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Everything posted by leila.7962

  1. In my opinion, creating a different cheap version would trigger people still, for different reasons. I believe that even if Anet was to make a different QoL-only version of legendaries, it would still upset a lot of people because the players who crafted their legendary gear didn't have a choice to make cheaper QoL legendaries. I'm sure if that existed before, a lot of people would probably have chosen to make them instead of the expensive shiny version. So it wouldn't be fair to give people this option now, in fact, it would be disrespectful to the players who stuck with the game all these years and did things as they were being released while giving their support for the game to keep going. Just like in real life, it's expensive to have QoL things. It should be expected from players that this kind of thing would come at a price and a lot of effort. If you are not willing or can't spend that much time, gold and materials, then maybe it's not for you. I see legendaries like a Tesla.. fancy skin, cool features and somewhat expensive to have. Does everybody need all that comes with it? No, and it's just for those who are willing to pay the price to have it. Meanwhile, there will still exist other kind of cars, more affordable, that suits most people's needs. It would drive Tesla's owners mad if tomorrow they would come up with a new model that is cheaper, with plain looks but that has same features as the cool one.
  2. So, every time you leveled up, there's a huge pop up that comes on your screen. On specific levels, they unlock specific things for you to do if you wish to. Here's a list of what probably showed up on your screen and you may have missed. If you click on the unlock it also gives you further information about them. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Level_rewards#List_of_level_rewards As for stats, you are playing a 11 years old game, there is plenty info on the internet about what's best to use for the current state on the game, however, unless you are playing instanced content, you can use whatever suits your gaming style (offensive, defensive, support). I don't get why new players need a whole tutorial for everything on the game.. it's intuitive on how to copy and paste..
  3. I honestly don't see why the OP is so upset.. I've mapped all SoTO's maps in 9 characters already and as far as I know, there are only 2 pois locked behind events. They don't take too long to happen also.. specially the one that requires a book to travel through a sort of maze, this one happens even more often than the other event that locks a POI on the northwest bastion.
  4. With mounts, you can easily get to any wp on the game super fast.. i honestly don't see a point on it specially when the map completion is required for legendaries
  5. Today's patch corrected the bug on Novice Taeya's step but going forward, but now it's bugged on a further step, at "Speak to Von Delverunner inside King Jalis Refuge". Even talking to him on different characters won't do anything.
  6. It's not by distributing them as meta reward that solves the issue of the cost of making them. Also, it's not the majority of the player base that has legendary armor at this point in the game, and I'm sure a lot of people were eager to have this feature coming.. I guess they just didn't expect that they would have to farm the hell out of SoTO's maps only.
  7. I'm not fond of the idea, simply because the motivations can be sold, and if people get them through the meta, very soon there will be a lot of tehm on TP, which will make their price lower and lower to the point that players won't do the rifts themselves anymore, since they will be able to buy heaps at a cheaper price, making the open world legendary armor aquisition easier and meaningless.
  8. Since when Anet cares about uproar XD ?
  9. I'm not sure if its a bug or if it was intended but I don't see any of the SoTO's specific vendors icons on the map, like Lyrh's or the other guy that sells the copies of the SoTO's exclusive relics.. Is there any reason that isn't on the game?
  10. Dude, laurels and other things you mentioned are all obtainable through the Wizard's Vault, just play the game, earn astral acclaim and use them to get what you want. You only get 5 per login but you earn more if you do a few tasks that don't really take a lot of your time.
  11. When I was finally able to craft the motivations I lost my motivation to do it. So pricey :s
  12. Maybe they thought that by giving so many options that the players stopped trying something new and always went for the easy/fast ones instead. Every day for the last few months there were people on reddit and on this forum complaining that they didn't know what to do after reaching level 80 on their first character, even though they had the old system to suggest things to do, people probably chose the same easy ones every day, which would lead to the issue of not knowing that to do after the dailies were done. I think most people looked at the new daily system with the veteran player's eyes, as in, you already know what the game can offer you to do, you already played long enough to know how most of the content is and which ones suits your gaming preferences. By changing the daily options, it will affect very little the veteran players but it can make a lot of difference to new players, specially those that didn't make new friends or got in a guild while they were leveling up. Veteran players will look at the new system choices and be like, yea, it will take some more time but I already know where and how to do these dailies. New players will be discovering some of the content available through them. I'm a veteran player, I didn't like that my daily options were narrowed down but I can still get through them in a heart beat.
