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Everything posted by Shadowpeixera.2918

  1. I still find it baffling how people believe this. I won't use the "gaslit" word because honestly, i've seen more players making that assumption by themselves over the decade. That being said, it was a major meme here in this very forum that "NeCrO AtTrItIoN" was dumb because facetanking a game that hits upwards of 20k spikes with a small TTK like GW2 is a terrible idea, and both Thieves and Guardians did attrition better just by having active defenses. Hell, Core Warriors did it better when they had Mace-Shield back in the day. Don't even get me started on the fact that we're the only class that have to have a mana resource ( besides thieves but that's a whole another topic ), and that mana resource both starts at low levels, requires charging AND gets drained by getting hit. Hurr Durr SeCoND HeAlTh BaR
  2. Personally, i think if Necromancer, being one of the few classes that is chained to design ( no mobility in exchange for being the main class that messes the boon-condition system, which honestly, it's one of the worst systems in the game ) gets some other stuff in return, this is fine. Like, sure, remove boon corrupt from the game for all i care but allow necromancers to blink/teleport, have way more boon output, give them mobility and better active defenses, since they trade all that for the corrupts.
  3. Do we still pretend this is true, 10 years later?
  4. You guys really necroed a thread from 5 months ago. Geez
  5. It could be doing one billion damage, i really don't care. I care that it feels garbage to use. Some people like to use dps metrics to measure fun, and that's amazing to me, when you consider that there's a subsect of players who would probably hammer their own hands if it made them get 10k more dps. At this point, just go make each usage have a cast time, and remove the initial cast time thingy. It'll still be awful but at least it'll feel consistent.
  6. Perfection. ~i'm a big bad hunter with a bow~ *dancin'*
  7. You have kits, we don't. You have FT, Grenades, Bombs, Toolkit ( that actually hits like a truck when it connects ), Mortar, Elixir. Engineers have several ways of performing their job, while we are left with extremely outdated options. Comparing apples to oranges here.
  8. Basically: Make Shield Stance a Stance. I'm all for it.
  9. Build is fun for sure, but you can see the holes in the armor from a mile away. CTS already pointed out some of them, so i'll just go for the one that bothers me the most: You need to use dagger because Warrior weapons are incredibly bad ( some even while traited ), and while we have cover condis, we don't have damaging condis themselves to do the job. Pressure is bad. Warrior weapons have the terrible issue of outputting only one type of condi, Bow only burns, sword only bleeds, dagger does nothing for condi, but it's mandatory for removing boons. Kinda tells you where this game's state is. Makes me believe in Lan's suggestion that we need a Power amulet/gear stat that gives Expertise. Having a SpB build that has condi duration for those crippling conditions like slow and does good power damage would be nice.
  10. I guess? Teapot last AT cast had some Hammer Spellbreakers but they weren't nearly as effective as you make them seem to be, and they were top tier players. That might be one of the issues of Warrior, but i don't know if i agree with it. If anything, the Warrior's issue is that they have a extremely predictable pattern of combat where whatever spec you play, you're needed to engage in melee and you can be corrupted/ragdolled to death because your boon output is mediocre. Which is why several builds in PvP are experimenting with banners and any stunbreaks that offer whatever utility can benefit us for those small windows of opportunity. I would argue to compare Warrior with Garen in LoL: There are several great Garens in the game that know the intricasies of the character to minute details, like small powerspikes that completely change the lane. Yet, all of them put Garen's predictability of play as a con to the character: There's really little ways of do much with the character because it's skill kit is limited. It does have a high skill ceiling, but what you can do with that skill ceiling is lesser than what you can do in other classes, i would say. This is a weird concept: Devs aren't necessarily good players, and not everything works the same as out of concept, several things they design end up being played differently in practice. That AND the class/game should embrace all sorts of skill levels and feel good to play throughout the spectrum. Dismissing opinions because of skill level is a terrible way to design a game.
  11. I think it's kinda mandatory if you wanna apply any sort of pressure, with how prevalent guardians and boon application are. GS is good if you have someone else to remove the boons.
  12. Vallun is rolling D/S - Hammer Spb. The boon removal is almost mandatory if you want to contest points and duel.
  13. I like the build, it's been a fun staple for a bit now for Warrior PvP. My biggest issue with Warrior builds right now is how much stunbreaks you need to run ( you run 3 on your variant ). I really like the fact that you don't go Agressive Onslaught, it's too much of an investiment, and something i should consider for my own buildcraft ( altho i build for concept and open world, not for pvp usability ). I was going to say, again, that Dolyak's Signet being 10 stability stacks would make a good utility to put in the build, but i had forgotten that it's a 1min cd, not 40s, so that kinda throws sand on it. It's a decent utility but being corrupted on your 60s CD doesn't feel great at all. Both are good builds, and probably what i'll play if i go back to PvP'ing.
