pollution from Asura and white mantle though... which is seen to be worse than industrial. Akin to radiation with more unpredictable effects. Look at the Thaumanova reactor or bloodstone fen or even Lake Doric. So, you hold humans and Asura accountable on doings of the White mantle, Joko and the Inquest, while apologizing char pollution by accusing flame legion only? Sounds like specieism to me. Also, Joko can hardly be argued to be human anymore. He is an undead, with undead soldiers in an undead kingdom doing undead stuff to make to make the world undeadier. And noone actually stands in for that. There is no way around it, charr are the equivalent of human industrialization. They are closer to real-life humans than the humans in GW2 in many aspects. Charr are a juvenile race when it comes to discovering culture and conscience, overcompensating basically everything with "We are proud!" while we se how actually proud warriors can make a living in the norn.Actually, there are quite a few similarities between Norn and Charr, albeit with strong differences.1: Norn usually don't come together i unison, unless for a greater cause and to party hard. Charr are constantly bickering between their legions and don't really know how to chill.2: Norn value a strong body and spirit. They love to fight and compete. It's part of their culture. But when it's all said and done, they get down to earth, open a few kegs of beer and have fun. That last part is not nearly as strong in the charr, who seem constantly up for a fight.3: Norn hate false gods (Jormag), but they appreciate the superior forces that are part of GW2's nature (wich, in return, also makes them stronger), while Charr remind me of an angsty teen who just discovered atheism and needs everyone to know about it. They overcompensate for this by building MOAR GUNS. Wich causes pollution. And right now, more pollution than they can handle.As a race, Charr culture is in it's infancy. And it shows.And thats completely ignoring that they scorched whole ascalon in the first place.Well, I for one would say the charr have a very good reason for hating gods, considering the Flame Legion once duped the entire race into following false and evil ones. I personally think their commitment to making something of themselves without being someone else's lapdog is something to admire. I also think they have a decent reason to be proud, considering their technological accomplishments, for one. ;) "They" didn't scorch Ascalon. The Flame Legion did. Centuries ago, I might add, so none of those charr are around anymore. When will you people figure that out lol. (Psssst. Modern-day charr hate the Flame Legion too.) And as has been mentioned repeatedly, we can see the charr cleaning up after their own pollution, or at least they make a good point of trying to. That's more than I can say of real-life human industrialisation, generally.
  24. Too lazy to quote, so: As people have mentioned, cleaning up pollution is the subject of quite a few heart quests in the charr lands. Compare this to a group like the Inquest, whose experimental waste is literally destroying entire ecosystems. Big difference there. Also, the charr who caused the Searing are the Flame Legion... who present-day charr are fighting AGAINST. I feel like people forget that. Most charr hate the guts of the Flame Legion, who are the ones who actually destroyed Ascalon, just as much as humans do-- if not even moreso because they misled and enslaved half the race (the females) for decades, if not centuries. Non-Flame charr hate Flame and Searing-type magic with a passion. Charr today are not the same as the charr that GW1 fans love to hate. The modern-day charr nation has shaken off the shackles of the Flame Legion and continues to march forward technologically, militarily, ideologically, and culturally. They are now a stoically secular race who are seeking peace with their former enemies.They have developed miles in the lore of GW2, and I love them for it. I hope Anet will continue to show them love in the future.
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