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Everything posted by Tsakhi.8124

  1. Story TimeI confess, one of the first characters I had, I boosted. So, I waddle my dumb butt into HoT, thinking "How bad could it be?" right? So, having had my butt handed to me too many times to count, I decided I'd level the good old fashioned way. (I was also wondering who the hell these people were and why were they so angry.) I learned the ins and outs of my class, had a dang good teacher and then went back to HoT and didn't die as much. I consider myself a very mediocre player. I eventually learned to read the enemies and study their tactics and that helped a lot. Just hang in there, my friend, it does get easier. If you need help, please feel free to add me and I'll see if I can help you out. As for those saying "git gud" or anything else along those lines, have you considered that maybe you don't know the full story? Maybe, just maybe, try to have a little bit of empathy. Edited because I'm sort of an addled brain dolyak.
  2. Then we'll be inferior together. I like the story, I like to dislike the characters. I like to hate characters. I love to fall in love with them again. Also, for the record, you're not inferior at all, those that say otherwise aren't worth the effort to care. The only reason I censor myself here is that if I don't, the censoring will be done for me. :P Just smack the jerks with a fried chicken, that's what I do. XD
  3. How bold of you to assume I'm made of money. (laughs in poor) TDC said it best, so I shall say no more. XD
  4. My guild, my friends, and the fact that the world is constantly expanding. I've learned that you can't please everyone, hence all the doom and gloom. I also play because it makes me happy.
  5. If you'd like, I can invite you to my guild: WISE. Several of my guildmates, including myself, have very bad anxiety, to the point we try to solo things because we're too concerned about being a bother. Let me know if you wanna join and I'll make it happen.
  6. @Lasiurus.4067 You're so awesome! I'm gonna try my luck at some of these! Also, you have such a soothing voice.
  7. Yeah, because shouting and demanding things fixes things quicker. As has been stated above, there is a lot more traffic and that makes for some unpleasant instabilities. It is also possible that, since they are working from home, they may not have the correct tools to fix an issue like this. A lot of my guildmates have been experiencing lags and DCs, too, myself included; had a complete crash a few days ago. Hopefully, they'll come up with a solution or a workaround. Until then, the least we can do is be patient: they're going through the same hell we are.
  8. I'm usually inspired by what I'm doing at the time. If I'm reading, it's fashioned after mythological characters, if it's gaming, I try to mimic the style the best I can. My Guardian, for instance, is designed after an interpretation of Isis, Goddess of Magic. My Deadeye is based off a character from Wild ARMS 3, but a female version. I also love to experiment with different types of outfits. Fashion Wars 2 ftw!
  9. In the spirit of fair play, this is my opinion. Those that entered SAB via pass should be compensated with their respective boosters replenished. Those that entered through the main entrance of SAB, where there is a red disclaimer that specifically states the stipulation of entry should be entitled to nothing; barring a disability, the warning was there, clear as day.
  10. To Almorra! The one Charr that put Bangar in his place and has famously told an enemy to "piss off" as she Sparta kicks his butt off a cliff. All hail the Soulkeeper~<3