  13. Mind you that all they offer is 1 ascended weapon and 3 ascended armor pieces for the next 3 or 4 months, because the Vault's rewards will take months to change. I think at the current state of the game, that it is fair to give the new players better gear to start enjoying the game right away. It's not like they can get a full set in a week with the Vault's reward, plus they will earn it by playing, which is the Vault's main priority, that the players get rewarded for actually playing. Maybe now it will mess up a bit with the economy, but it's temporary anyway. The players that will get 3 pieces of ascended armor will need the other 3 to complete it.. the people who got 1 ascended weapon box will need more than just that to play..
  14. It's hard to sell it to someone else when I want a refund myself... This expansion came with so many down sides ~_~ But there are nice things actually.. Very datailed and interesting maps to vist and explore Stronger enemies with very cool and interesting skills that actually feel like they were designed for the 2023's players and not the 2012 ones Most relics suck yea, but there are a few that are actually pretty good! I really liked the Wizard's Tower and Warrio'rs relics The new story is quite refreshing, considering all we did for the last years was to kill one dragon after the other in a somewhat predictable way The metas explore your mounts use, instead of just focusing on killing things The Wizard's Vault was a controversial change, but it still offers a good amount of rewards for those that actually plays the game (sorry alt account owners.. you guys had to go) It was a very sloppy and bugged start but they have 9 months to fix it and make it worth our money..
  15. The funniest part of the relics system is that Anet said that they decided to pull that off to give players more variety of builds. All runes 6th effects were cut off to become relics. Only 40 of the 6th bonus remained with some modifications, and from those that remained, a hand few are decent/usable. A lot of them tie their effect to specific classes perks or skill types that will obviously exclude all the other classes / specs, which goes against their primary idea. Also, their descriptions are super vague, in a classic Anet style of writing things.. like for example, the Relic of the Reaper: "Chill nearby enemies after executing a shout skill." .. Ok, it chills but, for how long? Is there an internal cooldown? Does it scale with my current condi damage and condi duration? How are we supposed to know before choosing it? It's kind of important you know. It surely felt like a rushed decision.. this change affected so many things, and not in a positive way as they were expecting. They should have left relics to a future update, when they would have spent more time thinking of it.
  16. I'm not sure if you are serious or not.. what did you expect as a reward if I may ask? Strikes are fast instanced content.. get a group, get in, kill the target and get out. It's faster than half the core game dungeons lol.. specially CoE and Arah.
  17. I have this issue every day or so, it also has a bug that so far i've only experienced when I cc the last two mobs before they finish their lines. When this happens, I cannot hit the orb, they keep respawning over and over and it just won't let you progress to the chests room. Even if I do it by myself, it bugs quite often. I really wish they would fix this, since you can't prevent other players from getting in if you already started it.
  18. I was helping a friend with a core account and his weekly is showing to do a strike mission, but it requires expansion? I think it may be a bug idk, I thought it was odd
  19. Ikr.. i thought the "new" system would give us AP as well.. Oh well, why did I think it would be any different?
  20. I'm sincerely confused about what you wrote had to do with what I wrote lol.. I just said it makes sense to have a raptor skin because people who didn't have PoF will have a raptor to use from now on. I'm not saying it was a better idea to have a raptor skin or a skyscale skin on the supply drop.
  21. It's because the raptor will also be something that people will be able to get right away if they have SoTO. New players won't have to go through PoF to have it, so it makes sense that they added a raptor skin on the supply drop.
  22. When I bought mine, I also bought a 2nd copy of the game, and their codes were sent right away to my accounts e-mails. All I can say to you is to check if the purchase actually happened, if it's in your credit card bill... and if it is, don't cancel the payment or something, because ANet can assume it's a scam.. It happened before with a friend that bought gems in his mom's credit card and when she received the bill, she didn't know what that purchase was so she canceled that payment and he got banned like if he tried to scam. If you have already checked your bill, try contacting support again, it's very unnusual of them to take so long to answer.. ANet's support is really good and they try to help you with whatever they can.
