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Everything posted by Cynder.2509

  1. It sounds very interesting! Sad thing it isn't real. Thanks for the explanation
  2. I understand that its currently usable in WvW and that there is an achievement tied to it, what I was saying is that I'm all for the tonic being a permanent part of the game as long as it isn't permanent in WvW. There's an achievement? Is it the one you immediatly get when talking to the NPC in Lion's Arch or a different one?
  3. Looks preem! Although it's not real :(Does it play more like Magic The Gathering, Hearthstone or Gwent?
  4. Haven't tried that yet but since there's always like a week or two between each merchant I think you should be fine.
  5. I think this is by far my favorite glitch. It was related to a specific armor skin and it can still happen and be visible to other players when you pick up this one orb at the end of one of the Arah paths while having just one piece skinned. Here's a loading screen version of it
  6. It's not like the daily stuff in ESO ehere you have to wait 24h exact hours, thankfully. They reset each day along with the daily reset. So you can buy them quick a few minutes before reset and then after reset buy them again. However you'll need to relog to update the vendor before buying after reset.
  7. Not really very endgame actually but housing like in ESO would be a very nice feature.
  8. ....because of my anxiety and paranoia issues and panic attacks induced by the fear that other judge me and make assumptions so I always have to justify myself to everyone just because I'm not a huge showoff cluttering characters in prestigious stuff just for the sake to show off that I'm the greatest and everyone else is a noob like other fellow veterans do these days. I actually care about stuff like lore and building stories around my characters (also using fitting skins for each) and also pick always lore friendly names. That's something you can't say about those that constantly judge my every move and will definitely shit on me for even the smallest shit like moving one step to a side or something. I know they don't say it directly but I know for certain that they do behind their screens and I feel so utterly worthless for everything. Also I hate being in close proximity to random people and I extremely despise when others "touch" me or run through me. However that is all excluded for people within guilds or others I feel "safe" around. I can do everything alone just fine and I prefer to let it stay that way.I hate that my real life fears that still persist for several years now have swept into games as well... :(
  9. This reminds me of this one achievement that was bugged tied to raven's sanctum strike missions. Same thing there just after release of the episode. Seems this might be an always returning bug, oh well...
  10. Yeah same for me. I wonder how people got past this issue as I see the community goal increasing. Perhaps one needs to purchase an item to unlock the vendor, I guess
  11. I know it's kinda offtopic and i already have given my answer previously in this thread but I just had a neat idea since I picked up in gw1 Factions story again. The idea involves a new mastery point system which will allow us to further develop a new thing that previously existed in gw1. Heroes! The masteryies could be that you can purchase new skills and recruit new unique heroes for your team. Couldn't find the EoD suggestion thread right now so I picked this one.I actually enjoyed the heroes system and it would be cool to see it return somehow.
  12. Oops, forgot to edit the info that this was about HoT stuff as I saw the Auric Basin meta fail for the first time in like forever again. I thought people might have gotten the hang of it by now. Just an info for clarification I forgot to add. This also applies to 2012 content as I see simple world bosses failing as well from time to time. Yes, I can use lfg but problem is that first all taxis are full despite saying not full (remove your entry please if the map is full because it's irritating) and second I'm too anxious and paranoid to use this these days as I get panic attacks easily because people always aim to judge me, or at least that's what I think...However I'm just curious about why old content is still failing. so far there were interesting answers so far.I know some people are just getting started or have a job but you can do at least a little research as a new player before attempting to participate. For the real life thing though nothing could be done about it but there's also adults who don't have a job, are freelancers, unemployed due to covid or unemployed because of medical reasons. However as far as I experienced there's still people who have a job that needs a lot of attention and are pro elite raiders despite it all and the fact that raiding needs all of your time commitment. However it could also be that I experience events to fail due to my unusual playtime so that EU servers might not be that active around my time period.
  13. I just don't get why people still fail easy as piss HoT metas so easily. No offense I'm just curious.This also applies to 2012 content. Just why...
  14. As much as I want old gw1 maps coming back I'd rather see some completely new unexplored before areas. It would be very interesting to see what lies beyond what we already know.
