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Everything posted by Tabootrinket.2631

  1. I feel like the mask might actually go to the revenants... But I kinda wish you are right. I feel like we're gonna get that bulky icon that looks like it belongs to an engi or warrior.
  2. Yeah. What I had in mind (also maybe way too farfetched) is : A longbow ele, who can swap weapon and has access to just two "elements". However, those two "elements" are actually a fusion of two of the four starter elements. The trait lines make you choose which elements to fuse together.
  3. Something they can still do is using weapons already available and simply changing the weapon skillset for the specialization. That's what I actually had in mind when they first introduced e-spec (especially because of Caithe's dagger weapon skills), and I think at some point every profession will eventually go through that process.
  4. Wait... did I miss something ? Has it been confirmed that the fire icon is a thief e-spec with torch ?
  5. It's an e-spec that managed the feat of making three classes turn around and say " heyyy that's my thing ! " (Thief, ele and rev)
  6. I'm a simple person. I started this game with thief because of double pistols (I hesitated between thief and engineer because they also have pistols). Now Necro is the new pistol, so I might main my necro next expansion.
  7. Ricochet was the exact reason I completely stopped playing thief. Maaan, tough time for thieves. Ricochet is back... on necros. Daredevil got buffed as hell... on guardians. I'm so glad I've mained an ele since then... wait.
  8. Players tend to forget that people are actually working to provide all the contents we've had so far for free. And they're working on even more features for that expansion. The amount of hours people who are still there spent on the game is worth the price of a normal game already (and most likely even more). This is the best business model you can ever hope for in term of MMOs. The standard price of this expansion is honest in my opinion whether or not we agree with the "quality" of the content. I personally want to support the company for the effort and the example they set in that industry so I already paid for the preorder.
  9. I was about to say what I'd like but it turns out the post right above mine already laid it down. - 2 attunements - weapon swap - longbow In addition, I'd say having the traitlines make you choose between which elements to fuse to form those two attunements you get (basically the elements of weaver's third weapon skills)
  10. Hello, Old player coming back to the game after about a year away from it. Still an awesome game, however the inventory is still super daunting for someone just logging in to their character for the first time in a while. QoL suggestion : Can't we have different tabs in the inventory for items of different purposes ? I'd like at least for those items : - Quest/Key items - Collection items - Trophies to have their own dedicated tabs (independent to the rest of the inventory bags), so I won't have to spend time on wikipedia for every single item to make sure I'm not deleting or selling something that I will need later on in my progression.
  11. Is there a way to save the combo ' equipment + build ' with one single keybind ? Because I haven't figured out how to do it. That'd be my only grip about the template system (I have limited available keys on my keyboard) otherwise it's quite neat.
  12. I don't quite agree with the assymmetry though.Assymmetry in a posing serves to give life to the subject. Otherwise it would just look like a variant of the T-pose. That's also the reason I kind of hate male humans posings. In real life we rarely stand up symmetricaly with the arms straight down (the posing you provided is stiffer than the original one and less natural).However, the arms don't 100% complement the lines of force suggested by the curvature of the body. Also, the hips could maybe get shifted more towards the pivot leg to reinforce the suggested intention. Something they might have taken into consideration is the different weapons equipped, the gears, and the shape choices. So the spacing of the arm may have been a bit inevitable in a way.All in all, they did a decent job on that aspect.
  13. I think the mastery system covers pretty much any further character progression once you reach the cap. It is more in line with the horizontal progression that they've built this game upon. I'd rather have some improvement to the reward system. Having to go through the achievement board any time I want to get my hands on the new pieces of equipments is a real hassle (not to mention how punitive those achievements are). I wish there were things like rare mobs that spawn in a random location, with a chance to drop equipments specific to that mob. Or I would love to be able to learn skills (like maybe new weapon skills for current weapons) by hunting some rare beast, or as a reward of cool quests (a bit like in guild wars 1)
  14. I would love longbow, because I love the idea of shooting the magic like focused lasers, or canon balls directly to the face of the opponents.It'd be like more focused magic with pierce property and lots of velocity. (Medoroaaa !!)
  15. Thief life in a nutshell : -other professions : " Thieves are OP nerf them the hell up " thief : " Oh ok, can I get in your team then ? "other professions : " What ? Hell no thieves are useless "thief : " wait what ? Yeah so can we get some improvements to be more useful to the team ? "other professions : " What ? No thieves are more than fine as they are. "thief : "Huuh... so why don't you accept me in your team ? "other professions : "thieves are useless "
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