  23. First of all, criticism is needed for things to improve and it shouldn't be taken as a toxic behavior from the playerbase. The hype would be there still for more players if ANet didn't decide that in this expansion they would take things you had and have you work for them again. Instead of making people happy that it's coming, people are upset about it, and honestly, I think it is right that people complain. I don't remember people being upset on HoT and PoF releases.. People started to be upset with an expansion release on EoD, because it was being developed while IBS was coming and we all know how the quality overall went down. Why I'm not happy? Hmm let's see: 1. New expansion with old assets: When they advertise a new expansion people expect more new assets than old ones.. It should be something we are excited to see because it's new, but instead, we are getting a lot of old assets being reutilized over and over like we saw on EoD and now on SoTO. It really shows some half-assed work there. I'm really not excited to see a burning version of the Wizard's Fief that was copied in the sky. Idk, maybe they could have made the tower be a fake cover to a portal that lead people to somewhere new? When I saw this post from that_shaman I had to laugh because it just really represents how it feels the new expansion: 2. New gear screwing up old gear: I and a lot of people worked hard to craft legendary gear and runes so we'd never have to bother with it again anymore when the meta changes. Now, not only they will remove part of the legendary runes, they will also put it somewhere else (relics). If it wasn't enough of a hassle, people will have to work hard AGAIN for a legendary item in the future, just to have their QoL back. Which wouldn't be so much of a hassle if people could work on it right away as the expansion releases but the legendary relic isn't coming this year, but sometime in 2024.. (from january to december.. who knows when). Meanwhile, people will have to spend more, to craft temporary exotic relics for every build for every character. That is hassle that I, and a lot of players decided that we didn't want to have when we spent so much time, effort and gold making legendary gear. I do feel that part of my QoL is being taken away with this change. They could have added relics without messing with runes.. Either changing part of the 6th runes effect (like they did previously over the years) or just adding the new effects on relics only. I'm sure people would gladly accept the new feature if it was like that, because then it would be something no one had before and that they now have to work for it if they want it, instead of being something we had before and we will have to work for it again if we want it back. 3. New system screwing up with old system: Just like #2, we had daily login rewards that were ok for what you earned, being taken to the new system that now will make you do tasks to get what you used to get before. Why can't they both exist? Why take it with one hand and give it back with the other hand? It's a pretty f*ked up decision in my opinion. Before anyone says anything, no, I'm not one of those that abused the system with hundreds of accounts. People complained that people benefited a lot because they abused the system.. but that is not what happened for the majority of the players, most people have 1 account. Daily login rewards were something that made people that weren't able to play for too long to come to the game every day because they would still get something for showing up even if it was for a short time. For the people that have a very limited time to play, it will surely be missed, because now they will earn very little of the Astral Acclaim (the Wizard's Vault currency) for logging in, and I'm pretty sure it won't be enough to get the same amount of mystic coins, laurels, clovers, tomes of knowledge and the account bonuses. These people will be hurt the most in my opinion, because of a few abusers. 4. The right idea behind a bad decision: I understand they want people to actually play the game but let's face it, GW2 isn't a game that people play religiously and part of it is the QoL of no gear grind with every expansion like on other MMORPG's out there. GW always had a concept of a game that people wouldn't feel forced to play if they didn't feel like to just because of X or Y is happening at the moment. You could always quit for a while and come back at the same point where you left. The Wizard's Vault is said to be thought as a way to direct people to do things and get Astral Acclaim as a reward.. but wouldn't that mean that they will only play X or Y now because of the reward so they could get the mystic coins, laurels etc.? Because if it wasn't these being taken away from the player, they wouldn't play said contents.. either because it's not fun to play, it has bad rewards on it's own or because it requires more time than they can actually spend on the game (like Raids and long-kitten metas such as Triple Trouble or Dragon's End). Instead of fixing that, they put a carrot on a stick to "guide" players and make them play other parts of the game that no one plays anymore. Why not make players play X or Y because it's fun ? Why not fix the reason why people aren't playing X or Y content? I remember that on GW2 betas weekends events (waaaay back in 2012), everything you did on the game had a small survey at the end asking if it was fun/rewarding. What happened to that concept? When did ANet start to think that taking away things from the player and put it in some other content would actually make them do it and that players would think that now it is fun?
  24. It's easy! Tell them it's a 11 years old game, that had many DLC's (living world seasons) and 3 expansions. That should be enough information for them to understand that buying the base game will only grant access to part of the content that was released all these years. People had to pay for the core game and each expansion SEPARATELY back when they were released, and no one is complaining that they paid for that. Now, the core game is free , HoT and PoF are sold together and it's cheaper. LSW episodes were free for anyone who logged in when they were released, but everyone else who missed it (by 1 day, by a year or even more time) had to pay for it. That is how they still make some money nowadays. As weird as it sounds, free to play games aren't really free, part of it is free.. maybe they should start using PF2P instead.. partially free to play. That's their plan for now on with SoTO and future releases.
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