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Everything posted by Aridon.8362

  1. Are you prepared to pay 500g for a couch? I mean I've seen the willingness of people willing to pay that much just for a guild hall decoration.
  2. Hero points are a joke, just get in a zerg and trade the tokens, you don't actually need to get all those 1HP points in wvw at all. Not even for map completion like you used to.
  3. You mean you want stylized art, like World of Warcraft. I do a lot of work on that style of art, the problem is that it's difficult in the overall pipeline to implement compared to other ones we have available. Most stylized work (not all) that resolves to the gaming category ends up being hand painted. The process of hand painting could take about 1 hour to hand paint a set of UV shells in stylized art. Whereas with more photo-realistic approaches you have materials that can be dynamically adjusted and painted using substance painter in about half the time. Even adjust its light map and everything. Baking is also easily done in substance painter. Having played both WoW and Guild Wars 2, this feeling you have, which I also had, excessively died down, because as time passes you care less about the graphics of the game and more about the content it puts out. And Guild Wars, takes the cake by a mile on this one, just my opinion, the weapons are better, I have no idea how they make the effects for them.
  4. Your spirit shard farming is hindered because you probably haven't optimized it, have you gotten all your masteries? Do you have all your acc boosts? etc. Normally you don't actually need spirit shards for anything ascended, throwing them into that is actually a major league waste when there's tons of better ways to get ascended armor. Also stat swapping, is probably something you consider doing once, not over and over again, that too is a waste and should warrant you looking at what you're doing or how worthwhile it is to continue to do as you're told.
  5. Have you tried instead calling your ISP and asking them to change your IP address? Seems very tunnel visioned to make everyone leave a platform for your problem.
  6. I agree, the story was bland and the mobs just felt like meat shields. There's no real reason to buy it unless you 100% wanna find out what happened to Aurene's egg, before she was brought to Mordremoth and the mastery points. I had it on an old account, and I haven't bought it yet on my new one, I think it's worthwhile to spend the gold on the chapters that have the mastery points and then bail. To be fair the average new player should only stick to the expansion stories and probably will never see LS2, and decide whether or not to partake on the Living Story later on. Metas for living stories are now kind of outdated, hopefully volatile magic doesn't turn into the next unbound magic, that would be a shame anyhow.
  7. Just as the title says, if anyone's willing to lend a hand for this I would greatly appreciate it. Basically you have to finish the Hearts and Minds story in challenge mode, and you cant die during the three fights (Braham/Caithe/Canach+mordremoth).
  8. It's not hard if you learn how to do it, you have to be committed to what it is you want, if you start spending gold on stuff you don't need and will only use 1-2 days, you'll struggle to get those bag slots. Gold making in this game is an aggressively hard process that takes a great deal of stinginess and commitment. My advice to you, the new player, is that to succeed in this game you need to take big risks, the bigger the risk, the greater the reward. There are a lot of secrets that people don't know about in Guild Wars in regards to gold making, for now, just focus on getting the masteries done for your lvl 80, as that will actually help your gold generating feats.
  9. I havent done anything EoD yet, but if you win on a game all the time it's not fun anyway.
  10. I don't know I used Fantasy Name Generator and got a bunch of names, sometimes you have to give your character a last name.
  11. I don't know if any other Bladesworn have encountered this, but at least on my norn warrior, while using the gunsaber the dialogue cuts off the non gunsaber dialogue, and it removes the integrity of the design. I imagine that if a character is to have this work, while under the elite spec the original dialogue should be muted and the gunsaber dialogue should take over.
