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Everything posted by ElderNewt.5840

  1. So it shows that they can do changes like this quiet quickly. Which means new weapons or revamping old ones should take that long at all.Aka.. They could easily revamp old Dungeon weapons as a new form of reward and make dungeons active again Or, this set was created some time back. You never really know. So they spent time making a new style aka adding aura to a weapon and not release it.. thus wasting time.More like they quickly thru it on. Which goes back to my comment about revamping old weapons for old content
  2. So it shows that they can do changes like this quiet quickly. Which means new weapons or revamping old ones should take that long at all.Aka.. They could easily revamp old Dungeon weapons as a new form of reward and make dungeons active again
  3. It's always the same.. The more popular items are normally always more expensive due to well.. Supply and Demand. What players are willing to buy on the TP in order to not go out in the world and farm for them. Thus higher material cost.In this case, Nevermore always is collection based and could be cheapre because of it.
  4. I use them as a form of RP that's all.For example.My main is a Necro Salad.. Therefore I have the title "Knight of the Thorn"
  5. This is why I'm hoping the balance patch to come is going to bring down a lot of classes to the same (ISH) level. Far far too much power creep across all modes.
  6. Players who know the basics of PvP before the hit Ranked.Make unranked actually mean something.. After all unranked is where you're suppose to go to learn PvP.Reward tracks - new meaningful ones.BALANCE!!! like seriously.. we have a Boon Spam, Hard CC and burst meta.. it's not funActively sort out the bugs.Kick out the bots 100% faster than what they are now.Match Manipulation as well.Afk players need punishing faster (guessing via reports, Maybe a 1hr time out if 8 reports during same match from different players?)New maps - capture the flag maybe? - Ask the players what they want there. and no NPC like whatever that map is.New tournements ... 1v1 ladder style, 2v2 etc (I know we have swiss coming)
  7. All depends on what you want from an MMO and what you're willing to not have if it means having more of something else.I'd say.. truely sit down and list the good things you love and the things you hate.. and go from there.
  8. Zero and with the state of things and how Anet has allowed things to get this far, I never will.I will however tell new people who have already got the game that new players have things to do that they may enjoy etc. But I refuse to try and sell something bad to friends.If Anet wants to sort things out finally. I don't mind relooking at the evidence in the future.
  9. I really hope we don't need the physical weapons to ascend futher as I forged them once I got the achivement.
  10. I support this because... "Big event"Miss the Big from Big Event. Change my mind.
  11. Without a ton of hard cc warrior would need a full rework as of right now it is very basic and predictable playstyle which most warrior archetypes are and needs to hard cc their opponent to reliably land literally every kind of bursts they have. The game has changed to a point where damage on classes are so high even warrior of all classes has to employ the kite,hard cc and burst. If that fails it has to kite and avoid damage until it can try another hard cc and burst again. Even a might/healing farting build running paly rune gets burst in seconds if it doesn't properly avoid damage thru evades and kiting. The part about warrior, necro was saracasm in response to original post.The last part was supporting the need for unique things for some classes like teleports
  12. Warrior has a ton of Hard CC - all classes should have hard CC or warrior should lose most of them for balanceNecro has fear - same as aboveetc etc. Each class as a certain skill more than others. It's how it is. So some classes have an extra benefit on a certain map.. Each class does.Ranger Longbow has Eternal Coliseum for it's full range ability for example.
  13. When a 3rd party tool did a better job and for free.. Nope.. I refuse to use the messed up crap they brought out. Especially as you are charged for it when it should be a base game feature.
  14. Please don't crush my hope for this.I want to believeeeee... But the past lerks too close haha
  15. I'm really hopefully. But I've also got a box of disappoint ready just incase Anet does their useual half ar*ed attempt.But their chatter before made me hopeful still.If they can hit the nail on the head with this, this will give them such a huge boost it's nuts
  16. Sorry but everyone loves the gemstore. So its in the Gemstore. The players have spoken
  17. In no specific order. Dungeons -Reworking old dungeons that needs reworking (outside story path)Adding more late game rewards like infusions or a token system towards legendary armour (as an idea)Get some late game dungeons going and stop relying on Fractals and Raids to keep people soley interested in PvE. Raids/Fractals -Shorter versions. Few more CMs focused on mechanics that's not DPS checks.Ban DPS readers. This has long been a toxic element to both contents due to DPS checkers, unbalancedprofessions and boon spaming. Balance -Sort out the balance team (No offense indeed). Get more communication on the ideas that they're looking at and actual feedback the communityThe players know what the current situation is with PvE and PvP and should not be ignored - sadly this is how it often is felt from past experiences (WvW is the same, but I think it is more numbers backend - but I could be wrong) Communication -It's gotten better, But needs more of - What's being worked on, devs talking about the time they are looking at to get things close to done etc. Half the issue with GW2 is not knowing what's coming and when at a time when players need these kind of things so there isn't any panic and doom. Under water content/weapons and balanceEnough said. Guilds and Guilds HallsWhat's the point of Guilds? - Make them something and a LFG section/UI for Guild recruitment to stop spamming Map Chat over n over Mail -Either get rid of or increase how many mails players can send. 2 is an absolute insult. You can even make it so it increases per account play time etc.oh and get some sort of GUILD MAIL going.Oh and OH.. increase the Mail characters, There isn't a lot of room to send much in mails. Especially with the mail restrictions Maps -Older maps need to be brought back into the loop and not always making new maps with every story content Gemstore -Stop putting everything in the Gemstore and more ingame - take out some things as rewards and put them into the gemstore - Transformation stones for example.I'm not saying no to Gemstore. But it needs to be properly based in quality not quanity. Dailies -Reduce the amount we got. There is way too many that takes all day doing, reducing what players can do without spending ALL day in the game. Perhaps get rid of some simple ones. (Too many per map basically) Bettle Races -Add some more in, they're fun, but not many. Achivements -The reward is too low atm. People see this as a stupid long term thing and don't bother. Make it more interesting for people to do. just a few achivements per bit helps. Achivement reward Armour -Make these become dyable. PvP -Balance as per aboveIt needs something outside PvP season to make things worth it outside tournments and reward tracks. WvW -There is a ton of things that has been said to mention here - more communication is needed with WvW. Elite specs -Aren't really a must thing, But MORE weapons available to professions. You can even replace some of the more useless traits that we have with traits aimed at those weapons. Cheaters and banning/punishment -You seriously need to SORT THIS OUT. Act fast.. don't wait for "group bans". If reports go in, Knowing that they're there 3 weeks later makes players wonder what is the point. It's enough it ruins pvp for the day, having bots and cheaters there throughout the season makes people just give up.
  18. Yes. Banned with a time out based system of ingame time not real time time.But nothing will happen naturally.
  19. Oh for pete's sake, what is wrong with you? MILK THE PLAYERS? You play this game for free, and now with no idea if we're even getting an expansion again, you play it for free indefinitely. What ELSE do you think is going to pay the salaries of the people who make this game? Clue in: it's the gem store. Of course it's the gem store. It has to be. They have to get paid too. People need to stop complaining about things ending up on the gem store.Without the gem store, THIS GAME COMES TO AN END. The issue isn't that THERE IS a gemstore. The issue is that 90% of things that come out goes INTO the gemstore. Making anything we do ingame less rewarding. It's the same reason why people hate Mobile gaming or even PC games like FIFA.People love to crap on subbed games, but then are happy to spend double/triple the cash on things that you would of most likely got or been able to get if you paid a subbed.The fact you cannot see the difference is what's wrong with this community still.
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