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Everything posted by Shiyo.3578

  1. Just change the forced 3-5 people paths(all of coe, arah 1, pof 1 etc) to be soloable.
  2. 1 minstrel healer is equal to three healers in WoW(a game well known for having overpowered healers). It's completely messed up.
  3. Marauders only really helps vs condis. Any 1 shot build will still 1 shot you regardless if you're 11k or 15k hp.
  4. Yeah it's just air that's 3(Fire doesn't say anything in it's tooltip at all) but...why?
  5. That's how broken the game is. Maybe if Anet actually updated their game, balanced it, and gave it the care and attention it deserved, it wouldn't be in this state where nearly the entire game needs to be deleted and remade.
  6. It's meant too be a support not a dps, and it can't play either in pvp modes just a bunker due to being so squishy.
  7. The incentive to stay in outnumbered situations and get zerged over and over again was completely removed. Why was this changed in the first place? It worked exactly as intended from my own experiences. Please add pips back to outnumbered.
  8. Concentration should be removed from WvW(was in spvp basically) and a flat * 0.5 to barrier/healing end multiplier should be applied while inside WvW.
  9. They really don't. The amount of builds you simply walk away from and CANNOT INTERACT WITH is astonishing. I have never, in 20+ years of gaming, played a PvP game where there's even a SINGLE non-interactive build. This game has dozens. That's not good, and the developers need to wake up.
  10. So by your logic, they removed tanky stat combinations from SPvP because of bad players who don't know how to cleanse, and don't balance the game around high end players? Well....
  11. Ah ok. It's difficult to talk about betas due to lack of info and constant changes. The skill is still worse for no reason, they should stop trying to force hammer to actively be engaged with players to benefit from it's sustain when other weapon's DON'T have to do that. Do blinds/blocks/aegis/dodge stop the additional cleanse like water4s heal?
  12. Because this game has a gigantic issue of having tons of "diversity" that literally shouldn't exist in a PvP game. Should pet ele/necro and turret eng be strong to increase diversity? No, no one wants to play against that trash, it doesn't belong in PvP.
  13. It's 1+1 on hammer vs 3 on focus. 2 ~= 3
  14. 2 ~= 3. It's good, probably the only good utility from CAT. Worst block in the game. Sustain you can't use while kiting and can be blinded/invuled/dodged/aegised. Equally terrible condi cleanse. Only gap closer is also your sustain. It's a PvE weapon. It's worse than weave self, rebound and FGS in every situation besides double meteor showering. This is why CAT is disappointing. Also low plat/high gold is the same as top 50 on NA because you fight top10 duos 75% of the time at that rating.
  15. Which is bad game design and bad gameplay in itself, we're just used to the BS called thief.
  16. Anet should read this(and actually act on it). The game mode encourages you to avoid PvP and just flip things because defending gives you nothing.
  17. I've been farming pugs all weekend following organized commanders as a SWORD weaver. This games combat is absolutely trash.
  18. All the best 1v1 builds are sustain condi bunkers.. There's a reason trailblazers doesn't exist in spvp.
  19. I'd defend if taking forts keeps camps etc was zone wide. Defending is too unrewarding to waste my time doing it.
  20. Fire weaver has crazy burst..as does druid and any rev condi build.
  21. Zero offensive stat gear has no place in GW2.
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