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Everything posted by starlinvf.1358

  1. So is this another Dragon Stand/Chak situation where everyone shows up only for main event, never bothers with pres, and wonders why they can’t half afk through it?
  2. char select, hover mouse over top right. tells you map completion and a few other charter specific bits.
  3. Rouges have tough. We have to use all our cooldowns to even stand a chance. The class is clearly broken from all the nerfs. /veryoldwowreference.gif
  4. So rather then learning how the game works, or exploring higher levels of play- you’d rather fundamentally break a major aspect of game balance for everyone, just to get around the fact you refuse to engage with a significant combat mechanic. You then cite realism after directly noting you come from WOW; the most unrealistic game to exist…. and I do not say that lightly given the high fantasy nature of MMORPGs. And thats on top of suggesting some so utterly unrealistic as unlimited spamming of power attacks for 7 seconds, followed by 15 seconds cooldown, with no other consequence. This is right out of an episode of Rougecraft. PS Warlocks are mushroom
  5. Anet is still in trouble with gems. As Gems are only created when bought, but “traded” on the gem exchange. Unless you count the gems from early achievements. . In which case thats an easy loop hole nearly every online game is exploiting at this moment to dodge lawsuits.
  6. People hated how the old cut scenes are nondiagetic. So from HOT onward its now part of the world. The reason the cut scenes were a thing was to help precaching assets, because people hate pop in. Skipping puts us back at square one. Or start demanding games be a true sandbox so we can forego story.
  7. please no. theres enough daily grief about guildhalls and home instances as is. If its about building, are the rest if us willing to risk then going hard on selling building materials, objects, and structures in the gem store. And the inevitable campaign to get more people to spend money on it.
  8. Except thats basically not possible to balance the way you think balance is. Stealth as a mechanic is too binary to be balanced in either action or tab target games. Any draw backs you think you can give it will be heavy handed or ineffective. Theres no in between. You either have to give every class the option, and up the counterplay accordingly. Or remove it entirely so its out if the mix. If devs have to learn anything, its that stealth should not be associated exclusively with glass canons and agile builds. It ALWAYS ends up going down the optimization path that. we all know too well. Stealth tank meta!!!
  9. Paper beats rock, Scissors beats paper. Scissors also beats rock. Until Rock hits level 50, and becomes an unstoppable killing machine that also beats paper. Rock would also beat scissors…. but it can’t find scissors, cuz scissors be invisible. Scissors beats paper, and avoids rock, and thats called balance.
  10. If you’re expecting to be a 1up year on year, its time for a divorce. You pay child support we’ll keep custody. Lets see if Toby the pool cleaner is more your speed. At least heartless investors are happy with just more money every 3 months.
  11. Or make a portal lounge whose sole existence is to be a hub to other portals. Like a central transfer chamber. and decorated with a dragon to look cool.
  12. how long are you expecting it to take? it was intended to keep guilds busy for months if not years. Theres no race, so just chip away at it. it all deadwnds anyway.
  13. she will return for the hot spring episode.
  14. Well…… players already complain about not being able to see things on screen. Scalable nameplates introduces a whole new set of UI validation steps that will get ignored for time, and end up breaking 2 other random things.
  15. What if that toddler was Korra? yay 4 digs in the same joke!!!
  16. Greedy skill spammers kill stealing. I can see that happening.
  17. They give 2 because of main hand and off hand weapons, and or weapon swap. And for those that forgot. At launch it used to require getting all the POIs in WvW to get gift of exploration. WvW has directly tied to getting legendary weapons. They only changed it because it was too common for some servers to get stuck with two colors, due to how the matchup system works.
  18. doesnt the crafting site work like a check list? just check off the top level items done and drill down the others to see the break down of each sub item in the process
  19. After the crowdstrike incident, I have stopped trusting many devs to be able to handle ordered lists and parsing behaviors.
  20. Emote investor upset that a public release of the emote has devalued their emote cred. The social damage will be unrecoverable.
  21. I was about to say “how many of those especs rely on single target damage?”. And how many stealth builds aren’t glassy? The only major threat with stealth was the scrapper stealth gyro being able ro hide a whole group on the move… and thats been nerfed enough times as is.
  22. Or you inventions/infusions if you are an artifacer.
  23. No. All heavy classes get block. All med get dodge. All lights get blink.
  24. I mean why do players need legendary gear if they aren’t in the latest content? And its not like its stopping players with just HOT from making Gen1 gear. And they have access to legendary armor via raids. It a “scaled to” situation where people in the old block are mad at the catchup mechanics to what was originally end game grind.
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