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Everything posted by Aravind.9610

  1. Well, a lot of us like the new pet spec for engineer.
  2. Yay, you still have holosmith and scrapper.
  3. Lucky for you then that 24/27 elite specs don't rely on pets.
  4. How is this any different from mech right now? You summon it at a location, tell it to attack, command it use skills AND you have the ability to recall it or reposition it using shift signet.
  5. No way to reset points, need to get new hero points to unlock druid.
  6. Yes, plenty of complaints from the same players over and over again. And what low skill specs got nerfed in the expansion patch? Only thing that was nerfed was sustain traits. Minionmancer still works wonders, mirage still does 28k dps for being afk.
  7. Glad to see someone else enjoying the mechanist. Its a really neat spec. It doesn't have a build that "does it all", it just has tons of different builds with different uses and for people of different skill levels.
  8. Necromancer summons are utility skills, not class mechanics, that's why they didn't get a return button. They were meant to blindly attack stuff and be expendable. Kind of like turrets on engineer but a bit stronger. Personally I would prefer if the minions were a class mechanic and did inherit stats from us so we could have a minion army. But back then they didn't want minions running all about clogging up their servers. Also tons of complaints about minions/turrets being oppressive in pvp. At least we got mechanist now with a good pet/summon.
  9. Then don't suggest anything for a spec you aren't familiar with!
  10. That's subjective isn't it? Lots of people enjoy mechanist. No need to nerf just because someone doesn't find it fun.
  11. You haven't posted a single proof that you play it. All you've posted is nonsense about invincible tanks and 40k dps.
  12. You can't have an invincible tank while doing 40k dps. 40k dps build uses pure glass stats.
  13. Yeah lots of people are dumping on mechanist when its no different than minionmancer builds when built to be tanky.
  14. This is dumb. What do sustain nerfs have to do with mechanist?? Mechanist is not tankier than other specs. Only sustain nerfs you see were the ones that gave health/barrier on attack or condi damage or whatever, neither of which mechanist has.
  15. Don't pretend you are as good as Lord Hizen. He has made videos like that for EVERY class. And also he uses celestial gear which means far less dps than what you get on benchmark videos.
  16. You're posting someone else's benchmark videos from Snowcrows and expecting that it will tank? Are you insane?? Post a video of YOURSELF soloing an open world legendary boss with those builds, then you can claim that mech is too tough.
  17. When exactly is it playing itself with NO INPUT FROM THE PLAYER WHATSOEVER? Have you actually tried it? This is the most ridiculous claim ever. If you did let the mech do everything for you while you do nothing you do......3.5k dps. And no the spec shouldn't be for low effort survivability only. It should be as versatile as possible so people don't shun it like they did the necromancer before last May. Where do you get these stupid ideas anyway? Mech tanking, pfft. If mech dies we are screwed. And no open world tanking doesn't really count.
  18. Mechanist is great in PvE. So your statement doesn't hold true.
  19. There is a 26k dps herald build that is like 1 or 2 buttons too. Doesn't mean that was nerfed now does it? If 20k is the best you can get on a full berserker build with all boons then you are in big trouble.
  20. I still see a lot of CM LFG groups. And I don't even mean on prime time. Maybe its different in EU servers?
  21. It isn't just bleeds that mech has, its the F1-3 skills that make the condi mech work better than power. And it isn't the mech alone that makes condi better. Keep in mind the main damage for mechanist comes from engineer with the mech doing secondary damage. Our weapons and kits just favor condi more than power. Our only power weapon right now is rifle, and the only kit that does respectable power damage with autoattack is bomb kit. Add to that the exposed debuff from breaking defiance, which makes condi damage shine much more than power and we get a condi mechanist which is just better.
  22. I don't want it removed, that lowers quite a bit of dps, but I do agree it should be moved to minor trait just like ranger pets have.
  23. Wonder why this wasn't included right off the bat like other salvage kits.
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