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Everything posted by Aravind.9610

  1. We do have it, but you need to finish the story first completely and then restart the episode to see the achievement markers.
  2. Maybe you didn't see the dev post on reddit but warrior and ranger are getting quickness and alacrity on their banners and spirits. And this would be on a core class not an elite spec. So no, healmech isnt gonna have monopoly over alac roles.
  3. If you think its so afk to play healmech, then you clearly never played it. Why don't you try solo healing with heal mech in fractals, while just afk spamming 1? See how far you get before being kicked.
  4. I don't see any mandatory healmechs required lfg. In fractals healbrand is still sought after more than healmech.
  5. You can try in low tier fractals with newbies. They tend to get hit a lot. Though I'm not sure how badly things damage players in low tiers (probably not a lot). You can also just jump in to strikes. Most of them are pretty easy enough for healers.
  6. And how are they incentivized to run training groups or pug groups now? They do it because its the only way to get new players into the content when older players leave the game.
  7. And they don't have to. WE raid and sell stuff and get rewards in the process. And people can change their mind if gold per hour in raids is better than open world farming. Its why people do everyday t4 fractals.
  8. I already said someone has to sell the LI, meaning raids have to be completed, making the content relevant and rewarding again.
  9. If you want to then ask for it instead of saying I shouldn't. At the end of the day gold is the best reward the game can offer.
  10. Yeah because trophy shipments are worth 5g. Maybe in your dreams. My way offers better rewards and allows raiders to sell at a rate beyond 5g if they choose on TP based on supply and demand
  11. The fact remains that someone actually has to sell the LI, meaning raid content stays relevant, no matter who buys it or doesn't. As it stands there is no reason to do raids since I made all 3 sets of legendary armor. At least this way I can make a profit. And let's face it, raids could use a huge reward boost. Your view is just narrow-minded.
  12. I wouldn't mind Legendary Insights being tradable, but it should be allowed to have a minimum vendor value, like say 5g? That would prevent it from being sold on trading post for less than 6.5g or so making it profitable for raiders. Can even make a tidy profit by selling it for like 10-15g each.
  13. You can also use blast finishers on water fields to give area heal. Just a little less healing than med kit 4, but great addition to your kit, since you have 3 blast finishers on med kit 5, elixir gun 4, and shield 4 double tap. And 2 water fields on med kit 3 and mortar 5. Condition cleanse can be done with med kit 3 and elixir gun 3. And you can again use blast finishers, this time on light fields to cleanse conditions as well. 2 light fields on elixir gun 5 and mortar 4.
  14. Mech Frame: Variable Mass Distributor doesn't make our mech inherit precision or ferocity, thus making power mech somewhat useless. This is despite tooltip saying it inherited our stats, but when testing it, we can see that it hasn't.
  15. This is how it used to be before they nerfed it so people couldn't run others through trib mode and charge for it.
  16. An asura colony in the depths cut off from their surface cousins due to Primordus's awakening, survives and establishes their own society and culture. Sounds plausible at least considering their gates weren't all connected to the Central Transfer Chamber from Guild Wars 1.
  17. Engi doesn't have traits for rifle or hammer, and the trait for pistols works only for pistols (improving condi duration for pistol skills only, not kits). Maybe you are thinking of sigils which proc on weapon swap, in which case that works for gunsaber if you slot it on axe too.
  18. I don't have any problems giving boons anywhere even without shift signet. The only time to use shift signet is if your group moves to other side of boss and you need mech to follow. Simply because the boss moves is no reason to use shift signet at all since mech moves alongside players anyway. Ventari's tablet is lousy for revenants, why would anyone want that for any other class ever? And no, mechanist is never going to be viable at all EVER in pvp or wvw, simply because it is an AI spec and I don't want Anet changing that in the first place. It was designed as a spec for people who asked for golemancer (even though I'm not one of them and I had my doubts), and now people have golemancer.
  19. Again a PvP issue. In PvE the cooldown of shift signet is only 25 seconds (19 with elite signet slotted). Please don't assume mechanist will be good in PvP ever. PvE is what really matters in this game.
  20. It was never going to be popular in PvP and everyone knew it. BUT its very very good in PvE and that is where majority of players are, so mechanist will be fine there.
  21. I don't know if it would be possible but I do like this idea. We engineers deserve to have more legendary effects.
  22. People on snowcrows discord who have played since launch disagree with you. And how is the opinion of people "who have played since beta" more valid than those who played the game for the last few years or even the last few months? The goal was to get more people to play engineer and if the "bandwagon engineers" as you call them are playing it now, then it succeeded.
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