  11. My river in the desert. Also getting feared off a platform to my untimely demise.
  12. I'm going to try and address all of these points, so I apologize in advance for grammatical/spelling/general coherence errors. The game doesn't have subscription, but there are some mandatory purchases one has to make!That's partly true. You don't have to buy anything, really, you can just grind...but let's face it, time isn't something a lot of us have so I do understand this point to an extent. The vanila game is free, but it sucks compared to the rest (leaving a bad first impression). I didn't think it was that bad, to be honest. That's my opinion, though. They say mileage may vary and that is certainly true with the full extent of the game, expansions and all. The story is very good, but not the initial one! It's very poorly told with your character having wooden dialogue and having you meet your new best friend in each act. How is meeting your new friends bad, exactly? And this is an MMORPG, you shouldn't expect Atlus quality storytelling. It seems as though a lot of people's expectations storyline-wise is a bit too high. Your goal is to fight the world ending elder dragons! But the climaxes on both the vanila story and expansions are unfinished (Zaitan fight is in beta state & HoT is obviously missing a few chapters near the end). But that battle is by no means in beta; it's been out for some time, now. I do agree that Victory or Death can be buggy as hell, though. Also, don't get me started on the Hearts and Minds scenario, soloing Mordremoth is not fun when everyone glitches out. You can buy both existing expansions at the price of one, But you'll have to pay a kitten ton of additional money for the living world content where most story is told.That's a fair point, but I'm going to disagree and I'll tell you why: An expansion, yes, an expansion, not just an extension, is around $50, Monthy subs are around $17.50 a month, or $210 a year. Considering for better or worse that expansions come out every few years and once you pay for the expansion, you get the subsequent stories that follow for free, that price becomes incredibly negligible in terms of returns and playability. The game's leveling system keeps old content relevant, but once you learn a mastery, you cannot experience the game without it again! That actually does suck, now that you mention it. I can't contest this point. All of the game's attributes mater for all classes, but if you are not playing with offensive attributes you are playing it wrong! Very subjective and a bit biased. Sorry, not everyone plays meta and they do just fine.The game has Dungeons! but, they are pretty much a joke in terms of balancing, and the devs have abandoned them for newer stuff. Agreed, and I really don't understand that; dungeons have so much untapped potential that it's really sad. The game has guild missions! but they haven't been updated in many years! Can't deny that, either.You can follow all the story up to the current patch (after paying) but the season 1 story is lost for good. Let's be honest, that was just a bad design flaw. I think they were still experimenting; not an excuse, of course, but it is what it is.Good news! They are adding back season 1 in repayable form... But, they are adding it back at a late story season 5 area as mini dungeons!... Each expansion offers new gear with new start combinations, but they are much harder to make and have no significant advantage compare to the one you are getting easily in the vanila game. I see those kinds of things long term goals, to be honest. Lots of small and big problems are being left here and there that no one is going back to fix them. Agreed, the patches have bugs and the bugs have patches and then we have more bugs because the patch broke something else. It's like that in ALL MMORPGs, not just Guild Wars 2.The recent patch was a disappointment, as for once we though that the missing season was going to be added back, but it looks like Arena is trying to please the wrong audience!That is your opinion, nothing more, nothing less. I enjoyed it, personally, but that's my opinion and it has equal weight. Why would you lock Season 1 on mid season 5 content? Technically they didn't, they're excerpts from season 1, not the entire season itself. My opinions are opinions, not facts.
  13. Sure is! However, you being biased against it does make me tip more towards the "perhaps not" spectrum. Nothing has changed regarding battle, story, or solo content. So, if you want to give it a try, go for it.
  14. There is a constantly shifting balance in my opinion. That may sound like an oxymoron, but when you consider each season has its own learning curve, the statement makes a bit more sense. That being said, I don't think it's really hard. Even the most difficult bosses die as soon as you learn about their weaknesses. And my mind is wandering and suddenlllllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyy. The only bosses I can think of that gives me a poo ton of trouble are the Raid Bosses, and that's because I really, really, suck at raids. >.> Just Monika OK
  15. I wish to see more posts like yours. Also, I love hugs! I'm a hug addict! +hugs everyone that wants/needs one+
  16. Then take a break, this game will be here should you decide to come back; it ain't going anywhere.
  17. I cannot thumbs up this enough and that makes me a sad Tsakhi Dolyak. Add to that, that most of the fatalities are the elderly and people with compromised immune systems. I can't visit my grandma, though, and I really want to.
  18. As selfish as this sounds, I don't want to be responsible for anyone else on my initial play-through, namely because I don't know what's waiting for me. If someone needs help, I'll gladly help them, but for the most part I stay to myself the first time around.
  19. If this isn't allowed, I apologize. A little bit of history: I like to do beadwork and when I was making this necklace, I had several things in mind: rain, rainbows, storms, and the song of the rain. Now that I look at it, it kind of reminds me of what you might make in Guild Wars 2 as a jeweler, but not as good. XD So, anyway, here it is.
  20. +excitement intensifies++Excitement Intensifies+Excitement at full capacity, charging the lasers. Woooosh!
  21. Yeah, it does suck, but I look at it like this: The next battle won will be all the sweeter. Glad everything is squared away.
  22. Still doesn't help that you don't elaborate on the situation; you started this thread thinking you were the only one that was getting punished. People tell you otherwise, you go on to say you're a competent player, yet the downed penalty is frustrating you. I'm missing something, I know I am, I just don't know what.
  23. What class do you play if you don't mind my asking? The reason I ask is so I can better understand the situation. I'd much rather know the circumstances as opposed to haphazardly giving advice.
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