  15. With the still ongoing pandemic I doubt it will make it this year as the pandemic and lockdown won't end for sure until summer 2022 so my bets for the new expansion are either fall 2022 or spring/summer 2023
  16. I'd be totally satisfied enough at first if we'll only get to play as Tengu if I'm honest.
  17. I get it, most MMOs release an expansion every year but that's because these games are mantained by far bigger companies. Take for example, as mentioned before, Square Enix or Blizzard (or even Zenimax/Bethesda). All of these are far bigger and richer companies/developers than ArenaNet. The studio responsible for GW2 is actually very small compared to these giants. Also I'd rather wait longer for good content than waiting less and getting something unfinished and a product that doesn't keep its promises. Sure, Anet hasn't really kept that much promises too with things regarding the newest Icebrood Saga but it's still less worse than what huge developers these days do so at least it's one of the very very few developers you can still trust and I hope that it will stay that way considering how one of the most trusted game developers (you know who) are now losing their good reputation and even got hacked and source code stolen. I know the latter isn't MMO related but it's a main issue within gaming these days that also affects companies like Blizzard as it isn't what it was anymore too.
  18. Definitely much much much higher than anything and much more unforgiving so nbs learn how to play properly. People even die in almost 6 year old content these days... The game overall needs to be much more difficult and unforgiving as even raid cms are too piss easy and nbs break it by constantly asking to make content easier. If you can't play the game or learn how to play then maybe don't play at all. It's not like we veterans playing since launch want you in our groups.
  19. Thank you all. Although my answer is quite late I'm thankful for the help. Decided to buy it for a few of my characters because it matches so well.
  20. I think about getting it but I'm not sure and I'm still looking for a few mount skins that fit a heavier looking charr and don't make the mount look like it's getting severe spine problems after a time. Unfortunately I have sh.it luck with chests so I don't even try getting it from there and there's no other way for me to get gems by converting to gold so I need to rethink everything good as I don't have generous friends that could help me or gift me stuff like I always see on tumblr. I could try to do commissions again but then nobody would care and commission me and generally I have a shitty reputation within the tumblr gw2 community due to some lies and rumors being told about me back in 2016...So could anyone maybe help with my decision and show me a good shot (preferably side view) of how the mount looks for non human female players?
  21. I think it looks worse than shown on the promo screenshot. It makes the entire character more black instead of slightly grayish. I'd like it if the unfusion would only change the skin however as changing the armor color is making the overall look bad. Also I don't have a stone or dwarven themed character to match it properly. Would need to develop a new character with fitting backstory and personality then. However still nice to have the infusion in my collection. I wish applying cosmetic infusions to certain items like trinket or weapons would suppress the cosmetic effect as some infusions don't look that good in the end.
  22. Alright, I didn't know the limited items are available for defense tokens/medals after the event concluded because the previous items didn't show up for me there, maybe because I got them before. Also I'm kinda dissa-pointed (had to write it like this because it would make it an emoji otherwise wtf) how the infusion looks in reality. Thought it would only make the skin in a slightly greyish tone instead of completely making everything black. However I'm excited for the next vendor event, if only for the achievement to buy 10 boxes, and what's in stock there. Hopefully a new infusion that looks better or maybe another skin.
  23. Uhm... it seems that you are the one making assumptions. ;) How did you manage to do raids then, if I may ask? I'm usually a bit on edge myself when I join a group of strangers, but I am confident in my own skill, plus when you join KP teams you usually end up with good or even excellent players that make for a smooth fun ride where there's no feeling of pressure at all. I can recommend that, as you certainly have KP since you used to raid, right? :) God, I wish there was a function to block people on here sometimes for multiple reasons with one being this...Can you please move on and go away if you have nothing helpful to say and just want to mock me? I didn't mock you, I was trying to help you by telling you that there is no need to be afraid of the use of LFG and how you can put your raid experience to use. I was trying to encourage you to not shy away as you can indeed find truly laid back groups via LFG. I was also sincerely curious on how you managed to raid when you are having concerns about joining strangers. But hey, if you perceive every comment that goes a little out of the way of what you were asking for as a personal attack, then suit yourself. You obviously are making assumptions of other people's intensions and you are also being extremely rude - so good luck and goodbye.First of all raids are not made for randoms. It's made for guilds as stated by many others here but I guess you just can't read other posts and second your stupid smileys are offensive and if you don't want to actually join just fuck off! Now please leave me alone forever!Yes, I have KP but I can't fucking link them because they're gone and I'm not a filthy chatcode cheater like other casual noob assholes who trick their way into raids with only 1k AP as I've often seen (You should only join with at least 30 to 35AP and you're absolutely safe with 40k ;P)Now stop bothering me please and stop judging and giving shitty "advices" and left me die in peace because I'm worthless and nobody wants me
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