  14. I still think Dolyak's signet is great for Hammer use, and maybe there's a quasi-signet build that would allow us to unblockable our CC. Warrior is struggling for sure, always is, but maybe we didn't think forward enough. Also our utility dependency on SIO kinda hurts us ( and the fact that Hammer is dependant on 2 traitlines to do damage, so we have to sacrifice one to get sustain, while also having to roll Arms to get signet mastery. It's complicated for sure. )
  15. I think the idea of making banners a equippable "kit" that doesn't switch your weapon skills is great. That means you won't be able to use several banners at the same time, which makes people want more Warriors ( always good ), while also allowing for the banner traits to be buffed to better heights. Basically, you equip the banner on yourself, and you become a aura bot.
  16. What about making Tether a AoE 240 pull, like Lan mentions, while also actually not forcing you to move out of range, instead just being a timed pull? Like Guardian GS5, but automatically pulls enemies in range after the time is over? And then, since the might generation is important for MMR/MM, then just make it so that the skill generates might while connected, and when the pull occurs, it generates a burst of might stacks. This would make MT consistent as CC, while still keeping it's might stacking function. It would also make MT trigger traits like Stalwart Strength, Merciless Hammer and Aggressive Onslaught without forcing us to do wonky movement in PvE.
  17. I'm speaking specifically as a theme. Banners were used in war all the time to both identify your troops, as a rally point, as inspiration, and as a sight to fear. Seeing warbanners while a sea of iron-clad troops march toward you makes you fear those banners as the symbol of war. It fits Warrior like a glove. The issue with Warrior ( And GW2 as a whole, honestly ), is borne out of execution, not out of theme. Thematically, Warrior is flavorful as hell, and it's one of the main reasons we stick with this class ( and this game ) after at least 7 of 10 years being neglected to a sideclass. And even our moments of glory weren't that fun ( 4 warriors/1 mesmer CoF P3 runs ).
  18. Look, i for one accept the role of being a savage brute and clubbing things to death They want us to be cavemen, that's why we got the new fashion.
  19. But that's not intended, and proof the trait ( and weapon ) needs love.
  20. But banners also fit the fantasy: Warfare uses banners both as tactical utilities to identify your specific groups in the army, and also as a visual reminder of what you are fighting for, it's a inspiration. The problem is their execution, really. Anet is just bad at execution in general.
  21. Do bear in mind, i'm being tongue in cheek here because we had a time when only TR Shoutsworn was being played, and everything else was subpar. There were some moments in our lives where Warrior was kinda lacking and we had very few options, so i'm kinda trust Anet to be consistent here and put us back into the program.
  23. I mean, the game HAS LI options, but they are quite locked, so filling fantasy with ease to play is rarely the call. Even ESO had to give you a busted Mythic item to make non-swappers/roleplayers/casuals perform ok with their 5 slot builds. But yeah, as a fellow Gladiator enjoyer, the game really doesn't help. The problem with the Mace/CC route is that it lacks a bit sustain. The weapon requires 2 traitlines to perform the whole "stability+quickness on CC" role. It IS a lot of fun. The common LI build is Axe/Dagger Spellbreaker, with a Axe/Axe variant for Core. You use Mace/Mace or Mace/Shield on the backbar for defiance breaking. I was between either Hammer Cleric Warrior or Mace/Shield Cleric Warrior. Both are subpar, and yeah, this game simply doesn't help. It's one of the reasons i find myself playing less and less.
  24. Point taken, to an extent. Leg Specialist and Opportunist improve the weapon to usable status and they are fun traits, so you're right there ( which is why my proposed rework makes Crack Shot double down on dealing more damage to impaired targets, which i think should be a staple of the weapon ). MMR/MM on the slow auto of Rifle i would argue is worse than Axe/GS. The condition of needing to hit a vulnerable target, while mostly irrelevant is still a trade-off that shouldn't exist. Also, am i missing something here? What's the synergy with Warrior's Sprint? Also, taking WS means you can't get Crack Shot ( not that it's that good ). I think numbers wise, you do have synergies, but when you pair the weapons themselves with the traits, the other weapons do more with their synergies. It becomes a issue of quantity vs quality. Like, now that you mentioned, a Rifle with a might sigil and FGS would be fun to play, but i still think that's way less than what you can do with an Axe. The weapon is just not up to par for the synergies to make a difference, so i didn't consider them on my post and that's my bad. On the Merciless Hammer synergy, that works but i think it's a really weak synergy. Still, my main point stands: I would rather have Rifle as a Assault weapon that gives us power AoE damage and decent single target, being a better overall weapon with wider application as a trade off to lose a little bit of single target damage. Also, giving a pass to outdated skills like Kill Shot can only benefit us. Anyway, thanks for the correction ❤️
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