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Everything posted by Shiyo.3578

  1. Delete minstrels, nomads, etc as well. Ok and when your entire 3 hour WvW experience is "walking away from PvP", you question why you zoned into PvP in the first place Uhhhhhh This games CC is really bad. All CC is so short and has such long cooldowns generally longer than CC breaks. I've CCed someone 3 times in a row and they broke all 3 CC's back to back to back. CC not existing is actually the biggest problem with this games PvP, because you can't punish someone for mistakes and set up kills. It's just spamming DPS and HPS mindlessly until someone wins.
  2. Actually there's no such thing as boonballs in DAoC, Warhammer or Crowfall. It's a GW2 only thing. Most RvR games are about 8 man groups beating entire zergs with 8 man mass CC groups. This game has no zerg busters. It's why it's combat is trash.
  3. Who? It's CMC which is his irl names initials.
  4. Clerics has power, nomad's is stupid but it wasn't an issue because you could barely heal other people during vanilla.
  5. I've been playing since Vanilla. You couldn't give AOE super speed, barrier didn't exist, condi cleanse wasn't as potent, and meteor storm didn't tickle you. Minstrels also didn't exist, pure support elites didn't exist, etc. Insult me all you want, the gameplay of ZVZ is one of the worst PvP gameplay experiences I've ever seen in a video game.
  6. Yes, and minstrels gives boon duration. There is absolutely NOTHING interesting or interactive about blobs with super speed and 20 stacks of stability running at you while being spam healed and having perma reflects up. if this is "backbone of any RvR game" then there's a reason Crowfall died before even releasing, it's trash gameplay. This would help as well, but I still think minstrels and ZERO offensive stat gear has no place in this game. Boons are completely out of control in WvW. Whoever has the better boon stacking comp INSTANTLY(I mean INSTANTLY) wins any engagement. It's not interactive, it's not interesting, and frankly, I wouldn't even call it "gameplay". It's just a stampede rolling over you. There is no strategy to beating it besides being a better and bigger min/maxed boon blob.
  7. The only time this is true is longbow ranger, and MAYBE DH. Deadeye if you let the deadeye kill you but you can just walk away from deadeyes generally. Most ranged specs are pretty terrible in PvP modes as well. I actually experienced this re-learning sword weavers rotation. I went from soloing and it being so slow and easy, to having boons and going "WTF THIS IS SO FAST". It's so jarring and for a new/inexperienced player, it'd be really hard to get used to. It's bad. For a game that sold itself originally as "No Holy Trinity" this game has by far and away the strongest buffers in the genre, probably equally matches to FFXI, where you stack 3 buffers in a 6 man group and only have 1 DPS.
  8. ZERO offensive stats gear has no place in GW2 and goes against it's entire design and combat system. It has no use in PvE and currently just ruins WvW. You've deleted every tanky amulet from SPvP for a reason. WvW zergs are just 99% minstrel supports with like 3 dps and it's extremely unfun to fight AND play as. Fix your game, delete minstrels and other pure defensive stat types like it.
  9. No, 95% of people already run around with invincible builds that can perma stealth or insta port across the map. If anything, we need LESS tanky stats. Delete minstrels, cheerleader specs go against this entire games design and combat system.
  10. But ranged weapons are so op, they're RANGED! Oh wait I'm still stacking in melee because I get 400% dps from boons and I can't get them if I camp at 1200. So OP! I wonder when Anet will finally realize that being ranged isn't an advantage in this game?
  11. Ele doesn't need a rework. Weaver is an incredibly well designed spec and Sword is a masterfully crafted weapon. Tempest, staff, and Catalyst, however, do need to be reworked.
  12. They did, it's called catalyst. No, tempest is extremely unfun to fight in WvW and auras are basically AOE invul to 10 people. There's already enough boons being stacked in WvW, we don't need more.
  13. TBH, the main issue with Catalyst is that it feels redundant. Support? We have tempest, you just REFUSE to give it a proper support boon(quickness of alacrity) to make it a relevant support pick. Melee bruiser? We have Weaver. Melee DPS? We have weaver. What was the purpose of giving us Catalyst in it's current form?
  14. WvW zerg meta is terrible and it'd take someone doing WvW for an hour to realize what needs to be adjusted.
  15. Druids a great example of a failed spec.
  16. They don't, but then spec design is hamstrung by PvP still.
  17. Willbender should have been a bruiser, not a power rev with less damage.
  18. Yeah, it's just base d/d ele +1.... Not what elite specs are intended to be.
  19. Teapot doesn't have any PvP knowledge. D/D catalyst is stupid and probably obscenely broken in WvW with full celestial gear since it gets +20% all stats and a low CD water field to spam leaps/blast finishers inside of as d/d and passive 10% DR + longer duration auras. "Do you like d/d base ele? Well..you'll like Catalyst." Pretty boring expansion if you were looking forward to something for your Ele. Ele IMO needed a highly mobile, evasive, zero sustain burst spec. Like Virtuoso.
  20. Please give up big, open, long lasting, epic, rewarding map metas like HoT again. Do not give us dead on arrival maps like PoF maps.
  21. Almost all of them have extremely boring traits. Almost all of them are just base spec of that classs +1. It feels like they went too far with the "Trade offs" meme and refuse to make new elites actually good. They are trying to hard to make sure base specs remain relevant when no one even cares about base specs except some vocal minority on pluto. Overall: Underwhelming, underdeveloped, uncreative, uninteresting.
  22. They basically have "Double Cast" for phantasms. That's cooler than fast cast.
  23. I personally don't miss the days of attacking a keep/fort and suddenly 15 people come and kill me, then I never see them again. Why? They were AFK repairing and not going to ever leave the keep/fort.
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