  12. I love it when people tell me Berserker is trash, then they explain to me all the stuff that is wrong with it, then they spend 30 min trying to convince me that they're correct, then they proceed to tell me how much better Bladesworn is, then I proceed to violently delete them from the face of the earth in a match, that feels good. That makes me feel good. I even had people pm me what my build is, people raging about the fact that I killed them, and people who kept insulting Berserkers as a spec. No disrespect intended, I know Bladesworn is solid, but to disregard a class as a whole and relegate everyone to play one thing and one thing only, is what makes potentially good players worse. The thing is, this game is not about what is meta, and what is the best build, it's about strategy, and human thought. Even gold making, and everything in the game, warrior, is all about strategy. It was never the spec, it was simply the strategy I used against them. Spellbreaker, Bladesworn, Berserker, Core, it's all just strategy man.
  13. Just piggybacking on my earlier story after that guy did that crap I started ranting about how he needs mental help from a therapist on map chat and then another dude came in and started excusing the crap that guy pulled on me. I noped tf outta the game in a fury and went to do something else irl. I swear once I get what I need out of raiding namely any insights and the leg armor, I'm done with it for good, maybe ill do a new raid once and never again.
  14. I would say spvpers are less toxic than raiders just my personal experience.
  15. yeah man it's super toxic, I would say it's even more toxic than WoW raiding, like 10x more. I've been raiding for a while so I know what I'm talking about, even seen leads who kick specific class for "not being a good class"; atm the dps benchmarks are spread by like a 2k difference between meta builds.
  16. I joined this group with a guy who I told I had 100 pulls on W3 and even linked all my LIs and crystalline heart, but this guy rude as hell only gave me a minute to kick me out of the group and told me I don't have enough experience and told me I need to go to raid academy. I've cleared this wing many many times. Even had the god kitten mini drop. So it's pretty naive don't you think to say that there's not an abundant toxic mindset that persists in raiding in guild wars. I don't disagree with your attempt to get more people to do it, I just disagree with your mentality that the space isn't toxic. The player just getting into it should understand that it is toxic if not in a guild. Even in a guild raid leads will kick people from attempting other bosses just because they don't "do enough damage". I can attest that in the 100 dhuum pulls I have damage is almost the last issue.
  17. Upgrade or change your graphics card. Use Game Booster.
  18. I don't expect all of them to teach me. The teaching doesn't happen enough. If I'm wrong the raiding community would grow. And I'm completely fine with being wrong.The raid community doesn't grow not because there's not enough players wanting to teach, or not enough opportunities to learn. It's because learning process itself is too tedious/painful for a majority of players, which results in not enough players being willing to stick with it to the end. Which is a byproduct of both content difficulty and the skill discrepancies within community. And those are a byproduct of the combat/skill/traits/gear system design Anet decided on. With whole game as it is, and the content being as it is, Raids being sustainable would require GW2 having way, way bigger playerbase than it has. Possibly even bigger than it ever had (, well, apart from maybe first months of the game, but without content locust padding a large part of that number).I disagree with you. It's not that tedious to learn, sure you may die a lot during training runs, but it's really just people making mistakes, not that the raid is tedious. If it were tedious I'd hear people sobbing in tears on discord, but realistically most of these boss mechanics are not aggressively tedious to work with. I would add that Dhumm CM is probably the most aggressive I've seen. In contrast I AM THANKFUL, EXTREMELY THANKFUL, that it's not like wow where you need like 80 tries on a boss in mythic before you're able to kill it. I swear when I did that crap I was ready to give up at try #40; still was fun though. The challenge is always the beauty.
  19. Is this a trick question? Are we just going to pretend guardians don't exist?
  20. A little harsh, but yes; ask yourself is your k/d good? If so, it's not you, or it's not your build, or your decision making process.
  21. No, I would prefer everyone stay the hell of my main class! >:p
  22. "The Demonslayers are powerful warriors who defend Cantha from the horrors of the depths." <- wat? Also, breathing people to death sounds like something rangers do on their spare time, were combatants, meele fighters, not mouth breathers.
  23. Stop caring about the meta then. I go minstrels healbrand in strike missions, nobody notices or cares as long as I keep pushing out perma quickness. Why do I do this? Because I don't care about metas. I'm thinking of bringing a full grieving war into a raid one day because I am a savage.
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